Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 139


        the matter, Telecom Egypt was reported as saying: ‘Telecom Egypt   the mutual consent of both parties. The pair agreed on a cash
        is closely following the aforementioned potential transaction to   consideration of USD2.392 billion for the UK group’s shareholding
        consider all of its possible investment options and opportunities.’   in Vodafone Egypt, equivalent to an enterprise value for 100% of
        last  week it was  revealed  that stc had signed  a  non-binding   the company of USD4.350 billion; the final consideration will be
        memorandum of understanding (MoU) with UK-based Vodafone   determined upon signing of the definitive agreements.
        Group to acquire the latter’s 55% stake in Vodafone Egypt. The   (February 6, 2020)
        MoU is effective for a period of 75 days and can be extended with


        The Iranian internet service has suffered hours of disruption in   head of Iran’s Telecommunication Infrastructure Company. The
        what  telecoms  authorities  say  was  the result of DDoS  cyber-  official  later  posted  another  tweet  saying  that  a  last  service
        attack  that  was  dealt  with  swiftly.  A  senior telecoms  ministry   provider affected by the attacks had reported normal conditions
        official  said  that  a  “powerful”  distributed  denial-of-service   later on Saturday. DDoS attackers normally use hijacked or virus-
        (DDoS)  attack  that began  11:54 a.m  local Iranian time on   infected  computers  to target websites. During  such attacks,
        Saturday caused users to experience connection issues. Sajjad   websites become unreachable after an unusually large number
        Bonabi said that the attack had affected several service providers   of requests for information are sent to them, causing the servers
        in Iran, including two notable mobile operators. He said in a post   that host them to fail. Officials have yet to elaborate on the origin
        on Twitter that  the DDoS  attack  was  dealt with immediately   of the attacks and whether they had been motivated by political
        using the Iranian Information Technology  Fortress, known as   objectives. Twitter sources close to the communications ministry
        DEJFA.  “Through  an  intervention  by  DEJFA  and  cooperation  of   said the spoofed IP addresses from which the “highly distributed
        colleagues  in  Infrastructure Company,  the communications  are   attacks”  had been launched  were from  East  Asia  and North
        now in a normal condition,” said Bonabi who himself is the deputy   America. (February 9, 2020)


        Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), in   promoting the importance of IPv6 deployment, including the many
        partnership with the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission   benefits and advantages that it offers. We would like to extend our
        in Jordan (TRC), successfully hosted a series of workshops and   appreciation to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
        training sessions aimed at increasing the awareness about IPv6   in  Jordan  (TRC)  for  the  important  role  and  engagement  in  the
        deployment in Amman, Jordan. The sessions, which took place   nation’s  transition to IPv6”.  The trainings and workshops fall
        recently at Le Royal hotel were attended by representatives from   in line with  the RIPE  NCC commitment  towards supporting its
        telecom operators, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), TRC and key   members  in the Middle East  Region  with  technical  expertise
        stakeholders from the private sector. The sessions were aimed at   related to IPv6 deployment and other networking topics.
        educating participants about IPv6 deployment and other related   (February 5, 2020)
        topics. Two training courses were conducted over three days. A
        basic IPv6 training course, which discussed IPv6 adoption and   The Jordanian Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship
        deployment, and an advanced IPv6 training course, which looked   (MoDEE) has migrated its ICT infrastructure to the cloud, as part
        at the similarities between IPv4 and IPv6 and how to make your   of its ongoing  digitalization process.  The  MoDEE completed
        network IPv6 ready. Maha Ziad Mouasher, Studies and Research   the migration using Nutanix’s enterprise  cloud  software. The
        Officer at TRC said: “TRC remains steadfast in its commitment   move will help the Jordanian government provide a whole new
        to provide the much-needed support to further expand Internet   range of online services to its citizens. “We don’t like to call it
        connectivity  and to enhance  telecommunications  services   e-government anymore; it’s a digital transformation for Jordan,
        nationwide, including the efforts to promote IPv6 deployment. We   where we move to a digital economy – where we allow each and
        are pleased at the success of this collaborative event with RIPE   every service to be provided digitally and paid for digitally,” said HE
        NCC and we look forward to working closely with them across   Mothanna Gharaibeh, Jordan’s Minister of Digital Economy and
        future  endeavors”.  Chafic  Chaya,  Regional  Communications   Entrepreneurship. “This cannot happen without having everything
        Manager at RIPE NCC said, “We are very pleased at the successful   on the cloud – quick and efficient. So Nutanix has indeed been a
        turnout of these training sessions in Amman, which was aimed at   good partner in helping us to deliver this mandate.” The MoDEE

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