Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 130


        European  Telcos  Support Harmonized and Fact-Based  EU Rules on 5G


        ETNO,  the  Association  representing  developments  indicate  that  5G  provides   that  strong pro-investment policies in
        Europe’s  leading  telecom  operators,   new,  innovative opportunities for making   the  field  of  spectrum  auctions,  network
        supports  a  harmonized EU  approach to   networks and communications  more   sharing and fiber roll-out are all essential
        5G security.  Security  is  at  the heart  of   secure.  Technologies  such as  network   to  achieve a  better climate for  European
        our on-going  work  to deploy  resilient 5G   slicing,  encryption  and AI-based network   telecom  investment. In this context,
        infrastructure across European territories.   controls provide new tools to increase the   European  telcos will continue  pursuing  a
        We therefore welcome today’s publication   resilience and security of a country’s digital   multi-vendor strategy, so that Europe can
        of the  “5G Security Toolbox”, presented   infrastructure.  At  the same time, telcos   rely on a diverse pool of network suppliers,
        by EU Member States with ENISA and the   are stepping  up  their  security  efforts so   who compete  to deliver high-quality,
        European Commission. Europe’s decision-  that resilience is ensured also in complex   secure and affordable network equipment.
        making on 5G should continue being based   network architectures, which present a   ETNO  and its members  look forward to
        on  facts, it should  be  proportionate  to   broader surface for potential attacks. From   collaborating  with  National Governments,
        threats and  build on a solid understanding   the viewpoint of Europe’s competitiveness,   ENISA and the European  Commission
        of technology  reality.  In this context,  we   a timely roll-out of 5G is a key enabler of   to  continue  ensuring  an  informed  and
        invite National  Governments  to  avoid   the European Commission’s  objective   technology-savvy  implementation of the
        disproportionate actions that negatively   to  ensure EU  leadership in global  digital   5G  security  framework.  This  includes
        impact the investment climate,  and   markets. This is crucial to empower both   a European approach  to Cybersecurity
        which could  in turn harm both  Europe’s   consumers and business across European   assessment  and  certification  of  critical
        competitiveness and its strategic position   regions. Telecom  companies  remain fully   network elements.
        in  5G   development.  Technological  committed  to such  objective and believe

        World Economic Forum and ISPs Lay Out New Internet Security Principles

        The World Economic  Forum  Centre
        for Cybersecurity, in cooperation with
        leading  Internet  service providers (ISPs)
        and multilateral  organizations around
        the world, have developed  new Internet
        security  principles to help  protect  up to
        one billion consumers in  180  countries.
        According to the World Economic Forum’s
        Global Risks  Report  2019, the impact of
        indiscriminate  malicious activity  on the   one company  can do it  alone. The   of signaling and routing to reinforce their
        Internet can be significant and will carry an   community  needs to come  together, and   defense against  attacks.  “By  adopting
        estimated global price tag of USD 6 trillion   these principles can accelerate and scale   these best practice principles and working
        in 2021. The new Cybersecurity principles   impact.” After a year of development and   with governments  in a  public-private
        have been  endorsed  by  BT, Deutsche   testing,  the  partners  have  identified  four   partnership to  create a  supportive  policy
        Telekom, du Telecom,  Global  Cyber   effective principles  as  being  successful   framework, we will collectively boost trust
        Alliance,  Korea  Telecom,  Proximus,  Saudi   in  preventing malicious activities  from   in  the  digital  economy  and  significantly
        Telecom, Europol, Singtel, Telstra, Internet   reaching  consumers.  It  is  recommended   reduce  cybercrime,”  said Stefaan De
        Society, and the ITU.  It  is  stated that   that ISPs protect  consumers from   Clerck, Chairman,  Proximus Board. The
        ISPs  are a  critical community  that have   widespread cyber attacks by default, and   World Economic Forum  said it will  now
        the ability  to  protect consumers  against   act collectively with peers to identify and   use its  Platform  for Shaping  the Future
        Cybersecurity  threats and therefore have   respond  to known threats.  The providers   of Cybersecurity and Digital Trust to drive
        a  significantly  positive  impact  on  their   need  to take action  to increase their   the adoption of their stated principles. In
        safety. Amy Jordan, Delivery Lead, Platform   understanding  of threats  and to  assist   addition,  this organization will  seek to
        for Shaping  the Future of Cybersecurity   consumers  in  protecting  themselves  and   initiate a dialogue  between  public  and
        and Digital Trust, World Economic Forum,   their networks.  The ISPs  also  need  to   private stakeholders on how governments
        said, “Cybersecurity is becoming a public   work closely with hardware, software and   can advance the implementation of these
        safety issue. As more and more devices   infrastructure manufacturers and vendors   principles, and also establish clearer policy
        are connected and physical infrastructure   to increase  minimum  security  levels, as   frameworks and expectations.
        becomes  increasingly connected,  no   well as take action to increase the security
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