Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 87


                         From  30  September,  pre-paid  and  post-paid  mobile   be  some  teething  problems  or  ‘inconveniences’  in
                         users  in  the  Philippines  can  now  hold  on  to  their   the  launch  phase.  TCI  general  manager  Melanie
                         mobile  number  when switching  service provider, as   Manuel  warned:  ‘We  do  expect  to  experience  some
                         the Republic Act No. 11202, also known as the Mobile   inconveniences as we start offering the service, but we
        Philippines      Number  Portability  Act  (MNP  Act)  comes  into  force.   are confident that with the continued cooperation and
                                                                        hard work of our three partner telcos, we can say that
                         However, Telecommunications Connectivity Inc. (TCI) –
                         the joint venture company set up by the country’s three   finally, forever is here.’ At least a million Filipinos are
                         mobile  operators,  PLDT’s  Smart  Communications,   expected to take advantage of the new MNP regime in
                         Globe  Telecom  and  DITO  Telecommunity  in  January   the initial phase, Manuel added.
                         2020 to oversee the process – warns that there may   (September 30, 2021)

                         The  National  Communications  Authority  (Autoridade   day of bidding (21 September). Previously, in June this
                         Nacional de Comunicacoes, ANACOM) has announced   year, ANACOM increased the number of daily bidding
                         that  it  has increased the bidding  increments  in its   rounds from seven to twelve, but the measure proved
                         slow-moving 5G auction. Published on 20 September,   insufficient.  Defending  the  new  move,  the  watchdog
        Portugal         Regulation  No.  867-A/2021  will  enter  force  on  27   wrote: ‘This excessive extension of the auction is highly
                         September 2021 and allow participating companies to   harmful  to  national  interests,  which  is  why  ANACOM
                         raise their respective bids by 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% –   has approved  this amendment  to the  auction  rules
                         rather than the current 1%. TeleGeography notes that   to  speed  up  the  process,  while  maintaining  bidders’
                         the sale of 900MHz and 1800MHz spectrum – which   flexibility in determining the price … This change does
                         was reserved for new market entrants – concluded on   not  compromise  the  bidders’  future  strategies,  does
                         11  January,  after  just  eight  days  of  bidding.  The  full   not affect the discovery of the price already achieved
                         5G  auction,  which  comprises  sought-after  spectrum   during  the auction,  nor does  it  create discrimination
                         in the 700MHz, 2100MHz, 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz bands   between  them, not giving advantages to  one bidder
                         commenced  on  14  January  and  is  now  on  its  158th   over another.’ (September 21, 2021)

                         The National Authority for Management and      rates  of  RON1.84  (USD0.43)  per  pole/cable/month
                         Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has opened   (exclusive of VAT) for poles supporting overhead low
                         a consultation on its draft decision on indicative tariffs   voltage  power  lines,  RON3.46  per  pole/cable/month
                         charged to telecoms  network operators  for access   for those carrying medium voltage lines and RON22.62
        Romania          to the  overhead infrastructure owned  or operated  by   per km/cable/month for infrastructure supporting high
                                                                        voltage  lines. The  proposed  rate for access  to poles
                         electricity  distribution  companies  and local public
                         transport services. The proposed tariffs are intended to   owned and managed by local public transport services
                         avoid disputes between such companies and telecom   such as tramways is RON7.44 per pole/cable/month.
                         network providers seeking or benefiting from access to   Stakeholders  have  until  27  October  to  submit  their
                         their infrastructure. For access to the infrastructure of   comments.
                         electricity distribution companies, ANCOM is proposing   (September 29, 2021)

                          The Agency for Communications Networks & Services   ruling finally ordered Telemach to return the spectrum.
                          (Agencija  za komunikacijska omrezja in storitve,   While Telemach then applied to have the frequencies
                          AKOS)  has  opened  a  tender  for  a  2×5MHz  block  of   re-awarded,  AKOS  has  decided  that  due  to  market
                          spectrum in the 2100MHz band. The block (1950MHz-  demand the spectrum should be auctioned. Telemach
                          1955MHz/2140MHz-2145MHz)     was    originally   competes  with  three  other  companies  in  Slovenia’s
        Slovenia          awarded to Tusmobil (now Telemach Mobil) in 2008 but   wireless sector: Telekom Slovenije, A1 and T-2.
                          rival operators complained that the award process had   (September 7, 2021)
                          been unfair. Following years of legal challenges, a court

                         The  Spanish  government  is  confident  that  it  will  be   industrial  5G  use,  with  the  rest  sold  to  the  country’s
                         in  a  position  to  publish  its  plans  for  the  5G-suitable   telecoms  operators.  However,  Mr.  Sanchez  warned
                         26GHz band by end-2021. The timeline was revealed   that  there  may  not  be  sufficient  time  to  allocate  the
                         by  Roberto  Sanchez,  the  Secretary  of  State  for   frequencies  this year, with  that  part  of the process
                         Telecommunications  and Digital  Infrastructure, who   more likely to take place in 2022.
        Spain            noted  that  a  portion of the band will  be reserved for   (September 10, 2021)
                                                                                                    87  SEPTEMBER 2021
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