Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 103


                         and regulatory  framework for the telecoms  sector,   may be postponed or slowed down in some countries.
                         while provision was made in the following year to set   On the consumer side, spending on telecoms services
                         up a regulatory authority to oversee the telecom sector.   and  devices  is  under  pressure  from  the  financial
                         More recently, three types of licenses were mandated   effect of large-scale job losses and the consequent
                         to provide clarity to operators, and to bring the market   restriction  on  disposable  incomes.  However, the
                         closer  into line with international standards. All   crucial  nature of telecom  services,  both  for general
                         operators were given until August 2020 to secure one   communication  as  well as  a  tool for home-working,
                         of the three license types. Despite the many inherent   will  offset such  pressures. In many markets the net
                         difficulties  faced  in  the  country,  the  telecom  market   effect should be a steady though reduced increased in
                         has flourished. Tariffs are among the lowest in Africa,   subscriber growth. Although it is challenging to predict
                         and new cable systems coming on stream in the next   and interpret the long-term impacts of the crisis as
                         few years (providing additional connectivity to Asia and   it develops,  these  have been  acknowledged  in the
                         Europe) will lead to downward pressure on retail pricing.   industry forecasts contained in this report. The report
                         BuddeComm notes that the outbreak of the pandemic   also covers the responses of the telecom operators as
                         continues to have a significant impact on production   well as  government  agencies  and regulators  as  they
                         and supply chains globally.  During the coming  year   react to the crisis to ensure that citizens can continue
                         the telecoms  sector  to various degrees is  likely to   to  make  optimum use of  telecom  services.  This  can
                         experience  a  downturn in mobile device production,   be reflected in subsidy schemes and the promotion of
                         while it may also be difficult for network operators to   tele-health and tele-education, among other solutions.
                         manage workflows  when  maintaining  and upgrading   (January 18, 2022)
                         existing  infrastructure. Overall progress towards 5G

                         A much-delayed  auction  of 4G and 5G spectrum   play despite the application process proceeding. ICASA
                         in  South Africa attracted broad support,  with   chair Keabetswe Modimoeng urged operators to allow
                         communications regulator ICASA revealing it received   the latest process to be completed. “Ultimately, public
                         applications from six operators. ICASA stated the local   interest should prevail, as this process will yield positive
        South            units of MTN and Vodacom were among the bidders,   spinoffs for the industry and society at large.” Telkom
                         along with Cell C, Telkom South Africa, Rain Network
                                                                        South Africa appears to have dropped plans for a court
        Africa           and Liquid Telecom. The regulator will  announce   challenge to the auction process, but is said to remain
                         which  have  qualified  to  participate  on  21  February   keen on a legal review of its arguments, proposing this
                         2022.  Spectrum  in the 700MHz,  800MHz,  2.6GHz   happen early in March. Last month the operator’s group
                         and 3.5GHz frequencies are up for grabs to boost 4G   executive for regulatory and government  relations
                         and 5G  deployments in  the nation.  The auction was   Siyabonga Mahlangu stated Telkom was “pleased with
                         originally scheduled for March 2021 but was put on ice   the cooperation it has received from the parties”.
                         following legal challenges which appear to still be in   (January 31, 2022)

                         The Science and ICT Minister Lim Hye-sook has said   that LG Uplus is at a relative advantage as the spectrum
                         she will meet with the nation’s three mobile network   block to be sold is adjacent to frequencies already held
                         operators (MNOs) – SK Telecom (SKT), KT Corp and LG   by the smaller player – meaning it will cost LG Uplus
                         Uplus – to discuss plans for the sale of additional 5G   less to utilize it.  As a result,  earlier  this week SKT
                         spectrum, Yonhap News Agency reports. Last month   filed a request to the MSIT for an additional 40MHz of
        South Korea      the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) announced it   spectrum to be made available, citing the need for fair

                         would open  bidding  for a  20MHz  block of spectrum   competition among the three cellcos. Commenting on
                         in the 3.5GHz  band (3.40GHz-3.42GHz),  following  a   the matter, Lin was cited as saying: ‘It remains unclear
                         request by LG Uplus, before subsequently confirming   whether the auction will open next month … I will meet
                         the  new frequencies  would  be priced  at KRW135.5   the CEOs of the three telecom operators next month to
                         billion (USD114 million). However,  both SKT  and KT   request their cooperation, as well as to convince them
                         have complained about the ministry’s decision, arguing   and listen to their opinions.’ (January 27, 2022)

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