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        global trend towards adopting advanced Wi-Fi standards to meet   Headquarters,  F-5/1,  Islamabad.  The  deadline  for responding  is
        evolving connectivity needs. To ensure optimal utilization of the 6   8th February, 2024. The draft framework may contribute in further
        GHz band, PTA is closely monitoring the commercial availability of   growth of telecom sector of Pakistan by providing opportunities
        Wi-Fi 6E-enabled devices. These devices include routers, laptops,   of new investments. (January 22, 2024)
        access  points,  and  more.  The  authority  is  also  conducting  field
        trials  to  ensure  the  co-existence  of other  services  operating   In  line  with  its  ongoing  commitment to  enhancing  the
        in  the  6  GHz  band, emphasizing  the  importance  of harmonious   technical  capacity  of Pakistan’s  telecom  industry, Pakistan
        spectrum usage.  PTA’s  proactive  efforts  extend  beyond Wi-Fi   Telecommunication Authority  (PTA)  successfully  organized  a
        6E,  as  the  authority  is  contemplating  the  adoption  of future  Wi-  two-day workshop on  'IPv6  Transition' and  'Routing  Security' in
        Fi  generations,  including  Wi-Fi  7.  These  initiatives  underscore   collaboration  with  the  Asia-Pacific  Network  Information  Centre
        PTA’s  commitment  to positioning  Pakistan  at  the  forefront of   (APNIC),  the  Internet  Society  (ISOC),  and  the  Pakistan  Network
        wireless  connectivity. By  embracing the  latest  Wi-Fi  standards   Operators  Group  (PKNOG).  The  workshop featured  esteemed
        and  anticipating  future  technological developments,  PTA aims   foreign  speakers  and  witnessed  active  participation  from
        to empower citizens and businesses to leverage the full potential   professionals in the telecom industry, underscoring the collective
        of cutting-edge wireless  technologies  in  the  evolving digital   commitment to staying abreast of technological advancements.
        landscape. (February 6, 2024)          Speaking  on  the  occasion, Chairman  PTA, Major General  (R)
                                                               Hafeez Ur Rehman said that PTA is well aware of the importance of
        Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) invites comments/   capacity building therefore it is working closely with international
        feedback on draft framework for Mobile Virtual Network Operator   stakeholders  for  the  capacity  building  of the  telecom  industry.
        (MVNO)  services. The  draft  consultation  framework  is  available   The  successful  execution  of this  capacity-building  workshop
        at  PTA website  (  signifies a significant step towards achieving PTA's broader goals
        consultation-papers). Comments (through email or in print form)   of fostering innovation,  ensuring cybersecurity, and positioning
        on the draft MVNO framework may  be submitted at faheemahsan@  Pakistan's telecom industry as a leader on the global stage. (January or  Director  General (Wireless  Licensing),  PTA   18, 2024)


        The  Communications  Regulatory  Authority  (CRA)  has  published   monitoring their compliance with these obligations, and resolving
        the resolution results of telecom consumers’ complaints received   consumers’ complaints if not resolved by the service providers or
        in 2023 to mark World Consumer Rights Day, observed annually on   if consumers are not satisfied with the provided resolution.”
        March 15. In 2023, CRA received 1,344 complaints and inquiries   (March 18, 2024)
        from consumers about telecom services in Qatar. CRA evaluated
        complaints based on a set of criteria to determine their validity   In  line  with  Qatar’s  Internet  Protocol Version  6  (IPv6)
        to CRA’s complaint process; 535 were valid complaints and CRA   Implementation Strategy and as an essential component of the
        resolved around 98% of the total valid complaints received. Also,   ongoing joint  capacity-building efforts,  the  Communications
        CRA is working with the telecom service providers Ooredoo Qatar   Regulatory Authority in  Qatar  (CRA)  in  collaboration  with  the
        and  Vodafone  Qatar  to  finalise  the  related  investigation  of  the   Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC),
        remaining  ones. The  statistics  indicate  that  73%  of  all  received   conducted a  three-day  training  course on  IPv6  from February
        complaints  were  related  to mobile services and  the  highest   19  - 21,  2024.  The  training  course was attended  by attendees
        percentage  were  related  to postpaid  billing,  packages  and   representing Qatar’s IPv6 Taskforce Members from Aspire Zone,
        service  disconnection.  As  for  fixed-line  services,  the  statistics   Qatar  Energy, Ministry of Public Health,  Hamad International
        indicate that they were 27% of the total complaints, and the most   Airport,  Sidra  Medicine, General  Authority  of Customs, Carnegie
        received  complaints  were  related  to Internet,  landline,  and  TV   Mellon  University-Qatar, Qatar  University, Hamad Bin  Khalifa
        service interruptions and billing. Amel Salem al-Hanawi, director   University, Qatar  Foundation,  Ministry  of Education  and  Higher
        of Consumer Affairs Department at CRA, said: “We mark World   Education, Qatar Airways, and the University of Doha for Science
        Consumer  Rights  Day  by  reaffirming  our  ongoing  commitment   and Technology. The training was thoroughly designed to equip
        to ensuring  that  telecom  consumers  in  the  State  of Qatar  have   participants  with  the  essential knowledge and  skills  required
        their  rights  protected.  Also,  in  line  with  CRA’s  keenness  to   for a seamless and successful transition from Internet Protocol
        enhance  transparency, we will  continue  publishing  and  sharing   version  4  (IPv4)  to  IPv6.  It  provided  an  in-depth  exploration  of
        the  data  related  to consumers’ complaints.  “CRA  ensures   critical  aspects  of  transitioning  to  IPv6  such  as  configuration,
        protecting consumers’ rights by developing necessary regulatory   deployment,  routing,  and  security.  It  addressed  the  significance
        instruments  to effectively  regulate  the  telecommunications   of IPv6 and its necessity for modern networks. The course offered
        sector, granting the  telecom service providers  the  necessary   foundational  knowledge  on  planning  IPv6  deployment  and
        licenses,  determining  the  necessary  obligations  on  them,   addressing  strategies.  Furthermore, it  encompassed  additional

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