Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 78


        Establishing Standards for Digital Currency

        As fully digital transactions increasingly
        become  the norm, the vital  groundwork
        to prepare international  standards for
        digital currency is accelerating. Regulators,
        industry  and academia are collaborating
        to  ensure interoperability and security –
        key  prerequisites  for digital  currencies  to
        match and  exceed  the  role  of cash in our
        daily lives. Key lessons from digital currency
        pilots will be shared next week at the DC3
        Conference:  From Cryptocurrencies  to
        CBDCs, taking  place online  from 25  to  27
        January 2022.  DC3 discussions  will  build
        on  valuable 'pre-standardization' studies
        supported by  the Digital  Currency Global
        Initiative — a partnership of the International
        Telecommunication  Union (ITU)  and the
        Future of Digital  Currency  Initiative at
        Stanford University.

        Telkom Withdraws Urgent Application to Halt IMT Spectrum Auction

        Telkom has requested  the  removal of   the litigation that it intends to proceed with   players,  with Communications minister
        its  urgent application to interdict ICASA   the previously announced timetable for the   Khumbudzo Ntshavheni,  Rain,  MTN and
        from proceeding with Invitations To Apply   spectrum auction (8 March 2022), the High   Vodacom  all  subsequently  challenging
        (ITAs) for IMT  spectrum. The  company   Court of Pretoria is yet to decide on the date   Telkom’s  urgent  application. MTN  South
        said:  ‘Telkom  has  reached  agreement   for the hearing. As previously reported by   Africa  CEO Charles  Molapisi said: ‘While
        with  all  the respondents  on the need  to   TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate,  in early   the current ITA is  not perfect,  we believe
        expedite the hearing for part B of Telkom’s   January  2022  Telkom  filed  High  Court   the regulator has tried to strike a delicate
        two-part  application’,  although  it  added   papers  to block ICASA  from proceeding   balance for all players. We cannot have a
        that it ‘reserves its rights to reinstate the   with the  IMT spectrum  auction,  claiming   repeat of 2021, where the entire process
        matter  on short  notice  should  it  become   that the regulator ‘has not corrected many   was delayed for another full year, and that
        necessary’.  While  ICASA  reportedly  of the issues from its  previous attempt’.   on  the  back of 14 years of no  additional
        informed  Telkom and the respondents  to   The move was widely criticized by industry   spectrum being added to the industry.’

        Pakistan Up 14 Places in Internet Network Residency Index

        Pakistan  has jumped  fourteen  places  to   technologies.  Last  year, the IT  Ministry   by the board to provide high-speed internet
        97th position in the 2021 internet network   approved the allocation  of funds for the   services to approximately 2.2  million
        residency  ranking. Reports  in local   Universal Service Fund (USF) projects for   people  in un-served and under-served
        media said the  Ministry  of Information   high-speed internet services and contracts   areas of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
        Technology submitted a written response   for  next-generation  broadband.  The  (KP)  provinces,  per report.  Meanwhile,
        in the upper  house of parliament during   approval was given in the 77th meeting of   the ruling party leader and Parliamentary
        the question hour and informed that  the   the Board of Directors of Universal Service   Affairs minister Ali Muhammad Khan,
        country's ranking has improved. Pakistan   Fund (USF), the board approved the USF’s   speaking during the session, apprised the
        was  ranked 111  in  the 2020  ranking, the   budget  worth approximately  Rs18  billion   panel that the PTI government was taking
        reports claimed while adding  that the   for the fiscal year 2021-22. Four Universal   steps to make the country’s small airports
        country  now ranked 68  on adopting  new   Service Fund projects have been approved   functional.

                                                                                                    78    JANUARY 2022
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