Page 15 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
P. 15


        The  Working  Group  has developed   connected, nearly all in low-and middle-in-  and ensure their contribution to achieving
        a  five-part  framework  and  four  core   come countries (LMICs).       the SDGs.
        recommendations  for all  stakeholders
        to  play  their part  in  enabling  MSME   A  priority  should  be MSMEs  in  these
        connectivity.                        countries –key drivers of the economy and   Greater adoption of digital technology and
                                             providers of employment –most of whom   participation  of MSMEs  in digital  trade
        Acceleration  of  digital  connectivity  has   do not fully leverage digital connectivity to   brings important economic benefits, drives
        been  in progress since  the recent  global   run their businesses and engage in trade.   the demand for digital capacity and in turn
        pandemic. The good news in  2021  was   Increasing  access  and capability  to use   improves the business case for further in-
        that  the  number of digitally connected   digital channels and tools could be one of   vestments in infrastructure: a virtuous cy-
        individuals rose  sharply.  However,  there   the most  powerful mechanisms  to boost   cle that can accelerate the expansion and
        is an urgent challenge to connect the un-  the resilience of small businesses in LMICs   improvement of connectivity.

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