Page 12 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
P. 12


                               STATE OF THE WORLD'S BROADBAND

        Broadband  Development  around  the  World:  Consider-

        ations for the Road Ahead

        The  events of the  last  three  years,   just how critical stable, broadband ac-  “We won’t rest  until we live
        with  a  glob-al  health pandemic  and   cess is and will continue to be. While
        the swift international pivot to digital   the global markets still  face strong   in  a world where meaningful
        delivery of goods, services, work, and   economic  headwinds today, digital   connectivity is a lived reality for
        play, have yielded unique insights into   con-nectivity has accelerated as peo-
                                                                              everyone, everywhere.”
                         Key Considerations                                ple, businesses, and governments pivoted strongly

                                                                           towards  online communications,  and we  contin-
                                                                           ue to  see new internet devices and applications,
                                                                           growing broadband  penetration  into developing

                                                                           The  Broadband  Commission  for Sustainable
                                                                           Development  continues  to see progress as  we
                                                                           move towards universal and meaningful  online
                                                                           activity.  It  is heartening  to note that the  global
                                                                           offline  population continues  to steadily decline
                                                                           to 2.6 billion people in 2023, a reduction from the
                                                                           estimated 2.7 billion people offline in 2022.

                                                                           “This  improvement in  connectivity  is  another
                                                                           step in  the right  direction,  and  one more step
                                                                           towards leaving no one behind in support of the
                                                                           UN Sustainable Development  Goals,”  said ITU
                                                                           Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin.“
                                                                           This year’s ITU State of Broadband 2023 reviews
                                                                           the progress of the seven Advocacy Targets, and
                                                                           notes the wins that can be seen as we move to-
                                                                           wards broadband being universally available, equi-
                                                                           table, and affordable. Yet despite the gains, market
                                                                           trends for consumption  and supply are  shifting,
                                                                           and may not be strong enough to guarantee that
                                                                           the objective of universal and meaningful connec-
                                                                           tivity will be met by 2030. It therefore looks at the
                                                                           cost of meeting Broadband Commission targets –
                                                                           what are the considerations for how the next lap
                                                                           of connectivity for digital transformation can and
                                                                           should be financed and funded? It offers five con-
                                                                           siderations for the road ahead..

                                                                           The  Broadband  Commission  for Sustainable
                                                                           Development welcomes stakeholders and partners
                                                                           to work on achieving universal and meaningful
        Broadband Commission’s recently launched report, Digital Connectivity: A Transformative   connectivity  by  2030,  to ensure not just
        Opportunity,  examines the shift  from  supply-driven to demand-driven  communication
        access, providing insights into the financing and funding considerations required to support   connectivity, but also that those who are connected
        the next stage of connectivity for digital transformation.         have the skills and knowledge to use it.
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