Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
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                         The telecoms regulator Arcep has revealed the number   1800MHz/2100MHz and 1,934 in the 3500MHz bands,
                         of operational  5G sites  in the country  at  the end of   while Altice boasted 1,475 sites (1800MHz/2100MHz)
                         Q3  2021,  with  Free Mobile leading the pack  with   and 1,934 (3,500MHz).  For its part, Orange  had 475
                         12,000 base transceiver stations (BTS),  followed  by   sites in the 1800MHz/2100MHz and 2,177 BTS in the
        France           Bouygues  Telecom  (5,003), Altice France  (3,160) and   3500MHz bands. Elsewhere, Orange France had a total
                                                                        of 19,857 LTE-A sites – using carrier aggregation (CA)
                         Orange (2,473).  Free is  the sole operator  currently
                         offering 5G  commercial  services in the 700MHz  and   in at least two bands and capable of offering minimum
                         800MHz  bands (12,000  sites), with 1,691 of these   speeds of 240Mbps – at the end of Q3 2021, followed
                         sites also equipped to offer services in the 3500MHz   by  Free Mobile (16,828), SFR (14,084)  and Bouygues
                         band. Bouygues meanwhile had 4,701  sites  in  the   (12,963). (January 4, 2022)

                          The  Telecom  Minister  Ebrima  Sillah  has  confirmed   you pay for and what you use and the rest should return
                          that the  Ministry of Information  and Communication   back  to  the state  and ensure its  reused  or for other
                          Infrastructure  (MOICI)  has  issued  the  country’s  fifth   purposes.’ Regarding Giraffe’s ownership, the minister
                          GSM  mobile network operating  license  to  a  start-  noted that ‘between 60% and 70%’ of the new company
        Gambia            up company named Giraffe Telecom. Minister Sillah   is owned  by ‘ordinary Gambians who are doing
                          stated  that  ‘there  is  a  space  for  a  fifth  operator’,   business in this country.’ The Gambians currently have
                          adding  that heightened  competition  would  be  ‘good   a choice of mobile services from four operators, two of
                          for the Gambian customers. Regarding availability of   which – Africell and Gamcel – launched in 2001, before
                          mobile frequencies,  Sillah disclosed:  ‘PURA  [Public   further competition arrived courtesy of Comium Mobile
                          Utility  Regulatory Authority] some months  ago did   in 2007 and QCell in 2009. In October 2021 the MOICI
                          a  consultancy on usage  of spectrum and it’s  a  fact   ordered a one-month suspension of Comium’s network
                          that  almost  75%  or more of the entire spectrum  of   operations because of overdue fees, although a court
                          the  country is in the  hands  of two operators  and   subsequently sided with the cellco, which meanwhile
                          sometimes not being used. So, the spectrum alignment   received assistance from UK-headquartered Monty
                          consultancy was meant to ensure that you keep what   Mobile to clear its debts. (January 13, 2022) Daily The Voice newspaper

                         The Federal Network Agency (FNA, Bundesnetzagentur)   communities. We are now taking the next step,’ said the
                         has published  for consultation  its  ‘points of   FNA’s President Jochen Homann. The deadline for the
                         orientation’ for the future award of mobile spectrum.   submission of comments on the points of orientation
                         The consultation is  combined  with  an initial  survey   and companies’ forecast spectrum requirements is 21
        Germany          of the future demand  for spectrum  for mobile   March 2022. (January 25, 2022)
                         communications  ahead of  the expiry  of  frequency
                         usage rights in the 800MHz, 1800MHz and 2600MHz   The  competition  authority warned  Google  parent
                         bands at  the end of 2025.  The  points of orientation   Alphabet  it was  now able to take action  against the
                         describe  the circumstances  relevant to the future   company’s practices  across a  range  of areas after
                         provision of the  spectrum  and also  present aspects   declaring  it fell under  an extended  remit to control
                         needing  clarification  and  considerations  on  the   the actions  of large  digital players. In a statement,
                         duration of the spectrum usage rights, the competitive   the Bundeskartellamt indicated following a probe into
                         independence  of the fourth  mobile network operator   Alphabet and subsidiary Google, the two were subject
                         (MNO), competition-related and coverage obligations,   to extended  abuse controls added  to Germany’s
                         and the  promotion  of cooperation.  The  aim of the   competition  laws  in 2021.  The regulator  added  as
                         initial demand survey is to examine signs of possible   a  result it  had already extended  an  assessment of
                         spectrum scarcity, which is an important aspect for the   the company’s  use of personal  data  and showcase
                         future award proceedings. The responses anticipated   of news. To fall under  the  rules businesses  must be
                         from the market participants will  form a  base upon   determined  to  have  “paramount  significance  across
                         which to determine  the next steps for an objective,   markets”,  with the  authority  pointing  to Google’s
                         transparent and non-discriminatory  process for the   dominant position across search alongside significant
                         provision of the  spectrum.  ‘We need  to set the  pace   strength in other areas through Android, YouTube and
                         for the spread of digital technology. Broadband rollout   advertising services. “The company has an economic
                         needs  to pick up speed  and dead  spots need  to be   position of power which gives rise to a scope of action
                         eliminated.  At present,  the  spectrum  below  1GHz is   across  markets  that  is  insufficiently  controlled  by
                         particularly key to delivering mobile broadband to rural   competition”, indicating  it  could  reap a  competitive

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