Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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                         Taiwan’s National Communications Commission (NCC)   designed to accelerate installation of 5G base stations.
                         has announced plans to measure the  transmission   The  Executive  Yuan,  the  executive  branch  of  the
                         speeds  of  5G  services  from  the  first  quarter  of  next   government, is understood to have allocated between
                         year.  With  the  regulator  noting  it  has  yet  to  examine   TWD9.9 billion and TWD15.4 billion (USD358 million-
                         the speeds offered over the 5G networks deployed by   USD556 million) for 2021 and TWD5.5 billion for 2022
        Taiwan           the nation’s cellcos since their launch last year, it has   as part of an incentive scheme which will reward 5G

                         indicated  it  plans to publish  the results of its  speed   operators who build more cell stations than they had
                         tests  in  2023.  NCC  Chief  Secretary  Chen  Chung-  pledged  in  their  business  plan.  With  the  NCC  having
                         shu confirmed that the agency was still finalizing its   promulgated rules governing the distribution of these
                         methodology  to  measure speeds,  as  well  as  how to   subsidies in March 2021, it is now planning to finish
                         present  the  results,  with  the  executive  stating:  ‘Most   network inspections in October, with the commission’s
                         5G  services  around  the  world  use  a  non-standalone   vice chairman, Wong Po-tsung, noting: ‘In August, we
                         model, meaning that part of the service would still be   distributed about TWD2.9 billion of this year’s budget
                         offered through 4G cell stations … Through a strategic   after we reviewed firms’ cell station construction plans
                         partnership  agreement,  Asia-Pacific  Telecom  uses   …  We are to verify  whether  they  have achieved what
                         the 5G spectrum and network owned and built by Far   they promised,  with the survey to be completed  by
                         EasTone Telecommunications. Under these situations,   the end of next month.’ According to Wong, operators
                         we have to figure out proper ways to present the results   could  receive their full subsidies  for this year by  the
                         of a speed test.’ In related news, the government will   end of November 2021, subject to the findings of the
                         soon  award  subsidies  to  Taiwan’s  mobile  network   inspections.
                         operators  (MNOs)  as  part  of  an  incentive  scheme   (September 13, 2021) The Taipei Times

                         The  Ministry  of  Communication  and  Information   mobile phone  connected  to  the national broadband.
                         Technology  has  signed  a  partnership  deal with   TTCL  admits  it  had  insufficiently  connected  the
                         the  Tanzania  Electric  Supply  Company  Limited   public  to  broadband,  owing  to  limited  yet  expensive
                         (Tanesco) that will see the former expand broadband   infrastructures. Energy Minister Dr. Medard Kalemani
        Tanzania         connectivity  to reach  all  Tanzanians.  The deal to   said  the  partnership  will  facilitate  TTCL  to  use
                         be  executed  by  the  Tanzania  Telecommunications   Tanesco's  electric  poles  to  distribute  its  fiber-optic
                         Corporation  (TTCL)  involves  using  Tanesco's  ready-  cables nationwide. "This is a more efficient way, simple
                         installed infrastructure to improve connectivity.  The   and just to expand  broadband  connectivity," he said.
                         move  will  triple  the  government's  pace  to  build  fiber   He noted that with the new partnership, Tanesco will
                         optic  internet  connectivity  in  the  country.  Official   also use some of the infrastructures already installed
                         figures  show  the  national  optic  fiber  connectivity   by  TTCL  to  supply  power  in  the  country.  Tanesco  is
                         is  currently  8,319  kilometers,  almost  half  below  the   currently linking dozens of districts to the national grid
                         government  plan  to  reach  15,000  kilometers  by  the   by  building  large scale power distribution  lines.  The
                         end of this year. The Minister for Communication and   lines which include the 680km-line in Iringa, 520 km-
                         Information Technology,  Dr.  Faustine Ndugulile  said   Somangafungu,  422km  -Geita,  398km  -Tabora  and
                         yesterday that the  national broadband  is a must in   392km line in Mpanda will also be used by TTCL to link
                         the  4th  Industrial  Revolution.  "The  Fourth  Industrial   the public to the national broadband service. Permanent
                         Revolution is built on a combination of various digital   Secretary  in  the  Ministry  of  Communication  and
                         and modern technologies such as block chain, drones,   Information Technology Dr. Zainabu Chaula explained
                         internet, artificial intelligence and more... to be able to   that  the  ministry  and  TTCL  believe  it  will  expand
                         effectively use all these technologies, we need reliable   broadband to at least 4,449.7km, more than twice the
                         communication  and power  supply," Ndugulile  said at   planned 1,880km in the Financial Year 2021/22. This
                         the signing ceremony which was also attended by the   new partnership will, however, enable over ten regions
                         Minister for Energy, Dr. Medard Kalemani. Dr. Ndugulile   in the Tanzania Mainland to be linked to the nation's
                         said the ministry's plan is to ensure at least 94 per cent   fiber connectivity. 21 regions of Dar es Salaam, Coastal,
                         of the  citizens have access to  broadband coverage.   Morogoro, Mbeya, Dodoma, Singida, Manyara, Arusha,
                         Currently,  Tanzania's  internet  users  have  reached   Tanga,  Kilimanjaro,  Tabora,  Shinyanga,  Mwanza,
                         29.15  million  people,  with  the  majority  going  to  the   Kagera,  Lindi,  Mtwara,  Ruvuma,  Rukwa,  Kigoma  and
                         web through their cell phones. The cost per Mbps is   Mara  are  the  only  connected  regions.  TTCL  Director
                         also relatively high at five US dollars (about 11,595/-).   General  Mr.  Waziri  Kindamba  and  Tanesco  Director
                         The government and experts hope the new broadband   General Dr. Tito Mwanuka said the corporations have
                         will  lower the internet  cost across the country.  "We   agreed  on a  modality of implementing,  serving and
                         want every home with electricity connectivity to have   rehabilitating the infrastructures.
                         internet  access," he said, emphasizing  that  the time   (September 11, 2021)
                         is now for every house to have internet, television and
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