Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        some examples of different market sectors   operators. These signalling attacks  have   that 75% of the responding operators cited
        that  are totally  dependent  on resilient,   risen to global attention since 2014, and are   complexity  and cost as  the main  issues
        always   available  telecommunication  continuing  to increase in sophistication.   blocking  implementation of advanced
        networks. Mobile networks,  due  to their   Espionage on a  massive  scale abusing    countermeasures to signalling exploits
        convenience, pervasiveness and increasing   mobile  telecom  networks is  being   – this  indicates  that  there is  potentially
        innovation (5G) must   be  considered   continuously    conducted  by  a  few  well   still  a  lack  of understanding  regarding
        critical infrastructure and their ensured   resourced, competent security agencies in   the potential  severity of attacks  against
        security  and protection must be at the top   the MENA region.  Call  intercept,  location   the network, with losses on a total outage
        of Government  agendas if  their ambition   tracking,  data  download  and device   running into the millions.
        is to support the  digital aspirations  of its   hijack  are now an  everyday  occurrence
        citizens.                            and unfortunately due to a lack of Carrier    Proper National Security Strategy
                                             security focus/knowledge,  is  getting   There are multiple players who are
        Cyber-Security and Protecting Against the   easier everyday. The old proverb, “HE WHO   working to secure critical communications
        Future of Warfare                    KNOWS NOTHING ,FEARS NOTHING”, rings   infrastructure  through  regulation,
        Media headlines the world over have been   true here!                    government  mandates and operator’s
        prophesising  devastating scenarios from                                 security measures.
        cyber-attacks, and the conversation has   The global interconnected nature of tele-
        turned  from what  could  happen, to  real-   communications networks has undeniably   It  should be noted  that  the  majority
        life news stories of attacks.        contributed  to  the rapid development  of   of a  nation’s  key  telecommunication
                                             society overall  by  enabling  cheap, easy,   infrastructure is  essentially divested to
        This is compounded by industry predictions   global collaboration and access to shared   private/public companies. Under GDPR,the
        that the next war will be a cyber-based one   knowledge resources. At the same time, it   recent  European data regulation (May
        – to be waged via “computers, servers and   has provided a headache for some govern-  2018) operators now own the subscriber’s
        digital weapons”. Cyber-warfare threatens   ments whose motivations may be to stifle   data  security responsibility,  but  it’s  an
        our connected  future  and  becomes   those who are perceived as a threat to their   open  question as  to  whether  they  have
        exceptionally  relevant  when it’s  realised   own political views and agendas.  any responsibility in protecting the actual
        that the underlying  telecommunication                                   country in which they operate.
        infrastructure has been  vulnerable  to   Throughout the course of AdaptiveMobile
        attacks for a number of years.       Security’s  experience  with  working  The issue of national telecommunications
                                             with  mobile operators  across the world,   infrastructure  security  is  further
           Mobile  networks  , due  to       we continue  to see  evidence  of state-  complicated  by the  fact that regulators
           their  convenience,  perva-       sponsored security  probing,  intelligence   across the globe are often funded or part-
                                             gathering,  location tracking, and voice /
                                                                                 funded by mobile operator levies or fees –
           siveness  and  increasing         messaging /  data  interception  against   the very entities that they are supposedly
           innovation  (5G)must  be          individuals.  Telecommunications  is  regulating.
                                             an entirely different  paradigm now,
           considered  critical  infra-      with  vast  services running  across the   One of the most significant concerns, both
           structure and their ensured       networks adding a layer of complexity and   from a national security perspective and for
                                             complication  most  governments  to  date
                                                                                 the normal running of an operator’s day-
           security   and  protection        have chosen to overlook.            to-day business comes from the potential
           must be at the top of Gov-                                            effects of security weaknesses or defects
           ernment  agendas  if their        Despite  this,  a  significant  number  of   in the core components that a network is
                                                                                 made up from. These types of issues are
           ambition is to support the        relatively open  to attack  today.  In the   of particular relevance  if the equipment
           digital  aspirations   of  its    European  Union, the Agency  for Network   vendor  is  based  in  a  foreign country  (as
                                                                                 is  most  often the case), and where the
           citizens .                        published  an evaluative report  on the   nation  state of that vendors  home  may
                                             state  of  signalling security in  telecoms   be at  odds with  the nation hosting the
        As is well-researched  and documented,   SS7/Diameter/5G,  “EU  level  assessment   communications network.
        signalling  networks  using  protocols such   of the current situation”, in March 2018.
        as  SS7,  Diameter  and  GTP  are  under   This highlighted  that at the time of   We know from our work with operators
        attack from adversaries  and fraudsters,   the  report,  only  28.21%  of  responding   across the  globe that progress is being
        exploiting  loopholes in the protocols   networks had implemented  a  signalling   made. Many  carriers have deployed
        to breach subscriber  privacy, intercept   firewall  to  guard  against  malicious   protective measures and many  more
        communications,  deny  access to key   attacks  originating from the international   have a  strategy  in  place to  ensure their
        services  and to directly  defraud  mobile   interconnect points. The report also states   networks are secured, yet attacks continue

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