Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        moving towards the concept of ‘Secure by   customers are not technology-enthusiasts.   of course challenges to be aware of also.
        Design’  though  the question  is  whether   Some  might consider  purchasing  a TV   But  as  with  every  challenge,  there is  an
        this progress is fast enough  to prevent   today as no different from a decade ago,   opportunity to be the good  guy.  Security
        serious consequences.  And to be fair,   therefore not appreciated the risk which a   solutions for digital products are nothing,
        consumers  are becoming  more aware of   gateway to the internet creates.  anti-virus software has been  around  for
        the risks of a digitally orientated society.   The question  is  whether  this  is  the best   decades  after all,  but security platforms
        However, the fact that data breaches and   approach to ensure security?  to  manage all  connected  objects inside
        leaks  still  occur  validates the argument   The  consumer  IoT space  is an incredibly   the home are not common. This is not to
        that security attitudes are not evolving fast   fragmented  and embryonic  ecosystem.   say products  should  not be  ‘Secure by
        enough. “Smart technology is increasingly   There are a  huge number  of inventors   Design’ but  added  layers of security, and
        central  to the way we live our lives, so   attempting to  create the next big thing   a  proposition  which helps manage the
        the development  of this legislation to   and companies  attempting to embed   complexities might well be a product more
        ensure that we are better  protected  is   connectivity  into everything or  anything.   digitally aware consumers would buy into.
        hugely  welcomed,”  said Nicola Hudson,   It  is a  lot of moving parts  and plenty   In creating these new rules, the ecosystem
        Policy and Communications  Director  at   of opportunity for something  to go   is being forced down the right path, while
        the National Cybersecurity Centre. “It will   wrong. Some  companies  might go  out   it  promotes the concept  of Cybersecurity
        give shoppers  increased peace  of mind   of business, and therefore stop offering   in the minds of  the consumer  also.  The
        that  the technology  they  are  bringing   security updates.  In  the mad rush to get   more aware, and afraid, the consumer
        into their homes is  safe, and that  issues   products to market, some elements might   is  of  the  dangers  of a  digital  society,  the
        such as  pre-set  passwords and sudden   be overlooked. And of course,  there are   more likely they are to spend money. The
        discontinuation  of security  updates are   those who will simply ignore the rules. This   question  is, who could  create a platform
        a  thing of the past.”  This is  perhaps  the   might sound negative, but it is reality. The   to  address  this  area? The telcos are in  a
        risk which is being faced today. As these   Government  is  not doing  anything wrong   strong position, but you can bet Big Tech is
        devices are just  making their way into   by suggesting this new law, it is certainly   already investigating.
        mass  market  purchases, new customers   progress to force more security conscious
        are being engaged, and perhaps these new   products  onto  the market, but there are

        Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association Sues NCA Over DTT Access
        Control Policy -Reports

        The  Ghana Independent  Broadcasters   Access System that has been introduced   through  the use of this Conditional
        Association (GIBA) has reportedly dragged   as  a  mandatory  requirement by  the NCA   Access System is an unconstitutional and
        the National Communications  Authority   brings  an unnecessary  restraint on the   unnecessary abridgement of the freedom
        and the Attorney General’s Department to   operation  and establishment  of private   of the press. The Association is seeking an
        court  over the NCA’s  decision  to  enforce   media. The  Conditional  Access  System   order instructing  the NCA to  remove any
        Conditional  Access  for Free-to-Air TV   will ultimately see media content of Free-  system in the nature of Conditional Access
        broadcast. GIBA says that the Conditional   To-Air broadcasters  blocked by Ghana’s   that blocks the content  of Free-To-Air
        Access  for Free-to-Air TV broadcast is  a   government  unless  specific  criteria  have   television channels from being broadcast.
        violation of the right to free press that was   been met before access to the content is   The  NCA had made no media statement
        enshrined  in the  1992 Constitution.  In a   granted  to the general  public. GIBA  also   regarding this matter at the time of going
        document filed at the Supreme Court last   wants a declaration that the blockage of the   to press.
        week, GIBA  argued  that  the Conditional   media content of Free-To-Air broadcasters

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