Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        Assistant  Undersecretary of the  Ministry of Information for   technology that had been tested in Kuwait. "Soon, we will work out
        Media Services and New Media Sector, Saad Al-Azmi, announced   agreements to operate this technology as we had done previously
        the  launch of the  new digital  platform (51)  on May 12,  which   with respect of G5 and G4 technologies." he revealed. On Security
        will  integrate  all  of the  Ministry’s  content  digitally. Al-Azmi’s   concerns,  he  indicated  that  the  National  Cybersecurity Center
        statement  came during  a  press  conference  held  to announce   was  activated  a  few  months  ago,  affirming  CITRA's  support  for
        the  details  of the  platform and  its  launch,  which  will  coincide   efforts to protect clients' data. Moreover, he affirmed necessity of
        with  the anniversary of the  launch of Kuwait Radio  on May 12,   laws and legislation for facing such challenges. "Cyber criminals
        1951,  in cooperation  with  Fasttelco. He stressed  that  the  team   make use of loopholes in the social media and communications
        will  persist  in  their  efforts  until  the  upcoming  launch, ensuring   to launch their attacks thus new strategies are needed to confront
        diverse  content,  including  Ramadan  programs, on Kuwait  TV’s   such crimes,"  he  added.  Meanwhile,  Yi  expressed  satisfaction
        digital  platform until  the  transition  to the  new  platform (51),   for  expanding  the  cooperation  with  CITRA  and  elevating  the
        whose goal is to embrace modern media technologies. Al-Azmi   competition  ability  in  the  sector of information technology  and
        described the platform as a gateway to innovative digital content,   communications in Kuwait as well as boosting the national digital
        transcending traditional methods and offering effortless access   economy. Enhancing the digital economy is necessary to create a
        to television and radio content. It enables users to enjoy timeless   dynamic and competitive market, Yi said, also noting the need for
        archival pieces  and live broadcasts  of all  Kuwait  TV channels   sponsoring the culture of innovation at this level. Furthermore, he
        and  radio stations.  Emphasizing  its  family-friendly  design,  he   underlined the need for developing infrastructures of future smart
        highlighted adherence to Ministry of Information regulations and   towns  as  a  pivotal  issue  for attaining  neo-Kuwait  vision  2035.
        the platform’s reflection of Kuwaiti cultural values and creativity   (March 8, 2024)
        in  media, art, awareness,  sports, and drama. It  is  projected to
        generate a substantial return of KD 5.050 million over five years,   Communications and  Information  Technology Regulatory
        along with 10 percent of net advertising profits and subscriptions.   Authority (CITRA) called on mobile and fixed subscribers to update
        Additionally, the  Ministry will  retain  ownership  of its  archive   their  data  to ensure  the  continuity  of their  access  to services
        and trademark, ensuring  control over platform  content. On  her   from companies. The Manager of the Competition and Operators
        part, Nouf Al-Mashaan,  representing  Fasttelco,  emphasized  the   Affairs Department at the authority, Khaled Al-Qarawi told KUNA
        significance of collaboration between the private and government   that the registration list of subscribers to communication services
        sectors in advancing services. Leveraging their technical expertise   were obliged all licensed companies to urge their customers to
        and  infrastructure, she  highlighted  their  leadership  position   update  their  expired  personal  data  and  information registered
        in  delivering  an  unparalleled  media experience.  Al-Mashaan   with  the companies.  Al-Qarawi emphasized  the  importance  of
        noted  that  their  project  opens  doors to  Kuwait’s  rich  visual   maintaining  the  continuity  of service to subscribers  during the
        and  audio archive, accessible  worldwide,  promoting not only   update  phase,  adhering  to protocols set  by  mobile  and  virtual
        Kuwait’s  history  and  culture  but  also  the  Arabic  language.  She   telecommunications  providers.  He  emphasized  the  significance
        expressed  pride  in  cooperating  with  the  Ministry of Information   of public awareness of the registration list for mobile and fixed
        and other government agencies, underscoring their commitment   telecommunications services on the TRA website and urged them
        to exploring opportunities for a prosperous media future aligned   to avoid fraud. (February 5, 2024)
        with a common vision. (March 12, 2024)
                                                               Kuwait’s  Public-Private  Partnership  Projects  Authority,  in
        The  Chairperson  of Kuwait Communication and  Information   collaboration  with  the  Ministry of Communications (MoC), has
        Technology  Regulatory  (CITRA)  has  affirmed  significance  of   invited  local and international  companies and  consortiums  to
        a  memorandum of understanding  (MoU) CITRA  has  recently   submit  qualification  applications  for  a  major  fixed  telecoms
        inked  with  Huawei.  Omar  Al-Omar,  in  a  statement,  said  the   network development  project.  The  process  seeks  to establish
        MoU is  crucial for  boosting  CITRA's  strategic  initiatives,  digital   ‘a  collaborative  venture  between  the  public  and  private  sectors
        innovation  and  skills,  pushing  forward  the  digital  economy and   with  the  overarching  goal  of  enhancing  fixed  networks’,  and
        developing  infrastructures  of future smart cities.  Al-Omar said   encompasses  various  facets  including  the  design,  financing,
        the  MoU  he  had  signed  with  Steven  Yi,  President  of Huawei   construction, operation, maintenance, and transfer of ownership
        Middle  East  and  Central  Asia,  recently  in  Barcelona, Spain,   of new fixed infrastructure, whilst the chosen bidder will also be
        aims  at  enhancing  mutual cooperation  and  contributing  to the   handed the responsibility of operating the existing fixed network
        development  of information  and  communications in  Kuwait.   currently operated by the MoC, with a focus on its improvement
        Kuwait is currently "considered the top in the world with respect   and expansion of high speed broadband services into additional
        of phones'  operations."  Al-Omar said,  noting  widespread  usage   regions.  The  existing  Kuwaiti  telecoms  operators are  excluded
        of state-of-art technologies  and the  reasonable  prices in  the   from the  tender.  Through a  formal  agreement  with  the  MoC
        country.  Huawei  provides  "adequate  solutions"  to the  operators   (alternatively  referred  to as  the  Ministry of  Transportation),
        and meet all their needs, he said, alluding in particular to the G5.5   the  winning  bidder will  undertake  the  modernization  and

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