Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 104


                              Figure 2: Shift of sensitive functions from the core towards the edge due to 5G
                                                   [Source: Analysys Mason]

        Among the security risks highlighted   2.1 Australia                        obligations
        above, a  key  risk  that  needs  to be                                   •  Minister  for Home Affairs  to  have the
        elaborated on is  that  the distinction                                     power to  direct  a  service provider
        between  core and edge  networks                                            or intermediary  to  do (or  not do) a
        is  expected to  diminish with  the                                         specified  thing  that  is  reasonably
        advent  of 5G. Due  to its network                                          necessary to protect  networks and
        design,  sensitive  functions  that  are   Owing to the increased security requirements   facilities from national security risks
        currently performed in the separated   of 5G, in August  2018, the Australian
        core are expected to gradually move   Government’s  Department of Home Affairs   2.2 Germany
        closer to  the edge of the network.   released regulations regarding cybersecurity
        This is  believed to provide ways   titled ‘Telecommunications  Sector Security
        to circumvent traditional security   Reforms’ (TSSR).  The key  elements of the
        controls affecting the overall network   regulation include:
        integrity, availability  as  well as  the   •  Service providers are to protect
        confidentiality of customer data.     their networks and facilities from
                                              unauthorised access or interference to
        2. Steps taken by global 5G leaders to   ensure their availability, integrity  and
        address such concerns                 confidentiality of communications  In  October   2019,   the   German
        In  order  to address these network   •  Involvement of vendors  deemed  likely   telecommunications  regulator
        security  concerns,  careful  and     to be subject to extrajudicial directions   Bundesnetzagentur  published  a new draft
        effective risk  mitigation is  required.   from a  non-Australian government   catalogue  with security  requirements. It
        Governments and telecom regulators    seen as a risk to the protection of 5G   require providers of telecommunications
        typically establish regulations  on   networks                          services  to  prepare  and  implement
        cybersecurity, however, only a handful   •  Service  providers  to  maintain  appropriate security  measures, with the
        of countries have taken notice of the   competent  supervision and effective   objectives of protecting  communications
        increased  security  requirements  of   control  over  networks  including  secrecy,  preventing  data  breaches,
        5G and addressed  the  security gap.   arrangements  to maintain visibility  of   preventing network and service interruptions
        Australia, the United States and      operations, data flow and locations  and manage security risks.
        Germany are  among the countries    •  Providers  to notify the  government  of
        leading the charge to develop stricter   proposed  changes to their  networks   While 5G and international security concerns
        cybersecurity regulations for 5G.     and services that can compromise   might be the catalyst for these requirements,
                                              their ability to comply with the security   they  will  be applied  across all  networks

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