Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 103



        Implications of 5G on Cybersecurity

                                                Telecommunications networks have laid the foundation for the technologies that the
                                                world depends on. Owing to their scale and criticality, mobile operators have become
                                                a major target for cyber-attacks. The data boom that accompanied 4G created vast
                                                amounts of valuable data for the telecommunications industry and the same can be
                                                expected at a much larger scale with the proliferation of new technologies like 5G
                                                and IoT. Specifically, 5G’s network design brings about a number of upgrades to the
                                                network infrastructure that consequently implies network security challenges that
                                                require careful and effective mitigation.

                                                1. Cybersecurity concerns posed by 5G
                                                5G entails several infrastructural modifications to traditional telecoms networks that
                                                could pose increased security risks. The most critical security risks / concerns posed
        Rohan Dhamija                           by 5G are as follows –
                                                •  Move towards software defined networking: which leads to a decentralization of
        Partner, Head – Middle East &             core functions that were originally centralised and hence, well protected
        South Asia, Analysys Mason              •  Virtualization of network functions: which can increase the risk of cyber-attacks
                                                  because providing the same level of security as physical appliances will be difficult
                                                •  Much larger scale: with the expected large-scale proliferation of small cells and
                                                  the number of connections (IoT-enabled devices running on 5G), the number of
                                                  attack vectors for cyber-attacks will increase significantly

        Shashwat Mishra
        Consultant, Analysys Mason

                                                              Figure 1: Key cybersecurity concerns posed by 5G
        Malek El Damouri                                               [Source: Analysys Mason]
        Associate Consultant, Analysys Mason
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