Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
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                         in a manner that will bring more services and benefits   Committees on Telecommunications and Judiciary for
                         to the people, while reducing structural bureaucracies   review and recommendations, with a mandate to report
                         which  hinder  the functions  and smooth  running  of   back to Plenary ‘within two weeks.
                         the corporation.’  The  Bill  has been  forwarded  to the   (January 25, 2022)

                         Federal Telecommunications Institute (Instituto Federal   year  quest  for  a  pay-TV  license  remains  unfulfilled
                         de Telecomunicaciones,  IFT) has reportedly voted  to   for now. The source told the news agency: ‘There’s no
                         deny America Movil (AM) a pay-TV license. According   certainty of a new proposal.’ TeleGeography notes that
                         to  Reuters, which cites a  source with  knowledge  of   AM-backed Telmex is Mexico’s largest ISP and fixed
        Mexico           the matter, two IFT commissioners voted to deny the   voice provider in terms of subscriptions, while cellular
                         request outright, while the other three commissioners   unit Telcel serves more than 60% of the mobile market.
                         dismissed the proposal as  containing  ‘procedural   (January 27, 2022)
                         defects. The decision  means that  Carlos Slim’s  15-

                         The telecoms watchdog  the Agency  for Electronic   2031. EKIP revealed four blocks of 5MHz in the 2.6GHz
                         Communications  and Postal Services (EKIP)  has   band, valued at around EUR192,000, remained unsold.
                         announced  the auction  of a  total of 220MHz  of   Meanwhile, the government  of  Montenegro adopted
                         spectrum in the 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2GHz and 2.6GHz   a roadmap for the deployment of 5G networks on 24
        Montenegro       frequency bands staged in late December 2021 raised   December.  The document,  prepared by  EKIP  and  the
                         a total of EUR7.086 million (USD8.027 million). Mtel will   Ministry of Economic Development, aims to encourage
                         pay EUR5.911 million for frequencies in the 900MHz,   the implementation of all  necessary  steps to  enable
                         1800MHz, 2GHz and 2.6GHz bands, while Telenor and   the introduction of 5G mobile networks by the end of
                         Crnogorski Telekom won  2.6GHz  spectrum with  bids   2022, by which time a national 5G strategy should be
                         of  EUR825,011  and EUR350,000,  respectively.  User   adopted.
                         rights are valid from 21 April 2022 until 1 September   (January 4, 2022)

                         The government has once again extended the deadline   and other  enrolment agents have opened  centers
                         for the country’s mobile phone users to register a valid   across the country to make it easier for eligible citizens
                         National Identification Number (NIN) with their service   and residents to obtain and link their NINs. Nigeria had
        Nigeria          provider, as the focus shifts to remote areas, schools   just  over 185  million users at  the end of  September
                         and health centers. The date has now been postponed
                                                                        2021, notes TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database,
                         from 31 December 2021 to 31 March 2022, following   down from around 200 million subscribers nine months
                         ‘a  request by  stakeholders,  including  citizens, legal   previously,  due to  the ongoing  registration program.
                         residents and Nigerians in the diaspora’. The aim of the   According to the government the total of unique NIN
                         NIN and SIM registration exercise, which commenced   enrolments reached 71  million at  end-2021, with  an
                         in December  2020 and has been  extended  multiple   average of three to four SIMs per NIN.
                         times, is to improve the security  in the West African   (January 4, 2022)
                         nation. To facilitate the  process,  telecoms  operators

                         The Independent Consumer & Competition Commission   application,  and as  well  as  comments  received
                         (ICCC) has proposed granting clearance to Australia’s   from both industry  participants and other  relevant
                         Telstra for the latter’s proposed acquisition of Digicel   stakeholders,  including  available market information,
                         PNG and its subsidiaries. In a press release issued via   the ICCC has concluded in its draft determination that
                         social media, the ICCC announced that it has decided to   the proposed acquisition will not have, or will not be
        Papua New        hold a ‘pre-decision conference’ related to the clearance   likely  to  have, the effect of substantially  lessening
        Guinea           application lodged by Telstra related to the acquisition,   competition in any telecommunication services market
                         while it has also released a draft determination related   …  The ICCC therefore proposes  to give clearance  to
                         to the application.  Commenting, ICCC commissioner   Telstra  to proceed  with  the proposed  acquisition.’
                         and CEO Paulus Ain said: ‘After careful consideration   Comments have now been invited on the watchdog’s
                         of the information provided in Telstra’s  clearance   draft determination, with the ICCC having set a deadline

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