Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 136


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                              IN SAMENA REGION


        The Ministry of Telecommunication announced a reduction of data   companies at a lower rate, but the private companies are in a tight
        prices by the Afghan Telecom and Salaam, state-owned telecom   collusion with each other trying not to lower the data prices. The
        companies.  According to the Ministry  of Telecommunications,   main issue with the state-owned Salaam telecom company is its
        Afghan Telecom has reduced its data prices by 30% and Salaam,   low technical capabilities and inability to provide the same service
        another  state-owned  telecom  has reduced  its internet  data   quality as the private companies that will of course not lead to a
        package prices by 20%. This comes as the telecom and internet   market competion, Mirwais Arya told Khaama Press. Mohammad
        users have been regularly complaining  of a  high  internet  price   Fahim  Hashimi,  the Minister  of  Telecommunications  had early
        in Afghanistan. A year ago, a campaign naming ‘#WhereIsATRA’   said that the telecom companies buy a one-gigabit internet for
        started by some youths against low telecom service quality and   less than AFN 10.00, but resell at AFN 180.00 which is 18 times
        high  internet  prices. Mirwais  Arya, one  of the key members  of   higher than the original price. Despite the high internet data price
        the ‘#WhereIsATRA’ campaign  who has closely  monitored the   in Afghanistan, the quality of the service is way lower compared to
        telecom operations in Afghanistan told Khaama Press that the   the neighboring countries. The data speed in Pakistan and India,
        Ministry of Telecommunication which is the wholesale provider   the two close neighbors of Afghanistan are much higher and the
        of the  internet  data is ready to provide  internet  to the  private   price is way low compared to Afghanistan. (February 18, 2020)


        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA) has   needed  to enhance  the quality of application. Furthermore, the
        opened the registration for the Cyber Safety Award, which aims   TRA has also opened registration for those wishing to join the
        to encourage  members  of society and educational  institutions   judging panel. Applicants need to be experts and leaders in the
        in  Bahrain,  to  create  awareness  content  in  the  field  of  Cyber   following  professions:  film  producers,  film  directors,  narrators,
        Safety.  Registration will  be  open to students  from public  and   scenario  writers,  film  critics,  social  media  experts,  internet
        private secondary  schools,  as  well as  educational  institutions,   security experts, educationalists, and other related professions.
        schools and universities, to  nominate distinguished  students   Judges for the Cyber Safety Award will be selected based on their
        for participation.  Applications  are to be  submitted  in the form   experience and level of expertise. (February 22, 2020)
        of a short film, of no more than 120 seconds in length, covering
        the impact of overutilization of social media on young people’s   The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA)  of the
        social relations and psychological wellbeing. “Through SafeSurf’s   Kingdom  of  Bahrain  held  a  workshop  on  the  5th  of  February,
        initiatives,  the  TRA  seeks  to  enable  youths  in  the  Kingdom  of   2020  to shed  light on the success of the national broadband
        Bahrain by opening the innovative fields to promising talents to   network project  and share its  experience  with other  regulators
        spread awareness among the community as well as encouraging   from around the region. The National Broadband Network project
        students  to  achieve  cyber  culture  in  the  field  of  cyber  safety   was a key objective in the government’s vision through the 4th
        focusing on the effects of it on their day-to-day life.” Says Sh.   National Telecom Plan. In simple terms, this project is the result
        Abdulla  bin  Humood  Al  Khalifa,  TRA’s  Director  of  Consumer   of Batelco  having  been  split into two separate  entities  which
        Affairs  and Media.  Upon registration, online  training sessions   are independent of each  other. The newly formed  “BNET” is  a
        will become  available to participants,  aiming to help  improve   wholesale organization managing Bahrain’s Fixed Infrastructure.
        the skills required for the production of short films. The training   Batelco is one of the existing operators in the Kingdom that would
        will  be  presented  by photography  director  Mr.  Hamad  Abdulla,   lease this infrastructure, along with STC Bahrain and Zain Bahrain
        winner of several international television series and programmes   among other ISPs to offer retails services to end users. This led
        awards. The  training  sessions will  illustrate techniques  of   to the establishment of a new economic regulatory framework in
        photography, montage and filmmaking, to acquire special skills   line with Government’s policy directions under the 4th National

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