Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 35



        5G and Beyond: The Middle East's Journey to a Connected

        Intelligent Future

        In the fast-evolving world of telecommunications, 5G technology
        undeniably claimed the spotlight. The 5G promises not only faster
        connectivity but also promises a new age of infinite possibilities,
        transforming the way we connect, communicate, and even perceive
        our digital surroundings. The impact of 5G is not just about speed;
        it's about a more interconnected and responsive digital world.

        Remarkably, the  Middle  East  has  not  only  kept  pace with  the
        technological  wave  but has  also positioned  itself  as  a nucleus
        of this evolution. Steeped in historical richness and diversity, the
        region has done more than just tap into 5G's potential. Since the
        initial rollout of the 5G network in 2019, the Middle East has seen
        over 24 million 5G users, and 2.5 million 5G home broadband users
        utilizing  fixed  wireless  access  (FWA).  It  has  become  a  shining
        example of innovation and commercial success. A testament to
        its forward-thinking is its achievements in Fixed Wireless Access
        (FWA).  While  FWA  –  which  offers  internet  connectivity  through
        wireless networks rather than traditional cables – is not new, its
        relevance has grown in the 5G era. Many regional telecom giants
        now view FWA  not  as  a  mere  option,  but  as  a  pivotal  revenue
        cornerstone, reshaping  their  business  paradigms  and  growth

        However, technology evolution never stops, even as the world is
        still getting acquainted with the fantastic capabilities of 5G. There
        are  waves  of the  upcoming  5G Advanced or 5.5G  technology.
        Having among the leaders of first wave deployment, and seeing
        the benefits of innovative development, the operators in the middle
        east region are paving the way towards the 5.5G era, aim to make
        it a reality in the next two years.                     Anjian
                                                                President Middle East & Central Asia
        In  tandem with  these  advancements,  we are  also  seeing  the   Carrier Business Group
        emergence  of exciting  new  digital  services  transitioning  from   Huawei
        concepts to reality. Such as naked eye 3D, which allows for three-
        dimensional  visual  experiences  without  the  need  for special
        glasses; XR, an umbrella term for augmented, virtual, and mixed
        realities; Redcap and Passive-IoT, are all pushing the boundaries
        of smart  services  what's  possible.  These  innovations  demand
        networks that are not just faster in speed, but also intelligent and
        more  resilient.  They challenge  our existing  infrastructures  and
        compel us to envision a future that's not just connected but hyper-
        connected. It's a future where the lines between the digital and the
        physical blur, leading us towards the promising and awe-inspiring
        prospects of a 10G society.

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