Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 97


        Indonesia to Commence Satellite Project for Nationwide Internet Coverage

        The Indonesian government has appointed   Sejahtera. “We expect the Satria satellite to   and telemetry  stations,  and the ground
        a consortium of local companies to operate   go to the launch pad in the fourth quarter   mission segment. In  addition,  Thales will
        a  broadband telecommunication  satellite   of 2022,” Johnny said in a hearing with the   put in place a complete training program
        that will provide comprehensive internet   House of Representatives’ Commission   for PSN engineers. Some of them will join
        access across  the vast  archipelago.   I  which  oversees defense and foreign   the project team in Cannes and Toulouse
        Communication     and    Information  affairs.  Johnny  said  the  financing  of  the   during the built. Satria will use a Falcon 9
        Technology Minister Johnny G. Plate said   project  will  involve several countries.   rocket supplied by SpaceX to bring it into
        on  Wednesday  the  financial  agreement   The  consortium has appointed France-  its orbit  at 146°E  for a 15-year lifetime.
        would be concluded  next month to allow   based Thales Alenia Space  to  design   Satria  will  have  a  data-transfer rate  of
        the  consortium to commence  the  project   and manufacture the satellite. According   more than 150 gigabytes per second and
        immediately.  The project to build and   to Thales’ website,  Satria  will  be a  Very   will be used to expand internet access to
        launch the Satelit  Republik Indonesia,   High Throughput  (VHTS) satellite with  a   Indonesia’s  remote areas.  The satellite
        or Satria, will be led by the Pasifik Satelit   design  based  on Thales’ Spacebus  NEO   will  connect more than 150,000  data
        Nusantara  (PSN) consortium, which   full electric platform and fitted with a fifth-  transmitters across the country to support
        comprises the companies Pintar Nusantara   generation  digital  processor  (5G). Thales   a new digital system for education, health
        Sejahtera,  Pasifik  Satelit  Nusantara,  Dian   will also build two satellite control centers   services, government administration  and
        Semesta Sentosa  and Nusantara  Satelit   (main and  backup),  the  telecommand   defense.

        Satcoms to Support Foreign Aid Projects in Africa

        The Belgian development  agency Enabel   Principles  for Digital  Development  (a  set   installation, satellite bandwidth  and end-
        has partnered with SES, a supplier of global   of guidelines intended to help practitioners   to-end services to  allow  Enabel  and its
        content connectivity solutions, to connect   succeed  in applying digital technologies   partners to  upgrade the skills  of African
        foreign aid projects in Africa via satellite.   to development programs),  and the UN   professionals, elevate  the healthcare
        Enabel and SES will  deliver satellite-  Sustainable Development  Goals.  As  part   system  and  improve  people’s  living
        based communications for  development   of the solution, SES will provide antennae,   conditions.
        and foreign  aid projects  spearheaded  by
        Belgian and other European governments.
        Under  the multi-year framework  contract
        awarded  following  a public  tender, SES
        aims  to  bring  managed end-to-end
        connectivity  infrastructure and  services
        to  over 130  sites  to support  Enabel and
        development  projects in 20  countries
        across Africa. The end-to-end connectivity
        solution delivered by SES will be supporting
        Enabel in its goal of providing partners with
        the right  digital  solutions and the latest
        technologies. The connectivity will power
        Enabel’s projects and activities, further
        reinforcing  the agency’s  commitment to
        the Digital  for  Development  policy (D4D)
        of the  Belgian Development  Cooperation
        and of the European  Commission, the

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