Page 25 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 25


        Brisanet Launches 5G FWA Services in Northeast Brazil

        Brazilian telecommunications provider
        Brisanet has launched its 5G fixed-
        wireless access (FWA) service in 76
        cities across the Northeast region
        of Brazil. The country's second-
        largest ISP officially launched its
        FWA service during the 5G service
        launch ceremony in Ceara's capital,
        Fortaleza, with Huawei as its main
        network supplier, according to a
        Bnamericas report.
                                             region. According to the report,
        Brisanet's 5G network is already     Brisanet plans to invest USD 176 million   The telco states that its FWA
        installed and currently covers around   in its 5G operations in Ceara.   equipment is easy to use without the
        80 percent of Ceara's territory, with a                                  need for cables or wall modifications.
        goal of reaching 95 percent coverage   On its website, Brisanet claims its   The FWA device comes preconfigured
        by the end of 2024.                  FWA 5G service is the best residential   and ready to use.
                                             Internet in the Northeast. The telco has
        The company obtained regional        also launched a limited-time offer   According to Brisanet's latest
        licenses for 5G in the 2021 auction,   valid until August 31, where customers   operational data, the company had
        making it a new entrant in the mobile   can enjoy 5G FWA Internet service   over 128,000 mobile customers as of
        market with the goal of challenging   bundled with 500GB of data and     the end of June. The mobile network is
        the leadership of national mobile    a Wi-Fi 6 device for BRL 129.99 per   present in 115 municipalities in the
        carriers in the country's northeast   month for 12 months.               state.

        Tata Elxsi Delivers World’s First RDK-B Integration on Qualcomm 5G
        Fixed Wireless Access Platform

        Tata Elxsi, a global leader in design   cations at Qualcomm Technologies,   has traditionally centered on wired
        and technology services, announced   Inc. stated: "We are proud to collab-  technologies like DOCSIS and Fiber-
        the successful integration of the    orate closely with Tata Elxsi, who has   to-the-Home (FTTH). By incorporating
        RDK-B software stack with the        leveraged their considerable expertise   RDK-B into the cellular-managed WAN
        Qualcomm® 5G FWA Gen 3 Platform.     to port the RDK-B stack to our 5G FWA   space, Tata Elxsi is excited to collab-
        This first of its kind integration opens a   Gen 3 Platform, featuring the Snap-  orate in positioning the Snapdragon
        new pathway for operators to deliver   dragon® X75 Modem-RF System. This   X75 platform as a future-ready solu-
        fast, reliable, and scalable high-speed   critical step empowers operators to   tion for high-performance broadband
        FWA solutions. Integration of the RDK-B   accelerate time-to-market, deliver   applications. Tata Elxis's continuous
        middleware includes key features     high performance FWA solutions, and   commitment to the RDK ecosystem
        such as Wi-Fi 6 connectivity, packet   reduce development efforts as they   enables SoC's, OEMs and operators to
        statistics, and advanced security    deploy powerful new FWA CPE solu-   rapidly innovate and scale, address-
        options, ensuring the platform is    tions. We look forward, through con-  ing the demands of next-generation
        versatile and can be deployed in both   tinued collaboration with Tata Elxsi, to   broadband technologies.”
        indoor and outdoor environments.     expanding our engagement with the
        Operators can now deliver value-     broader RDK community, giving oper-  Looking ahead, Tata Elxsi will upgrade
        added services like Quality of Service   ators more choices and flexibility in   the platform to include next-
        (QoS), band steering, parental control,   deploying state-of-the-art solutions."  generation features such as Wi-Fi 7.
        and VPN, enhancing the overall                                           This upgrade will further enhance FWA
        broadband experience.                Priya S Kumar – Head, Media and     devices, offering operators more
                                             Communications at Tata Elxsi, stated:  flexible, scalable, and cost-effective
        Gautam Sheoran - VP and GM,          “This integration broadens the RDK   solutions setting the stage for the next
        Wireless Broadband and Communi-      ecosystem and silicon diversity, which   generation of wireless innovation.

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