Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        Comtech to Acquire Gilat Satellte Networks for USD 533 Million

        Comtech Telecommunications has agreed   its wider portfolio of wireless connectivity   name.  Gilat  will  add to  cash flow,  and
        to  buy  Gilat  Satellite  Networks  in  a  deal   systems, while offering  both  companies   Comtech said it believes that with careful
        worth USD 532.5  million.  The purchase   opportunities  for international  expansion   planning  and execution,  it  can  capitalize
        price will be paid 70 percent in cash and 30   and cross-selling.  On a pro forma basis,   on opportunities to achieve both  sales
        percent in Comtech stock. The price of USD   the merged  group would  have USD 926   growth and further efficiencies during the
        10.25 per share is a 14 percent premium on   million in sales  and adjusted EBITDA of   second  year post-closing. Comtech  also
        Gilat’s average share price over the past 90   USD 130 million. The combined companies   announced the promotion of COO Michael
        days. Its shareholders will own around 16   would employ approximately 3,000 people   Porcelain to president of the company. He
        percent of the merged group.  Founded in   and serve a range  of commercial and   will lead the integration of the companies
        1987 with its headquarters in Israel, Gilat   government customers around the world.   following the takeover. Fred Kornberg will
        is active worldwide in satellite networking   Synergies from the deal are estimated at   remain CEO of the group. Gilat’s CFO Adi
        technology and services, including ground   a conservative USD 2 million from ending   Sfadia will lead integration from his side,
        stations, in-flight connectivity and network   Gilat’s  public  company  obligations.  and CEO  Yona  Ovadi  remains  head of
        infrastructure. The takeover is expected to   Comtech  plans  to  maintain  a  dual  listing   Gilat’s HQ and research facilities in Israel.
        help strengthen Comtech’s position in the   on  the Tel Aviv and Nasdaq exchanges   No facilities are planned  to  close as  a
        expanding  satellite services  market and   as well as continue to use the Gilat brand   result of the merger.

        SES Networks  Brings Connectivity  to EU Fisheries Control Agency’s


        SES Networks said the European Fisheries   broadband to video and voice applications.   various European  authorities, including
        Control Agency is leveraging its satellite-  SES Networks also enabled  other  EMSA   recent  missions in southern  Europe,  and
        enabled  managed connectivity services   operations  by  providing  managed  environmental  protection  and  fisheries
        to allow real-time data exchange between   satellite communications  to  support   control in Iceland.
        a  lightweight  Remotely  Piloted Aircraft
        System (RPAS),  EFCA’s  chartered vessel
        the Lundy Sentinel, and the headquarters
        on land to ensure timely decision-making.
        The   managed  connectivity  platform
        delivered by  SES Networks also  enables
        high-performance connectivity to support
        daily operations aboard patrol vessels. The
        service is part of a framework agreement
        between SES Networks and the European
        Maritime  Safety  Agency  (EMSA). The
        patrolling  missions in the Mediterranean
        Sea, the western waters of the north-east
        Atlantic Ocean, North Sea and Baltic Sea
        see  EFCA use  the  multipurpose  vessel
        comprising a suite of EMSA products, such
        as  pollution and  oil spill  monitoring and
        response,  and a lightweight  quadcopter
        RPAS. SES Networks’  platform  enables
        managed  services  ranging  from RPAS
        real-time  data  transfer  to  internet

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