Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
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                         The  government  made almost €3.7  billion available   ultra-broadband strategy. The approach also includes
                         to  help boost the deployment  of  1Gb/s broadband   plans to connect schools and healthcare facilities, and
                         services in underserved areas. Infratel Italia, the agency   promote the development of 5G networks. Funds will
                         in charge of managing the project, stated the aim is to   come  from Italy’s  Recovery  and Resilience  Plan, the
        Italy            cover a further 7 million households with high-speed   nation’s program under the European Union’s Recovery
                         broadband  networks offering  download  speeds  of
                                                                        and Resilience  Facility, which aims  to mitigate
                         1Gb/s and 200Mb/s uploads. Interested parties have   the  economic  and social impact of the Covid-19
                         until 16 March to submit bids for the funding. A total of   (coronavirus)  pandemic.  The  most recent  data from
                         15 geographic lots are up for grabs and the work must   the FTTH Council Europe showed Italy was expected
                         be completed by 30 June 2026. The public funding will   to increase its FTTH footprint to 16 million households
                         contribute up to 70 per cent of costs incurred. The call   by the end of 2021, up 46 per cent over 2020. By 2026,
                         for tender is the first under the new Italia a 1 Giga plan,   the figure is expected to reach 26 million households.
                         one of  a  number  of  initiatives  within  Italy’s  national   (January 18, 2022)

                         Draft  legislation  is  being  finalized  in  Kazakhstan   and calculation of the electromagnetic compatibility of
                         which will  simplify  procedures for issuing mobile   civil radio electronic equipment.’ Winning bidders will
                         spectrum licenses and enforce frequency compatibility   be approved by the ministry on the recommendations
                         standards, as  the telecoms  authorities  prepare to   of its subordinate agency, the State Radio Frequency
        Kazakhstan       launch  a competitive license  auction  later this year.   Service. The Kazakh  government set a  2022  target
                         The auction strategy overseen by the Ministry of Digital
                                                                        for 5G mobile launches in the country’s largest cities.
                         Development, Innovation & Aerospace will be supported   The process of refarming  and releasing  the required
                         by the new rules currently contained in the draft order   commercial 3.5GHz mobile frequency bands remains
                         ‘On  the approval  of the rules for the assignment  of   ongoing, whilst the nation’s cellcos have launched pilot
                         frequency  bands,  radio  frequencies,  the  operation  of   5G network sections in selected city districts.
                         radio electronic equipment and high-frequency devices,   (January 28, 2022)

                         Latvian  telecoms  watchdog  the Public  Utilities   the auction for  the rights for technology  neutral
                         Commission  (SPRK)  has  finalized  the  results  of   spectrum in the 700MHz band which was completed
                         its auction  of spectrum  rights in the  1.5GHz  band.   in December  2021 and raised a total of EUR13.27
                         Concessions  were awarded  to Latvia’s three  mobile   million (USD15.03 million) for state coffers. The sale
        Latvia           network operators  (MNOs),  Tele2 Latvia,  Latvijas   comprised  the allocation of  three 2×10MHz  lots
                                                                        (20-year duration)  and two 1×10MHz  lots (17-year
                         Mobilais Telefons (LMT) and Bite Latvia. Bite and LMT
                         paid EUR280,000 (USD312,134) each for their licenses   duration). The paired blocks were acquired by Latvia’s
                         – for the 1432MHz-1452MHz and 1452MHz-1472MHz   three mobile network operators (MNOs), with Latvijas
                         blocks, respectively – whilst Tele2 paid EUR220,000 for   Mobilais Telefons (LMT) submitting the highest bid of
                         the 1492MHz-1512MHz block. SPRK head Alda Ozola   EUR3.52  million  for the 713MHz-723MHz/768MHz-
                         said of the additional frequencies: ‘Any new spectrum   778MHz block whilst the 723MHz-733MHz/778MHz-
                         band increases the performance  of electronic   788MHz block was awarded to Bite Latvia for EUR2.86
                         communications networks. The 1.5GHz spectrum band   million and Tele2 paid EUR2.42 million for the 703MHz-
                         will  strengthen  the capacity of  the mobile network,   713MHz/758MHz-768MHz frequencies. The unpaired
                         including by providing high download speeds and data   spectrum  lots, meanwhile,  were purchased  by Tele2
                         coverage  in the  country, given the currently growing   and LMT following 179 rounds of bidding that saw the
                         volume of downloaded data.’(January 31, 2022)  price rise from EUR150,000 per lot to EUR2.24 million.
                                                                        Tele2 was awarded the 738MHz-748MHz frequencies,
                         The   telecoms  watchdog  the  Public  Utilities  whilst the  748MHz-758MHz  block  was  won by LMT.
                         Commission  (SPRK)  has  confirmed  the  results  of   (January 4, 2022)

                         President  Weah has reportedly submitted  a  Bill  to   Liberia  Telecommunications  Corporation  Mobile
                         parliament requesting  amendments  to the legislative   (LTC Mobile),  recently  rebranded  from LIBTELCO.
                         framework,  specifically  the  Telecommunications  Act   FPA cites  the president  as  saying the changes:  ‘Will
                         of 2007, in order  to ‘ensure smooth operations  and   ensure a  structural compliance  allowing the Liberia
        Liberia          management’  of  the country’s  state-owned PTO   Telecommunications  Corporation  to be  repositioned

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