Page 15 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 15


        and FWA B2B private lines, attracting   wider market prospects to operators.   and deployment solutions quickly
        a large number of household and      We see three aspects:               gained market popularity. With
        enterprise users. FWA has brought    •   Better experience: FWA can provide   more 5G spectrum and upgraded
        huge business returns to the regional   a higher-speed bandwidth of      experience management solutions,
        operators.                             500Mbps to 1Gbps and provide      FWA B2B private lines are further
                                               guaranteed user experience        developed, including larger private
        In the Home Market, More Operators     through end-to-end experience     line bandwidth (from 20 Mbps to 200
        are Exploring Scenario-based           management solution, which is     Mbps), more provisioning capacity,
        Packages                               comparable to that of optical fibers.  higher reliability, and lower latency,
        Technological progress drives market   •   Higher cost-effectiveness: 5G   which enable operators to monetize
        development. Huawei's innovative       Redcap CPE will attract more      SLA (Service Level Agreement).
        FWA Service Turbo solution works       consumers and accelerate the
        with CPEs to ensure user experience,   migration from 4G WTTx to 5G FWA.  The Middle East is especially at the
        such as reducing the latency of cloud   •   More connections: In addition   forefront of the exploration and
        gaming services and stabilizing the    to connecting home, FWA also      commercial use of 5G private line
        network speed of video services. This   can work for connected vehicles,   derivative scenarios, such as 5G
        solution surpasses the existing home   connected things, and connected   CCTV. Smart oil wells in the hinterland
        broadband experience boundary,         industries, providing a larger market   of the desert are the first commercial
        supports operators to develop          space.                            case. A Kuwait operator used 5G
        scenario-based packages, enriches                                        networks, 5G CPEs, and common
        service contents, and increases                                          cameras to quickly deploy and
        business revenue.                      With more 5G spectrum             roll out the desert oil well security
                                              and upgraded experience            solution, solving the challenge of
        For example, the home wireless                                           high optical fiber deployment costs
                                               management solutions,
        service of a UAE operator provides                                       in the desert. This solution has been
        not only basic packages, but also        FWA B2B private lines           widely recognized in the Middle East.
        entertainment packages, and             are further developed,           As 5G-enabled cameras further
        gaming packages. The entertainment      including larger private         reduce costs, the solution will be
        packages focus on providing free                                         further simplified and commercially
                                               line bandwidth (from 20
        subscription of video streaming                                          available.
                                              Mbps to 200 Mbps), more
        and online shopping applications,
        and the gaming packages provide         provisioning capacity,           Up to now, 90,000 5G FWA B2B private
        free subscription of Xbox games. By      higher reliability, and         lines have been developed in the
        guaranteeing service experience in       lower latency, which            Middle East. We see that operators
        different scenarios, differentiated                                      are seeking to add more ICT services
                                                  enable operators to
        package services are enabled,                                            and open new space, such as fixed
                                                 monetize SLA (Service
        improving uses experience and                                            and mobile private line backup
        bringing greater business value to         Level Agreement).             to maximize reliability for industry
        operators.                                                               scenario. The ARPU can be increased
                                                                                 by 3 to 5 times on the basis of home
        For another example, a Finnish       Based on the preceding three        broadband.
        operator provides FWA packages by    aspects and market development,
        adding benefits in different scenarios   FWA use cases, which are widely   Conclusion
        to improve user experience and       used and expanded by operators,     After five years of development, FWA
        ARPU. The FWA packages include       are B2B private line and its derivative   has proved its strong ability to
        differentiated Internet access rates,   scenario.                        increase revenue for operators. To
        Mesh-Wi-Fi coverage in the whole                                         continuously obtain new opportuni-
        house, and multiple OTT content      In fact, when 5G was put into       ties in FWA development, operators
        bundles. These services help the     commercial use in 2019, some GCC    are advised to accelerate the acqui-
        operator increase the ARPU by 25%.   operators were the first to pursue   sition of new TDD spectrums or
                                             use cases innovation. Kuwait and    re-cultivate existing spectrums, build
        FWA Brings Broader Market            UAE operators started private line   digital platforms and end-to-end
        Prospects to Operators               services for small- and medium-     experience management capabilities,
        With the evolution from 5G to        sized enterprises through 5G network   and continuously incubate and
        5G-Advanced, FWA are bringing        plus a 5G CPE. The fast provisioning   innovate FWA add-on services.

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