Page 24 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 24

        24 JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024

        CPE  Innovations  and  a  Growing Addressable  Market  Drive  5G  FWA
        CPE Shipments to 37 Million by 2029

        The 5G network roll-out for Mobile   RedCap modules, and Tozed Kangwei   just performance and price, so CPE
        Network Operators (MNOs) continues   presented a RedCap CPE. At the same   vendors diversifying offerings to serve
        to progress, and Fixed Wireless Access   show, ZTE unveiled the industry's first   this market is key to success," Belkhit
        (FWA) has been a masterstroke for    AI-enabled 5G CPE for better band-  concludes.
        network monetization. This has made   width utilization and Nokia unveiled its
        growing their total FWA connections   latest innovations with 5G mmWave   These findings are from ABI Research's
        for consumer and enterprise mar-     indoor and outdoor CPEs.            5G FWA CPE: Market Dynamics, Inno-
        kets a key strategy for Mobile Net-                                      vations, and Long-Term Trends report.
        work Operators (MNOs). According to   Furthermore, enterprise FWA        This report is part of the company's
        global technology intelligence firm ABI   announcements have also gained   5G, 6G & Open RAN research service,
        Research, 5G FWA Customer Prem-      traction in 2024, especially in the U.S.   which includes research, data, and ABI
        ises Equipment (CPE) shipments will   market as MNOs diversify their offer-  Insights.
        increase from 10.7 million in 2023 to   ings, with Askey and Cisco added to
        36.8 million in 2029 at a Compound   AT&T's Business Service, and Cradle-  About ABI Research
        Annual Growth Rate of 22.9%.         point added to T-Mobile's Connected   ABI Research is a global technology
                                             Workplace service.                  intelligence firm uniquely positioned
        "The U.S. market has been a great                                        at the intersection of technology
        success story for 5G FWA. All three   "The enterprise market, especially   solution providers and end-market
        major MNOs are on track to hit their   Small to Medium-Sized Businesses   companies. We serve as the bridge
        targets for total FWA connections,   (SMBs), is a fast-growing opportu-  that seamlessly connects these two
        achieved by serving customers with   nity for FWA, especially in the US. The   segments by providing exclusive
        a multi-vendor portfolio of CPEs for   faster deployment and scalability it   research and expert guidance to drive
        their varying requirements," explains   offers makes it particularly attrac-  successful technology implementa-
        Larbi Belkhit, Industry Analyst at ABI   tive for SMBs, but they have more   tions and deliver strategies proven to
        Research. "Traction for this technology   nuanced requirements than simply   attract and retain customers.
        is picking up globally, with India's Reli-
        ance Jio aiming to serve 100 million
        residential and enterprise connec-
        tions through 5G FWA. In fact, most
        major service providers worldwide
        are triumphantly growing their FWA

        Innovations within the 5G CPEs are
        being unveiled, not just proof of con-
        cept but also commercial solutions. At
        Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 in
        Barcelona, stc Kuwait, in partnership
        with Huawei, unveiled the commer-
        cial deployment of 5G RedCap FWA,
        module vendors MeiG and Fibocom
        separately showcased their latest

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