Page 21 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 21


        “These trials seamlessly complement   while fostering innovation across   enabling faster data transfer between
        the robust infrastructure of our     key industries, including healthcare,   base stations and the core network.
        advanced 5.5G network, enabling      education, and logistics.           This is crucial for supporting the
        record-speed data transfer in a                                          vast data traffic generated by home
        live working environment,” Ooredoo   SAMENA Council Insights             broadband solutions, virtual reality
        Kuwait stated. “This technological   The SAMENA Council notes that       (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT).
        leap promises reliable and high-     while the global mmWave market
        speed connectivity, setting the stage   is growing gradually, with estimates   The SAMENA Council further observes
        for delivering new services and      forecasting a market cap of nearly   that innovation will be necessary to
        elevating customer experiences to    $8 billion in the next five years,   balance mmWave’s range,
        new heights.”                        much remains to be explored within   transmission power, and carbon
                                             the SA-ME-NA region regarding       footprint. From an FWA perspective,
        Following these successful trials,   mmWave properties, applications,    mmWave’s enhanced bandwidth and
        Ooredoo Kuwait has announced         and use cases. Presently, only three   capacity, compared to lower
        plans to conduct further tests in high-  regions—Asia Pacific, North America,   frequency bands, promise a superior
        demand areas such as ports and       and Europe—are actively focusing    digital experience, especially in
        stadiums. The company is particularly   on mmWave deployments. Key       densely populated areas where
        focused on delivering immersive      applications, in addition to those   bandwidth is shared. FWA utilizing
        experiences using augmented reality   aimed at consumers, are likely to   mmWave holds the potential for
        and providing ultra-high-definition   emerge in aerospace and defense    greater responsiveness, a truly
        live broadcasting. This dedication   industries.                         seamless digital experience, and
        highlights Ooredoo’s commitment                                          scalability to accommodate future
        to delivering innovative solutions   Moreover, mmWave offers a high-     FWA applications in Kuwait.
        to industries that rely on seamless   capacity wireless backhaul solution,
        connectivity and real-time data

        Beyond Conventional Use Cases:
        Exploring New Frontiers
        Ooredoo is actively exploring the
        transformative potential of its 5G
        FWA technology in unconventional
        applications. A key focus is on
        port automation, where real-
        time communication between
        autonomous vehicles, drones, and
        control systems could optimize
        efficiency and security in maritime
        operations. This aligns with Kuwait’s
        Vision 2035 strategy, which aims to
        position the country as a global hub
        for trade and investment.
        Ooredoo’s 'Upgrade Your World'
        campaign further demonstrates its
        commitment to redefining customer
        experiences by utilizing the latest
        in wireless technology to enhance
        internet access and digital services
        across various sectors.
        Driving Kuwait’s Digital Evolution
        By focusing on high-quality, reliable
        connectivity, Ooredoo is playing
        a pivotal role in Kuwait’s digital
        evolution. The company’s efforts
        are boosting the local economy

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