Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 69


                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        TRA Issues the First License to Execute Trust and e-Signature Service to

        BENEFIT Company

        In  light  of  supporting the  digital   Manager  for Information Technology,  Mr.   many future applications." Al-Maraj added.
        transformation  strategy  in  the  Kingdom   Riyadh Al-Maraj said, "We are pleased that   Trust  and e-signature  services come
        of  Bahrain,  the  Telecommunications   BENEFIT Company is the first entity in the   within the package of servicers as per the
        Regulatory Authority issues the first license   Kingdom  of  Bahrain  to  obtain  a  license   legislations  and  laws  of  the  Kingdom  of
        to execute e-signature and trust services,   for trust services and e-signature, after   Bahrain in accordance with the provisions
        to BENEFIT Company at the beginning of   passing the standards and specifications   of Articles (20) and (21) of the Electronic
        August.  On  this  occasion,  TRA’s  Director   for providing the service according to the   Communications  and  Transactions  Law.
        of Cyber Security & Technical Affairs Eng.   regulations  issued  by  TRA."  "BENEFIT   E-signature services allow  conducting
        Mohamed Alnoaimi said “Through licensing   has invested in establishing an advanced   and signing transactions electronically
        trust and e-signature services, TRA seeks   technical  infrastructure according  to the   and remotely, and promoting and adopting
        to keep pace with the latest technologies   very  best  international  practices  to  meet   e-signatures as a safe and reliable method
        and developments  to carry  out its  tasks   the requirements of this license, which we   when  conducting  transactions  and
        and perform its duties  to achieve the   look  forward  to  opening  wide doors for   services electronically.
        strategy of the digital transformation. The
        e-signature service is  the latest  initiative
        of TRA in this field. The increased use of
        "e-signature"  will  help to  enhance the
        efficiency  of  administrative  work  and
        the level of performance  of government
        and private services in accordance  with
        the  rapid technological  trends." Alnoaimi
        stressed  on  TRA’s  commitment  to
        assessing all systems and processes on a
        periodic basis to ensure their contribution
        to  fulfilling  the  needs  of  residents  while
        preserving  all  parties'  rights.  TRA  also
        supports  initiatives that  promote the
        adoption  of latest  developments  and
        technologies  that  improve  high quality
        of  service.  BENEFIT’s  Assistant  General

        GSMA Renews Calls for Digital Divide Action

        Industry  association  GSMA  kept  up   It noted in a statement  this so-called   action”  by  governments  and  the  industry
        pressure for action to  address  a  global   usage gap is a “far bigger challenge” than   to bridge the digital divide. The GSMA also
        digital  divide despite revealing the   coverage alone, citing factors including   released  a report covering  sub-Saharan
        proportion of mobile internet users broke   a  lack  of  digital literacy and skills,  and   Africa  which  found  495  million  people
        through the 50 per cent mark for the first   device  costs  as  barriers  to  use.  “Mobile   subscribed to mobile services by the end
        time during  2020.  In  its  newly-released   is  the primary  and often the only way  to   of 2020, up by almost 20 million on 2019.
        State of Mobile Internet Connectivity 2021   access  the internet in low-  and middle-  Adoption of 4G recorded an uptake while
        report,  the  GSMA  estimated  51  per  cent   income countries. While more people than   3G growth was slowing rapidly. The GSMA
        used mobile internet in 2020 compared with   ever are  now using the mobile internet,   called for governments  and regulators
        49 per cent in 2019. But, while hailing the   some fundamental  barriers stop far  too   to  ensure  there  is  enough  spectrum for
        achievement, it noted 3.8 billion still lacked   many  people  from  using”  it,  GSMA  chief   mobile services and to  open  mid-band
        access,  despite  the  majority  (3.4  billion)   regulatory  officer  John  Giusti  explained.   frequencies for future rollouts of 5G.
        living in  areas  with  suitable coverage.   He  called  for  “targeted  and  collaborative

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