Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 78


                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         Applications are now being accepted by the Australian   to begin in late November. As previously reported by
                         Communications  and  Media  Authority  (ACMA)  for   CommsUpdate, earlier this month the Communications
                         its upcoming auction of 5G-suitable spectrum in the   Minister Paul Fletcher confirmed that allocation limits
                         850MHz/900MHz  band.  In  a  press  release  regarding   will  apply  to  the amount of  low-band spectrum  that
        Australia        the development,  the regulator chairperson  Nerida   mobile network operators (MNOs) can acquire in the
                         O’Loughlin  said  the  allocation  of  5G-optimised   upcoming frequency auction. Bidders will be restricted
                         spectrum  is  expected  to  support  new  and  existing   to holding no more than 82MHz of licensed sub-1GHz
                         operators  to better  deliver services  across regional,   spectrum  in  ‘the  most  populous  areas  of  Australia’,
                         rural and remote areas of the country, as  well as  in   while to  encourage investment  in  the more  sparsely
                         major  population  centers.  With  the  ACMA  planning   populated  regional  areas, a slightly higher  limit of
                         to auction off a total of 70MHz of paired spectrum in   92MHz of sub-1GHz spectrum has been set.
                         the 850MHz/900MHz band, the application period will   (September 1, 2021)
                         run until 21 September, with the sale itself scheduled

                         The Ministry of Transport, Communications and High   them to provide their subscribers with more efficient,
                         Technologies  has  extended  the  license  agreements   high-quality  and professional services using  new
                         of mobile network operators (MNOs) Azercell, Bakcell   generation technologies and technological standards,’
                         and Azerfon (Nar) for a  period  of ten years.  ‘These   the Ministry  noted,  adding:  ‘Along  with  this, the
        Azerbaijan       agreements include licenses for the types of activities   issuance of licenses will contribute to the development
                         for mobile communication  services – technological   of a  sustainable and secure digital  infrastructure in
                         standards  2G  (GSM),  3G  (UMTS)  and  4G  (LTE),’  the   the country, as  well as  to the acceleration  of digital
                         Ministry announced in a brief statement. ‘The issuance   transformation.’
                         of appropriate licenses to mobile operators will allow   (September 10, 2021)

                         The  National Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia   2.3GHz and 3.5GHz bands, as well as 26GHz millimeter
                         Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has confirmed   wave (mmWave) spectrum. All spectrum bands will be
                         that  it  approved  the  notice  for  the  country’s  long-  divided into national and regional blocks – apart from
                         delayed 5G auction on 24 September, paving the way for   the  2.3GHz  band,  which  will  be  solely  available  on  a
        Brazil           the spectrum sale to commence later this year. Would-  regional basis. As per the terms of the auction, winning
                                                                        bidders must offer 5G services in all state capitals and
                         be bidders must submit their applications by 27 October
                         and ‘price proposals’ will be analyzed on 4 November.   the Federal District (Distrito Federal) by 31 July 2022.
                         The 5G auction will include frequencies in the 700MHz,   (September 27, 2021)

                         Chilean   telecoms   watchdog   the   Department   the CGR in May, but were delayed due to the resignation
                         of    Telecommunications   (Subsecretaria  de  of the Undersecretary of Telecommunications Pamela
                         Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel)  has announced  that   Gidi  in  June  2021.  With  the  appointment  of  a  new
                         the  licenses  it  awarded  in  February  this  year  for  5G   undersecretary  that  month,  the  official  withdrew  the
        Chile            spectrum in the 700MHz, 1700MHz and 3.5GHz ranges   licence  awards for review before re-submitting  them
                                                                        in August. Commenting on the development, the new
                         have  now  been  approved  by  the  Comptroller  General
                         of  the  Republic  (Contraloria  General  de  la  Republica,   Undersecretary  of Telecommunications,  Francisco
                         CGR),  enabling  the  licensees  to  begin  utilizing  those   Moreno, was quoted as saying: ‘The fifth generation of
                         airwaves. Awards for spectrum in the 26GHz band are   mobile communications technology not only represents
                         still awaiting approval, however. Diario Financiero writes   a  substantive  leap in  terms of  performance  with
                         that the licenses were initially expected to be greenlit by   respect to … 4G networks, but its deployment will have

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