Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        AIFC to operate this Central Asia technical   a wider partnership with Kazakhstan. The   our economy.” At the end of February 2019,
        hub.  OneWeb  supports  Kazakhstan’s   Government  of  Kazakhstan,  like  OneWeb,   OneWeb  successfully  launched  its  first
        ambition to  digitize its  economy and   sees the importance of bridging the digital   batch of Low Earth Orbiting satellites. The
        become  a  pioneer  of new  satellite   divide and enabling the digitization of its   next launch is scheduled for early February
        communications  technologies, further   economy  using  innovative and  modern   2020  from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in
        developing  Kazakhstan’s  reputation  as   satellite  technology.”  Kairat  Kelimbetov,   Kazakhstan and this signals the beginning
        an  innovative country, especially in ‘New   Governor  of AIFC said: “I  am  pleased  to   of  regular  launches of  more  than  30
        Space’ technology and adding momentum   sign the MoU  with  OneWeb and AIFC  is   satellites at a time to build OneWeb’s first
        to its satellite communications sector.   looking forward  to bringing  innovative   phase  constellation  of 650 satellites,  to
        Adrian Steckel, CEO of OneWeb said: “I am   projects to Kazakhstan by offering the best   be  followed  by further  phases  to deliver
        very pleased that AIFC and OneWeb have   environment  for setting up business and   additional capacity  and meet customer
        become  strategic partners and we see   helping drive inward investment. This is the   demand.
        this as the foundation to build and evolve   first step of many that will help to develop

        OneWeb Launches another 34 Broadband Satellites

        London-based  start-up OneWeb has    better than  expected,  and demonstrated   over the  next 11  months. Unlike SpaceX
        launched  another  34 satellites into orbit   speeds  that could  rival  5G internet.   which will  offer broadband satellites
        as it races SpaceX to build the world’s first   According to CNN Business, the firm has   services directly to consumers, OneWeb
        high-speed,  satellite-based broadband   spent the past 11 months figuring out how   intends  (once it  opens  for business in
        network. The OneWeb satellites launched   to mass produce its satellites at its facility   2021) to sell services  to governments
        from  Kazakhstan  on  Thursday  atop  a   in Florida. Steckel reportedly said OneWeb   and corporate customers  that  provide
        Russian-made Soyuz rocket, CNN Business   and its manufacturing  partner, Airbus,   internet  service to airplanes,  ships and
        reported. Both  SpaceX  and  OneWeb   had to iron out issues in their production   boats.  Eventually, the company will  sell
        are developing  their plans for  satellite   system  and  supply  chain.  But  now  that   bandwidth to consumer internet providers,
        coverage. Last  August  OneWeb denied   those issues are resolved,  he estimates   said Steckel. SpaceX meanwhile aiming to
        Russia had refused to allow it to deploy its   satellites will be rolling off assembly lines   start offering its broadband service as soon
        satellite-based broadband  service in that   smoothly for the remainder of the year, and   as mid-2020. The other companies racing
        country. It said that it had submitted, but   a second batch of more than 30 satellites   to  construct  satellite-based broadband
        then withdrawn an application, to use radio   will be ready for flight as soon as March.   networks  include  Jeff  Bezos’  Blue  Origin,
        frequencies  in Russia.  OneWeb, founded   Meanwhile rival SpaceX is building its own   which intends to deploy  a  3,200-satellite
        by US telecoms  entrepreneur  Greg Wyler   constellation  of internet  satellites, which   network  known  as  Project  Kuiper.  Other
        and based in West London, plans to have   already includes  more than 200 devices,   players include Kepler, LeoSat and Telesat
        its  network in place  by 2021.  OneWeb   and is expected to grow to more than 1,500   Canada.
        launched the first six broadband satellites
        in February  2019  and it  intends  to build
        an initial network of 650 satellites around
        the world operating at 1,200km above the
        earth. It was helped in this expensive effort
        in March 2019, when OneWeb said it had
        raised  a  total  of  $3.4  billion  (£2.63bn)  in
        private funding. And now this week it has
        added to the six satellites already in orbit
        by delivering another 34 units. This launch
        is  expected  to  be  the  first  of  10  such
        launches  that  OneWeb will  execute  this
        year, the company’s CEO, Adrian Steckel,
        told CNN Business. Each of the launches
        will carry at least 34 satellites, according
        to the company.  Steckel reportedly said
        the firm’s first six satellites had performed

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