Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 73


        CEO of Huawei Bangladesh Taoguangyao and Country Manager   The  Bangladesh  Telecom  Regulatory  Commission  (BTRC)  in
        of LM Ericsson (Bangladesh) Abdus Salam were present at the   a  statement  said  it  only  approves  the  IP  based  data  services
        webinar and delivered speeches. TRNB President Rased Mehedi   (Streaming  Service,  IP-TV,  Video-on-Demand)  for  the  licensed
        presded over the webinar while its General Secretary Samir Kumar   ISPs.  Noting  that  the  Internet  Protocol  Television  (IPTV)  is  the
        Dey presented the keynote paper. Speaking on the occasion, BTRC   process of  broadcasting contents,  aired on televisions, using
        Chairman Shyam Sunder Sikder said the process of launching 5G   the Internet Protocol Network, the statement said ISP operators
        in the capital city by this year is at the final stage. To this end,   approved by the BTRC for IPTV service could show the broadcasts
        the state-owned mobile  operator  Teletalk has started taking   of satellite TV channels approved by the Ministry of Information
        preparations, he said, adding, “Works related to formulation of a   and Broadcasting only to their subscribers through the Internet.
        broadband  policy  is  also  underway.  Before  finalizing  it,  we  will   But required contract/approval/release paper must be taken from
        sit down with all the stakeholders and their views will be taken”.   the concerned institutions for the promotion of each channel or
        BTRC  Commissioner  AKM  Shahiduzzaman  said  the  BTRC  has   program or content,  it added.  It has been  noticed  recently  that
        already formed a committee comprising operators, telecom sector   some  unscrupulous  businessman  is  illegally  displaying  IPTV
        stakeholders and law enforcement agencies on the 5G issue. Work   to the public buying domains or through Facebook or YouTube
        is underway to create a common guideline for mobile operators,   channels, which are not legally approved, the statement said. Such
        which will contribute to the mass adoption of 5G, he said, adding   broadcasting without approval is "immoral and a violation of the
        “BTRC is working on allocating waves at comparatively low prices   Telecommunications Act", it said, adding the BTRC has already
        in consideration of the standards followed by different countries   stopped 59 unregistered illegal IPTV. The statement also said that
        of the world. And any decision in this regard will be finalized in   the ISPs licensed by the BTRC for the IP based data services are
        consultation with the operators”. (September 25, 2021)  not involved in such (illegal) activities. (September 20, 2021)


        Egypt’s  National  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  (NTRA)  has   cables that will ensure youth can access the internet and thus the
        inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Egyptian   knowledge, training, and career opportunities offered by the digital
        Competition Authority (ECA) to form a permanent joint committee   world," he said. Internet penetration in Egypt was 57.3 per cent in
        which will  develop a  system for regulating  free competition  in   January 2021, according to Data Reportal. The country of 103.3
        the Egyptian telecom  market. Announcing  the development  in   million had 95.75 million mobile phone users. Greater connectivity
        a press release, the Ministry of Communications & Information   in Egypt will also help the country's booming e-commerce sector
        Technology  (MCIT)  said  the  cooperation  between  the  two   and  mobile  economy.  The  country  has  invested  more  than  $2
        bodies is designed to synergise their efforts at attracting more   billion to increase average internet speeds in major cities to 42.5
        investment,  while integrating  work  mechanisms  related to   megabytes per second from 6.5 megabytes per second, in two
        regulation and supervision. Further, the pair are aiming to ‘restrain   years. "Africa is considered the youngest continent on the planet,
        monopolies  that  may  negatively  affect the telecom  services   with about 60 per cent of its population under the age of 25. There
        rendered to citizens’. According to the MCIT, the joint committee   is no more urgent or important topic than youth empowerment,
        will be responsible for developing frameworks for the cooperation   entrepreneurship, and digital innovation," said Rania Al Mashat,
        between the two sides and will work to open new markets in the   the country's minister of international co-operation. "Creating a
        telecoms  sector  and predict and prevent economic  practices   framework to support the young is vital; Africa’s future depends
        leading  to monopolies  that may have negative effects  on  the   on it," she said. Separately at the forum, Egyptian leaders stressed
        market. Other mandates of the committee that were specifically   the importance of implementing agri-tech solutions to guarantee
        mentioned include the restricting of new regulations or policies   the continent's food security. Ensuring food security is particularly
        that may adversely affect competition in the sector.   important for Egypt, which is the biggest wheat importer in the
        (September 24, 2021)                   world. "The work we have done with the World Food Program, and
                                                               how we have been able to work with farmers to move from more
        Egypt, the Arab world's most populous nation, will connect more   traditional ways of farming,  from diesel-powered  irrigation  to
        than 60 million people living in rural areas with high-speed internet,   solar, is a great example of co-ordination between local agencies
        according  to  the  country's  Communications  and  Information   and international partners,” Ms. Al Mashat said. Calls for greater
        Technology Minister. “We want to improve internet connectivity   innovation in food security in Africa comes amid concerns that
        for 60 million Egyptians living in about 4,500 villages by upgrading   more than 100 million people on the continent face catastrophic
        broadband infrastructure,” Amr Talaat said at the International Co-  levels of food insecurity, exacerbated by the impact of the Covid
        operation Forum in the capital Cairo. “We plan to invest more than   19 pandemic.
        $360 million to connect one million households with fiber-optic   (September 11, 2021)

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