Page 19 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 19


        Key benefits include redundant       buried fiber optic cables for       compliance, and improved decision-
        network paths for maximum uptime     enhanced durability. With dedicated   making, making it a highly effective
        and advanced security features       point-to-point connectivity,        solution for businesses seeking
        to protect against DDoS attacks.     customers gain complete control to   enhanced application performance
        Designed to be scalable, Zong        build their own WAN networks. We    and connectivity.
        services offer adjustable bandwidth   offer robust uptime SLAs—98% for
        to meet ever-evolving business       SPUR and 99.5% for Ring—ensuring    Multi-Protocol Label Switching
        needs.                               high availability. Additionally, pricing   (MPLS)
                                             models are flexible, with high-quality   Zong’s Multi-Protocol Label Switching
        Zong IP Transit is ideal for         materials, including USA-made fiber   (MPLS) offers secure, packet-based
        organizations needing high-speed     and armored cables, thus ensuring   connectivity service designed to
        access, remote workers, or reliable   optimal performance and reliability.  enhance network traffic and provide
        connectivity. The solutions are meant                                    robust branch connectivity. With
        to enhance internet performance and   SD WAN                             private VPNs, Zong MPLS enables
        support business growth with flexible   Zong’s SD-WAN solution dynamically   secure point-to-point and point-to-
        bandwidth options.                   utilizes multiple connections,      multipoint communication, making
                                             including MPLS, broadband, and      it ideal for businesses that require
        Dark Fiber Core                      LTE, to identify the optimal delivery   seamless data exchange, video
        Zong provides dark fiber core is     path for traffic across the network.   surveillance, resource sharing, and
        tailored for enterprises and carrier   This technology effectively shapes   remote management. This solution
        customers, enabling seamless         bandwidth to eliminate jitter and   supports diverse communication
        inter-city and intra-city connections   dropped packets, ensuring an     needs, ensuring smooth video
        between branches, data centers,      optimal user experience no matter   conferencing and inter-branch
        and sites with no bandwidth          the location. With nationwide       communication across the country.
        limitations. Zong’s dark fiber solutions   convergence and 4G and Wi-Fi
        comply with ITU-T and international   capabilities, our SD-WAN offers a   Key benefits of Zong MPLS include
        standards, featuring fully maintained,   reliable and flexible connectivity   secure data connectivity, cost-
                                             solution.                           effective networking, and scalability
                                                                                 to meet evolving business demands.
             Zong provides dark
                                             Key features of Zong’s SD-WAN       With guaranteed performance
           fiber core is tailored for        include failover to fixed MPLS, URL-  and flexible service options, Zong
           enterprises and carrier           based filtering, and deep packet    MPLS is tailored to fulfill the specific
             customers, enabling             inspection, which enhance network   requirements of enterprises, ensuring
           seamless inter-city and           security and resource optimization.   a reliable and efficient network
                                             The service virtualizes the network   experience that supports growth and
           intra-city connections
                                             and provides a secure overlay,      operational efficiency.
          between branches, data
                                             simplifying service delivery while
          centers, and sites with no         ensuring interoperability. With cost-  Zong 4G's corporate solutions provide
           bandwidth limitations.            effective hardware and automated    businesses with reliable, secure, and
         Zong’s dark fiber solutions         features, Zong’s SD-WAN supports    high-performance internet services.
           comply with ITU-T and             automation and orchestration,       Each product is designed to cater to
                                             resulting in reduced day-to-day     different business needs, offering
          international standards,
                                             operational expenses.               flexibility, scalability, and dedicated
         featuring fully maintained,
                                                                                 support to ensure seamless
        buried fiber optic cables for        The benefits of Zong’s SD-WAN are   operations in an increasingly digital
         enhanced durability. With           substantial, offering zero-touch    world. Whether it's consistent internet
          dedicated point-to-point           provisioning, a pay-as-you-grow     access, high-speed connectivity, or
          connectivity, customers            model, and centralized management.   secure private networks, Zong’s
                                             It is cloud-ready, allowing for quick   enterprise solutions empower
            gain complete control
                                             security implementations and        businesses to thrive and stay
           to build their own WAN
                                             scalable operations. Whether self-  competitive.
                   networks.                 managed or provider-managed,
                                             our SD-WAN ensures high security,

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