Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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(PIU), Israel M. Akinsanya, Project Manager Mr. James house, the House of Representatives. On 2 September
Lynch Monbo, and Chair on the House Committee on 2021 the chamber voted overwhelmingly in favor of
Posts & Telecommunication, Dr. Isaac Roland. among passing the ‘Act to award Tax Incentives to the Liberia
others were part of the signing ceremony in Ghana over Telecommunications Corporation (LIBTELCO) as a
the weekend. Report also gathered that, Mr. Richard Government Owned Entity’. Only three members of
Hlomador the Executive Chairman for K-Net, signed the House abstained, arguing that the Act should have
on behalf of the company to construct telephones been sent to committee first, in order to carry out an
towels in unserved and undeserved location in rural in-depth cost analysis before allowing its passage.
Liberia in fulfillment of one of President Weah's Pro The Observer newspaper reports that the Act will now
Poor Agenda to bring essentials services to the people ‘be engrossed and transmitted to the Liberian Senate
of Liberia. K-Net is believed to be the service provider for occurrence upon resumption or work hopefully in
in Ghana that help to transform the country from October’. According to TeleGeography’s GlobalComms
analog to digital Television broadcast. In broadcasting Database, in October 2020 national regulator the
the company operate a digital terrestrial TV network Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) issued
on behalf of the government of Ghana as well as a a mobile network services license to state-owned
direct to home TV network for private TV broadcasters LIBTELCO, allowing it to offer GSM-based services.
within Ghana and neighboring West African Countries. The Monrovia-based company has been focusing on
Recently, The Universal Access Fund endorsed the the deployment of its fiber-optic network to homes,
implementation of the proof of concept designed businesses and educational institutions, but will now
to bring telecommunication closer to the people of be able to join incumbent operators Lonestar Cell-MTN
Liberia irrespective of their location to have access to and Orange Liberia in the domestic market, offering
telecommunications, to make and receive calls, receive a range of voice and mobile data services. In August
mobile money and other remittances. Currently, the 2020 the House of Representatives voted to amend
proof of concept project under the Universal Access the Telecommunications Act of 2007 to expand the
Fund program is being carried out in Perlunken, Grand functions of LIBTELCO to become a GSM operator.
Kru and Gbankaborquiota in Gbarpolu Counties among The report noted that the amendment effectively
others. According to report, Minister Kruah praised expanded the telco’s functions and role as a ‘revenue
President George. M. Weah for his support to the operator, to contribute towards the national budget’.
process and also praised the efforts of the Chairman The committee had concluded: ‘The amendment of
of the Project Implementation Unite (PIU), Mr. Israel M. those provisions of the Telecommunications Act of
Akinsanya, Project Manager, Mr. James Lynch Monbo 2007 as cited herein will enable the Government-
and all others who are working around the clock to owned Corporation ‘LIBTELCO’ to provide world-
make sure that this project succeeds for all Liberians. class telecommunications products and services at
(September 25, 2021) cheaper, affordable prices for all Liberians that will
enable growth of various sectors, such as education,
Liberia’s de facto fixed line telecoms monopoly healthcare, banking, energy and serving the masses,
Liberia Telecommunications Co (LIBTELCO) has been at large, for a sustainable economic growth of our
granted a five-year tax break by the country’s lower society.’ (September 5, 2021)
Malaysia’s government highlighted significant gains plan in August 2020. Phase 1 involves deploying up
in connectivity since implementing a National Digital to 1,661 new towers in urban and rural areas. MCMC
Infrastructure Plan (Jendela) in September 2020, with stated the connectivity gains were driven by strong
mobile broadband speeds increasing and LTE coverage support from state governments, local authorities and
Malaysia expanding. In a translated statement, the Malaysian cooperation by the industry, and the plan achieved all
quarterly targets. The agency noted LTE coverage was
Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
noted average mobile broadband data rates increased strengthened by a mandate to phase out 3G networks
from 25Mb/s to 29.1Mb/s at end-August, while 4G by end-2021, freeing up spectrum for 4G services.
coverage in populated areas increased from 91.8 per Phase two of the program involves deploying a single
cent to 94 per cent. It noted the number of premises 5G network nationwide: Ericsson is contracted to build
covered by fiber-optic networks rose 26.5 per cent and manage the wholesale infrastructure.
to 6.3 million. The government unveiled the national (September 30, 2021)