Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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                         which it  said  that  having considered its  content  and   for one final renewal for a further period, though it has
                         implications, it aims to provide a further update ‘in due   been stipulated that that secondary extension will see
                         course, as appropriate’. Meanwhile, the regulator noted   temporary  concessions  expire  no  later  than  1  April
                         that, as it has not yet adopted an updated decision with   2022. Of note, in publishing its draft decision ComReg
                         respect  to  its  analysis  of  the  Retail  Fixed  Telephony   said that it expects this to be its final proposal to put
                         Service  (‘RFTS’)  and  wholesale  Fixed  Access  and   in  place  a  further temporary  licensing  framework,
                         Call Origination (‘FACO’) markets, both its 2014 RFTS   suggesting that there have been ‘significant changes
                         Decision and 2015 FACO Decision remain in full effect.   in the  prevailing circumstances relevant to any
                         (September 22, 2021)           further  temporary  licensing  framework’;  these,  it
                                                                        said, included the government having set out its plan
                         Irish  communications  regulator  the  Commission  for   for  the  final  phase  of  its  response  to  the  COVID-19
                         Communications  Regulation  (ComReg)  has  issued  a   pandemic  in August 2021.  Meanwhile,  noting  the
                         draft decision  under  which  it has proposed  a further   importance of consulting close to the expiry date of the
                         extension  of  its  COVID-19  temporary  licensing   existing licensing framework, and with a stated aim of
                         framework – under  which licenses  are currently due   ‘progressing  matters  expeditiously  due  to  the  nature
                         to  expire  on  1  October  2021.  In  short,  ComReg  has   of  the  Temporary  Situation’,  ComReg  is  employing
                         proposed  that the temporary  licensing  framework   a  greatly  accelerated  consultation  process, with
                         will  be  extended  by  the  implementation  of  a  ‘Further   submissions requested by a deadline of 13 September
                         Temporary ECS License (No. 3)’, for a period of up to   2021.
                         three calendar months. Meanwhile, there will be scope   (September 9, 2021)

                         The  Isle  of  Man’s  Communications  and  Utilities   it had opted to grant the extension ‘having considered
                         Regulatory  Authority  (CURA)  has  extended  the   the facts that were set out in the request’. Previously,
                         consultation  on plans for the  sale of spectrum  in   in July 2021 the CURA had published ‘Document 20/21
                         the  700MHz  and  3.6GHz  bands.  In  confirming  it   Consultation on Multi Band Spectrum License Award
        Isle of Man      was  pushing  back  the  deadline  for  responses  to  15   –  Information  Memorandum’,  in  which  it  set  out  its
                                                                        preliminary views on the processes for offering up new
                         September  2021,  the regulator  said  it  had done  so
                         following a formal request for a one-week extension.   spectrum licenses. Included in the plans were: details
                         According  to  the  CURA,  while  it  was  of  the  opinion   of the  spectrum to be  awarded; the  timescale  of the
                         that  the  original  deadline  ‘allowed  sufficient  time  for   sale process; and the proposed auction rules.
                         respondents  to consider  its  preliminary  views  and   (September 10, 2021)
                         compile  their  responses  to  the  issues  raised’,  it  said

                         The  State  Communications  Agency  (SCA)  under  the   2340MHz) with a bid of KGS296.1 million. O! won Lot 2
                         Ministry of Digital Development has completed  an   (1×20MHz, 2340MHz-2360MHz) for KGS353.2 million.
                         auction  of  wireless  spectrum  in  the  2300MHz  TDD   Beeline  won  Lot  3  (1×40MHz,  2360MHz-2400MHz)
                         band covering the capital city Bishkek, raising a total   for  KGS360.1  million.  TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms
        Kyrgyzstan       of KGS1.01 billion (USD12 million) in winning bids, up   Database shows that the SCA’s other recent 2300MHz
                         from  a  starting  bid  value  of  just  KGS31  million.  The   TDD license auctions held in  March 2021  (national
                         SCA’s  announcement  on  its  website  confirmed  that   scope  excluding  Bishkek  and  second  city  Osh,  won
                         all three bidders – Kyrgyzstan’s main national cellcos   by  MegaCom)  and  June  2021  (Batken,  Talas  and
                         MegaCom  (registered  as  Alfa  Telecom),  Sky  Mobile   Naryn  regions  only,  won  by  O!)  raised  comparatively
                         (Beeline)  and  Nur  Telecom  (O!)  –  secured  licenses.   small  amounts,  KGS117  million  and  KGS17  million
                         MegaCom won Lot 1 (1×40MHz bandwidth, 2300MHz-  respectively. (September 30, 2021)

                         The  head  of  the  delegation,  The  Minister  of  Posts   to  boost rural telecommunications access in  Liberia.
                         and  Telecommunications  and  Chair  of  the  Governing   This  paper has  reliably  gathered that  on September
                         Board  of  the  Universal  Access  Fund,  Cllr  Cooper   16, 2021, the Chairman of the Board of the Universal
                         W.  Kruah  Sr.  signed  an  agreement  on  behalf  of  the   Access  Fund,  Cllr.  Cooper  W.  Kruah  Sr.  along  with  a
        Liberia          Government of Liberia with a company believed to be   high  power  delegation  left  for  Ghana  a  week  ago  to
                                                                        include Chairman of the Project Implementation Unite
                         a giant telecommunication service provider in Ghana

                                                                                                    83  SEPTEMBER 2021
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