Page 74 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 74



        The newly installed Minister of ICT says he expects the country’s   a closed national intranet of locally made, government endorsed
        National Information Network (NIN) project to be complete within   Islamic  content, which will  sit  alongside  the World Wide Web.
        four years. A report cites Isa Zarepour as saying: ‘After around two   Critics say, however, that the government could use it to replace
        decades of foot-dragging, it is finally time to give the initiative one   the wider internet, effectively cutting off many citizens from the
        last push.’ The NIN scheme was first proposed by the government   outside world.
        in 2005, but work did not start until 2013. The aim is to establish   (September 1, 2021) The Financial Tribune


        The Head of the Communications and Media Commission (CMC),   80% of Iraqis have access to the Internet.” “We have not reached
        Ali Moayad, said that 80% of the population in Iraq has internet   an ideal state, and 4G service needs more work to reach stability
        access. Moayad spoke during the Al-Rafidain Center for Dialogue,   due to the ISIS war.” He added.
        saying,  “we  have  39  million  users  of  telecommunications,  and   (September 5, 2021)


        Internet  penetration in Nepal has reached  102 per  cent  of   largest contributors as their number is 10.04 million followed by
        the country's population,  according  to a  report of the Nepal   2.46 million Ncell users. The contribution of fixed broadband is
        Telecommunications  Authority.  The state-owned NTA prepared   25.66 per cent with 700,285 users of ADSL and more than 727,000
        the  report  on  the  basis  of  population  projection  (2011-2030).   FTTH internet  users. Likewise,  the  number  of  4G  service  users
        The report  was  prepared by  assuming that  Nepal's  population   has increased in recent days. The NTA stated that the number of
        would be 29.87 million. As per the NTA report, almost 31 million   4G users was almost 10 million till the end of the last fiscal year
        population was connected to internet facility till the end of the last   (15 July 2021). It is said that Nepal Telecom has 4.74 million 4G
        fiscal year. The report further states that mobile internet has the   users and the number of NT users has increased sharply lately.
        largest contribution to the internet penetration in the country. Till   Likewise, Ncell has more than 5 million 4G users while the number
        July 15, the contribution of mobile internet alone was 76.03 per   of 4G users of Smart Telecom is 166,000.
        cent, while more than 12.89 million population has access to 3G   (September 13, 2021)
        internet service. Among them, the users of Nepal Telecom are the


        The  Ministry  of  Transport,  Communications  and  Information   clarifications, you may contact the Accreditation Team at MTCIT
        Technology (MTCIT) has released the second batch of information   through the email address MTCIT launched the IT Accreditation
        technology  service standards  under  the accreditation program   program at the end of 2019 to accredit IT service providers eligible
        for information technology service providers. "MTCIT would like   to serve government administrative units. IT service providers are
        to announce the second phase of the accreditation program to   accredited based on national standards prescribed by MTCIT in
        allow the providers of these services to prepare for it. This phase   line with the international best practices, the Ministry said. The IT
        includes  standards in the following areas Managed Security   services covered in the program include IT Consultation, Solution
        Services and Professional Security Services," the Ministry said in   development and implementation, Information and cyber security,
        a statement. The accreditation for these services will start in the   and  Hosting  services.  The  first  phase  covered  a  batch  of  two
        first quarter of 2022. The service providers can find the published   services: Security Assessment services and Cloud and Hosting
        accreditation standards and the application  process for the   services.(September 22, 2021)
        program on the Ministry’s official website: For further inquiries and
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