Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 95


                          The  Utilities  Regulation  and Competition  Authority   5G across  the government,  enterprise  and consumer
                          (URCA) of the Bahamas  has floated the possibility   sectors, as well which regions of the Bahamas show
                          of introducing  a  third player to the market this year   the most demand – and need – for 5G. Additionally,
                          in its proposed  Annual  Plan for 2022.  The  advent   URCA is looking to establish how much investment in
        Bahamas           of  5G  is  also  firmly  on  the  regulator’s  agenda  for   infrastructure will be required to facilitate 5G services.
                          2022,  with  URCA noting that  “The National  Public   TeleGeography reports that URCA is in the process of
                          Consultation will be guided by… the specific demand   conducting a review of the market to assess the viability
                          for 5G services in the Bahamas and the different roles/  of a third market player. Once it has concluded this, the
                          types of 5G services in relation to the current 4G/LTE   regulator  will  provide its  policy recommendations  to
                          mobile services.” Through the public consultation, the   the government on the matter.
                          regulator is aiming to identify potential use cases for   (January 9, 2022)

                         Belgium approved spectrum auction rules which could   Proximus, Orange Belgium and Telenet/Base.  BIPT
                         introduce a fourth MNO to a country with a population   explained frequencies in the 900MHz (5MHz duplex),
                         of less than 12 million people and ramp competition   1800MHz  (15MHz  duplex),  2100MHz  (5MHz  duplex)
                         with the nation’s current major operators. The Belgian   and 700MHz  (5MHz  duplex)  have been  reserved for
        Belgium          Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications   a new  entrant. Candidates  have until 16 February to
                         (BIPT)  issued a  call  for tender  for the long-awaited   submit their bids and the auction is due to take place
                         auction,  which  will  assign new frequencies  for 5G   in June. Proximus launched 5G services in April 2020,
                         networks, and existing 2G, 3G and 4G radio spectrum.   making use of existing spectrum assets along with a
                         Licenses in the 700MHz, 900MHz, 1400MHz, 1800MHz,   temporary license in the 3.6GHz to 3.8GHz band which
                         2.1GHz  and 3.6GHz  frequency  bands will  be up for   was awarded to all three existing players. Last month,
                         grabs. The 700MHz,  1400MHz  and 3.6GHz  bands   Telenet outlined plans to employ the temporary license
                         are designated  for 5G.  Notably, the auction  includes   and existing 4G frequencies  to launch  5G in limited
                         a  package of spectrum  reserved for a  possible  new   areas.
                         MNO, which would then compete with existing players   (January 17, 2022)

                         The telecom regulator Anatel postponed its ruling on   The government  launched  its  770km  ‘Infovia  00’
                         the sale of Oi SA OIBR3.SA mobile operations, as one of   fiber-optic cable on Friday 14 January, as it seeks to
                         its board members asked for more time to analyze the   bring broadband connectivity to one million residents
                         matter. The regulator's next scheduled meeting would   of the states of Amapa and Para, ‘including riverside
        Brazil           be on Feb. 10, but it decided to set a new extraordinary   dwellers  and  artisanal  fishermen’.  The  fiber-optic
                         meeting  for Monday, Jan. 31.  Oi'sobile  operations
                                                                        cables are being installed along riverbeds  to  reduce
                         are expected to be sold to local rivals TIM SA TIMS3.  the environmental impact. The initiative is part of the
                         SA, Telefonica  Brasil's  Vivo VIVT3.SA and Claro, a   Ministry of Communications-backed ‘Norte Conectado’
                         subsidiary of Mexico's America Movil AMXL.MX. They   program, itself a  part  of the ‘Programa Amazonia
                         won the  assets  in  a  2020  auction with  a  joint  bid of   Integrada  Sustentavel’  (Sustainable  Integrated
                         16.5 billion reais ($3.06 billion). Prior to board member   Amazon Program). The deployment of the Infovia 00
                         Vicente Aquino requesting an additional period of time   network is  expected  to be completed  by 31 January,
                         to  review  the matter,  rapporteur Emmanoel Campelo   with metropolitan  networks due  to be  deployed  by
                         had recommended  the  deal be  approved  with a few   March 2022.  Studies regarding  the implementation
                         reservations. Shares in Oi were stable at 1.01 real in   of ‘Infovia 01’, which will connect Santarem (Para) to
                         afternoon trading, after falling as much as 7% earlier.   Manaus (Amapa), are underway, with that phase of the
                         TIM's shares were up about 0.5% and Telefonica Brasil   project expected to take place in the fourth quarter of
                         about 0.8% each, while Brazil's Bovespa stock index.   2022. A total of eight subfluvial cables will be deployed,
                         BVSP dropped 0.1%. (January 31, 2022)  spanning  12,000km  and traversing the Amazonas,
                                                                        Negro, Solimoes, Madeira, Purus, Jurua and Rio Branco
                                                                        rivers. (January 18, 2022)

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