Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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                         The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has   conditional  on MTN  upgrading  its  entire  network to
                         agreed to award an extra 5MHz of wireless spectrum   achieve average  street-level download speeds  of
                         in the 1800MHz and 2100MHz bands to the country’s   8Mbps within 18 months  and to offer roaming  on a
                         largest cellular operator MTN. The firm says it needs the   national  level  to  rival  operators  within  six  months.
        Uganda           additional frequencies to increase its network capacity   (September 22, 2021)
                         and improve quality of service (QoS).  The award is

                         The  National  Commission  for  State  Regulation  of   band has been freed up in most regions across Ukraine,
                         Communications and Informatization (NCCIR or NKRZI)   following the revoking of 2300MHz-2345MHz licenses
                         reported on its website that it has begun the process of   previously held by S-Line, and the 2345MHz-2400MHz
                         re-licensing  the  2300MHz-2400MHz  frequency  band   permits of now-defunct  WiMAX operator  Intellecom
                         for  4G  LTE  mobile  services,  alongside  an  additional   (Giraffe).  Mobile  operator  Vodafone  Ukraine  –  which
        Ukraine          tranche of nationwide 2600MHz spectrum (2575MHz-  complete the acquisition of fixed line provider Vega this
                         2610MHz) also suitable for LTE. The regulator expects   week – holds 15MHz of 2.3GHz spectrum in six regions
                         that the licensing will generate one-off revenues for the   via Farlep-Invest and Cable TV-Finance.
                         state budget of up to UAH2.4 billion (USD89 million).   (September 10, 2021)
                         TeleGeography  notes  that  the  2300MHz-2400MHz

                         Having previously begun consulting on proposals for a   some customers switching fixed voice and broadband
                         new switching process for residential fixed voice and   services  use  to  move  providers  on  the  Openreach
                         broadband customers in February 2021, UK telecoms   and KCOM networks. Alongside its plans for the fixed
                         regulator Ofcom has now finalized plans in this area. In   communications  sector,  meanwhile,  Ofcom  has  also
        United           terms of the key elements of the regulator’s proposals   set out plans to improve the information that mobile
                         – which  have been  out for consultation,  with a 9
                                                                        network operators must  give  to  customers  who
        Kingdom          November deadline for submissions – it has confirmed   are considering  switching  their  service. As per  the
                         that communications  providers will  be required to   proposals, a customer’s current provider will now also
                         develop and operate a new ‘One Touch Switch’ process   need  to tell them about the impact of the switch on
                         for  all  residential  customers  who  switch  fixed  voice   any other  services they  also  have with that  provider,
                         and  broadband  services.  According  to  Ofcom,  this   including  bundled  products  and  specific  services  for
                         new  process  will  replace  the  existing  arrangements   disabled customers. Ofcom has said it aims to publish
                         from  April  2023,  and  notably  it  has  specified  that   a  statement  confirming  changes  to  the  ‘General
                         using One Touch Switch, all customers will be able to   Conditions of Entitlement’ – the regulatory rules that
                         use a single process to move providers regardless of   all  British  communications  providers  must  follow
                         who  their  existing  provider  is  or  what  technology  or   in order to offer services – in early 2022, subject  to
                         network their service provider uses.  Meanwhile, the   considering  the feedback  it  receives as  part of this
                         regulator has also decided to remove the rules relating   latest consultation.
                         to the existing ‘Notification of Transfer’ process, which   (September 28, 2021)

                         The  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)  has   (bidding as AT&T Auction Holdings), Verizon Wireless
                         confirmed that a total of 33 applicants have qualified   (Cellco  Partnership)  and  T-Mobile  US  (T-Mobile
                         to  bid  in  next  month’s  Auction  110  spectrum  sale.   License), alongside regional player UScellular (United
                         The process will offer new flexible-use licenses in the   States Cellular Corporation). Fierce Wireless previously
        United           3.45GHz–3.55GHz  band  throughout  the  contiguous   noted  that  DISH  Network  will  bid  via  a  holding
                                                                        company called Weminuche, while Grain Management,
                         United States. The sale process will offer up to 100MHz
        States           of  spectrum  divided  into  ten  10MHz  blocks  and   which  owns  a  number  of  regional  ISPs,  will  bid  via
                         licensed by Partial Economic Area (PEA), for a total of   New Level III. A further nine companies were deemed
                         4,060 licenses. Bidding in Auction 110 is scheduled to   to  be  ‘not  qualified’,  including  the  likes  of  Frontier
                         begin on 5 October 2021. As per FCC documentation,   Communications.
                         the list includes major players AT&T Communications   (September 22, 2021)
                         Disclaimer: Information contained in Member News updates, Regional News updates, Policy & Regulatory updates, Satellite News updates, Tech-
                         nology News updates, Snapshot of Regulatory News SAMENA Countries, Regulatory News beyond SAMENA region and Wholesale News updates
                         have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
                         reader may reach by being solely reliant on information contained herein. Expert advice should be sought.
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