Page 20 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 20

        20 JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024


             Ooredoo Kuwait Expanding

             the FWA Landscape through

             EHF Bands

        With 5G now firmly established       Ooredoo has taken significant        Kuwait, emphasized, “Fixed
        across the GCC region, operators     strides to enhance connectivity for   broadband is essential for Kuwait’s
        are moving beyond deployment         both residential and business users,   economic growth and diversification.
        to explore diverse use cases         particularly in areas where traditional   5G Fixed Wireless Access is a key
        and opportunities for network        fiber networks are challenging to    component of our strategy.”
        monetization. As focus shifts toward   implement.
        advancing 5G Core networks, the
        region is on the brink of realizing 5G   Leveraging cutting-edge 5G        Leveraging cutting-edge
        Standalone (SA) technology—already   technology, Ooredoo has bolstered      5G technology, Ooredoo
        achieved in much of the Asia Pacific—  its position as a leader in Kuwait’s
                                                                                   has bolstered its position
        and looks forward to the arrival of   digital transformation, aligning with
                                                                                     as a leader in Kuwait’s
        5G-Advanced by 2025.                 the country’s Vision 2035 goals of
                                                                                     digital transformation,
                                             economic diversification.
        Amidst this evolution, Ooredoo Kuwait                                     aligning with the country’s
        stands at the forefront of Kuwait’s   In a key move to further its FWA         Vision 2035 goals of
        growing mobile broadband market.     ambitions, Ooredoo partnered with     economic diversification.
        Earlier this year, Ooredoo successfully   Nokia to deploy a 5G FWA solution,
        completed testing of 5G-Advanced     enhancing broadband connectivity
        mmWave technology in collaboration   across Kuwait. Central to this effort   Milestone Trials and Future Tests
        with the Communication &             is Nokia’s FastMile 5G Gateway, a    Earlier this year, as competitors
        Information Technology Regulatory    self-installable device optimized    introduced 5G RedCap, Ooredoo
        Authority (CITRA), reinforcing its   with Wi-Fi 6 and mesh technology.    successfully completed trials of
        leadership in the sector.            This innovation delivers high-speed   5G mmWave (ITU’s Extremely
                                             internet to homes and businesses,    High Frequency range) focusing
        Accelerating 5G Fixed Wireless       ensuring wide coverage, enhanced     on FWA applications. These trials,
        Access in Kuwait                     performance, and lower operational   conducted with CITRA, demonstrated
        5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)       costs. These advancements are        unprecedented speeds and low-
        is rapidly gaining momentum in       critical in Ooredoo’s mission to extend   latency performance, paving the way
        Kuwait as infrastructure improves    seamless internet access, even in the   for improved internet experiences
        and customer premises equipment      most remote areas of Kuwait.         in data-heavy activities like online
        (CPE) advances. As Kuwait’s largest   Essa Haider, Director of Network    gaming, video conferencing, and
        telecommunications provider,         Planning and Design at Ooredoo       immersive applications.

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