Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 105


                         The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining confirmed   July 2020 with the approval of Law 19,889/2020, which
                         that  the  long-awaited  launch  of  mobile number   stipulated that mobile user have the right to number
                         portability officially came into force on 12th January.   portability. Following this, a committee to oversee the
                         Mobile users were previously unable to  retain their   introduction  of MNP  was  established. Its  proposals
                         mobile number  if  they  chose  to  switch between   on  the  system’s general  rules,  regulatory conditions,
        Uruguay          networks. Under the new legislation, operators  must   and implementation  timeframe were approved by
                         transfer numbers  within three  days and are obliged   the government  in January  2021.  Over the course  of
                         to cover the cost  themselves, rather  than charging   the year, tests were set to commence  in July ahead
                         consumers for the service. However, consumers may   of a commercial launch on 1st October. In May 2020,
                         only transfer their number  between  networks three   concerns  around the security  and transparency  of
                         times per year. The ministry stated that the introduction   the implementation  led to the launch  being  pushed
                         of MNP would help to safeguard consumer rights, as   back. In August, the Cleartech-Cietel consortium was
                         well as boosting competition  between  the  country’s   appointed as the database administrator for the first
                         mobile operators Antel, Claro and Movistar. As reported   five years following the launch of MNP.
                         by TeleGeography, the  introduction process  began  in   (January 14, 2022)

                         The telecoms regulator says the COVID–19 outbreak   demonstrating  an urgent need  to bridge  the digital
                         has  exposed  serious shortcomings in  operators'   divide. This can be achieved through  government
                         capacity to meet demand  for key services like   intervention and innovative public-private partnerships
                         broadband  coverage. In a commentary to the  third   aimed at improving the digital landscape by ensuring
                         quarter report  on telecoms  sector trends,  the Postal   access, equity and affordability of telecommunication
        Zimbabwe         and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (Potraz)   services to all. Particular attention needs to be paid to
                         called for immediate action to ensure that broadband   rural areas  as  broadband  coverage of technologies,"
                         coverage expands  to all  regions  of the country.   said Potraz. However, Potraz said a deal inked between
                         Potraz emphasized  that the  COVID–19  outbreak   State-run  mobile  phone  outfit,  NetOne  and  Chinese
                         had demonstrated that  broadband coverage was   technology  giant, Huawei helped improve broadband
                         increasingly becoming important. It said government   provision on the market during the period. The US$400
                         should  work with operators  to ensure access  to   000 deal between  NetOne  and Huawei involves the
                         this service  is enhanced.  "The  ICT (information   provision of high-end  telecoms  technologies  to
                         communication  technology)  sector has  transformed   Zimbabwe's second biggest mobile phone firm. Potraz
                         and evolved  due to the COVID-19 pandemic;  the   said  while  the  growth  was  significant,  pockets  of
                         outbreak resulted in increased demand and acquisition   deficits were still being experienced in rural areas. It was
                         of  ICT  services by  consumers,"  Potraz  said.  "The   also expected to unlock up to 1 500 job opportunities
                         sector  is  expected to continue  evolving rapidly with   during  implementation.  "NetOne has  partnered with
                         increased innovation and enhanced connectivity in the   Huawei  on a  broadband  expansion project, hence
                         country. Going digital is now more important than ever   the high number of deployments in the quarter under
                         with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to transform   review," the telecoms regulator said. The data showed
                         how we  live, work  and interact with  one another.  As   that Zimbabwe's three mobile telecoms firms - NetOne,
                         the pandemic  continues  to disrupt normality, the   Telecel  and the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed
                         importance of a robust and inclusive digital economy,   Econet Wireless, deployed five new 2G, 12 new 3G and
                         together with reliable broadband services is imperative.   37 LTE eNode Bs technology to their networks during
                         The pandemic has exposed access gaps in the country,   the period.   (January 2, 2022)

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