Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 138



        The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory Commission   asked [the stakeholders] not to take fright,” he said. Hasan said
        (BTRC) claimed  that the level of radiation by  mobile  phone   the High Court had asked them to submit a report on this issue,
        towers was not harmful for human health and the environment.   which they would do soon. Professor Dr. Satya Prasad Majumder
        The telecom regulator made the claim following radiation tests   said  the  BTRC  survey  finding  was  very  satisfactory.  “Rumors
        on 70 mobile network sites last year at more than 10,000 sites   regarding the tower need to be overcome. There’s nothing to be
        in the country.  “The standard permissible  amount  of radiation   afraid of,” he said, urging the BTRC to continue the survey and
        exposure from mobile network tower is  below the level of   take appropriate steps to eliminate public misperceptions on the
        international standards  and  BTRC guidelines.  So, there’s  no   issue. Brig SM  Farhad Secretary  General  of the Association  of
        reason to get scared,” Brig Md. Shahidul Alam, Director General   Mobile Telecom Operators of Bangladesh, said, “We’ll need more
        (SM) BTRC, assured the people citing a survey they conducted at   sites  when 5G  is  introduced.  So, there’s  no reason for halting
        a discussion meeting, held at a city hotel, on the tower radiation   technology  just out of fear.  This will  cause  us to fall  behind.”
        situation in  the country,  reports  UNB.  Echoing  the same,  BTRC   (February 17, 2020)
        Deputy Director Shamsuzzoha, said: “From a statistical point of
        view, the sample size may seem very small but we will continue to   With addition of 8.08 million new users last year, the total number
        do such tests. As we use the same technology in all the towers,   of Bangladeshi Internet users reached about 100 million at the
        we are confident the results will not vary much in other sites.”   end  of last December, the  statistics of the  country’s telecom
        In his keynote paper, he said that radiation was generally of two   regulator  showed.  Telecommunication  Regulatory Commission
        types — Ionizing and non-Ionizing. “Ionizing radiation is harmful   (BTRC) data showed  that the number  of subscribers  in the
        for health but mobile phone  tower radiation is  non-Ionizing.   country  reached  99.428  million.  Of  the total  subscribers,  the
        Xray is an ionizing radiation but with proper use it can even be   BTRC data showed that there were 93.681 million mobile Internet
        helpful. So non-Ionizing radiation from mobile towers, microwave   users and 5.742 million broadband Internet users in the country
        or television is  not harmful at  all,” he said.  According to the   while the rest of the connections are through WiMAX (Worldwide
        BTRC’s report, radiation levels in the six districts last year were   Interoperability for Microwave Access). The country’s cell phone
        below  the  2.10w/m2  (watts  per  square  meter)  mark,  specified   companies  last  year  saw  over 8  million new users to  take the
        as a safety threshold by the International Commission on Non-  total  subscribers  base  to  165.572  million  at  the  end  of  last
        Ionizing Radiation Protection  (ICNIRP).  BTRC Commissioner   month. Bangladesh currently has four mobile companies, three
        Aminul Hasan said the organization had already conducted the   of which are foreign-backed cell phone operators. The number
        mobile tower radiation survey and examined its effect in many   of subscribers of mobile operators, Grameenphone, Robi Axiata,
        places of the country, noting that such surveys would continue in   Banglalink and Teletalk stood at 76.462 million, 49.004 million,
        future. He said “rumors” about tower radiation were “completely   35.239 million and 4.868 million respectively at the end of last
        baseless”, adding that the telecom regulator had already informed   year, BTRC data showed. (January 29, 2020)
        the government, private companies and building owners. “We’ve


        The government is planning to improve internet speed in Egyptian   that  can utilize opportunities provided by  the Fourth Industrial
        Universities, develop 35  automated test  centers,  and supply   Revolution, ICT minister Amr Talaat said.
        hundreds of computers and software systems, Higher Education   (February 19, 2020)
        Minister Khalid Abdel Ghaffar stated. The plan is a part of the first
        phase of the Smart Campus program, which is launched with total   Egypt’s Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) has confirmed that
        investments of EGP 1.4 billion, Abdel Ghaffar added. The Ministry   Saudi Telecom Company (stc) will be required to make an offer
        focuses on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the digitalization of   for  the  44.94%  of  Vodafone  Egypt  currently  held  by  Telecom
        public Universities via the exploitation of technology, he revealed,   Egypt, if  it  completes  a  proposed  USD2.4  billion purchase of
        according to the Middle East News Agency. The Minister denied   Vodafone Group’s 54.93% stake in the Egyptian cellco. According
        that robots will be used in teaching in the new smart Universities,   to Reuters,  which cites a  letter released  this  week by  Telecom
        noting that the Ministry is developing the infrastructure of these   Egypt, the FRA has stated that stc’s offer to acquire the majority
        Universities.  The Ministries  of  Communications  and Higher   stake in Vodafone Egypt would be subject to a 1992 law requiring
        Education  have joined  forces  to help  raise a new generation   a mandatory tender for any outstanding shares. Commenting on

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