Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 99


        Digital Investment Boost for Key Pakistan Cities

        Pakistani e-commerce platform Daraz this
        week launched the country’s first automat-
        ed smart distribution centers in Karachi and
        Lahore  in  collaboration  with  Cainiao  Net-
        work, the logistics arm of China’s Alibaba
        Group, the first such set-up in South Asia.
        Equipped  with  innovative  smart  technolo-
        gies  such  as  an  automatic assembly  line
        and a smart distribution set-up, the centers
        are the most technologically advanced lo-
        gistics  facilities  in  South  Asia,  and  mark
        Cainiao’s first deeply integrated distribution
        center network in the region. The two facili-
        ties span more than 50,000 sq m each, and
        have capacity to process 428,400  orders
        daily. Cainiao has so far built hundreds of   frastructure and policy as well,” Ding said.   smart distribution centers, sorting capacity
        automated distribution  centers  of varying   “We constantly innovate our operations and   would increase manifold and manual errors
        scales in China, and 10 smart distribution   technology in Pakistan to continue scaling   would go down by more than 90 percent.
        hubs across Europe, Asia and America. Dr.   and  enhancing  our customer experience,”   “This will benefit the entire business chain
        Ding Hongwei, general manager of Cainiao   Bjarke Mikkelsen, CEO and founder of Da-  and  improve  the  customer experience,”
        Technology,  said  Pakistan  had  been  se-  raz Group, said at the launch ceremony ear-  said Ahmed Tanveer, chief operating officer
        lected as the first location in South Asia to   lier this week. “Daraz is introducing smart   of Daraz Pakistan. Pakistan’s e-commerce
        set up smart distribution centers because   technology  in  the  country to bring  more   market is projected to generate $7.6 billion
        of the potential of its  digital  sector. “Our   efficiency  in  our  logistics,”  said  the  CEO.   in revenue in 2022. The market volume is
        great  confidence  in  the  investment  in  Pa-  “Launching our centers in Karachi and La-  projected to grow by $9.1 billion by 2025,
        kistan  comes  from  its  significant  growth   hore is a key step of this partnership, and   according  to Statista,  a Germany-based
        and high potential of the digital sector, and   we  look  forward  to  growing  it  in  future.”   provider of market and consumer data.
        strong support from local government in in-  Daraz officials said with the launch of the

        Pakistan Imports Cell Phones Worth US$102 Million in July, August

        Pakistan  imported  mobile  phones  worth   of last fiscal year. However, on a YoY basis,   lion phone handsets during the first seven
        $101.864  million  during  the  first  two   the  overall  telecom  registered a negative   months  (January-July)  of 2022  compared
        months (July-August) of the current fiscal   growth of 51.311  per cent and remained   to 1.16 million imported commercially, says
        year 2022-22,  and registered a negative   $101.537 when compared to $208.558 mil-  the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
        growth of 64.38 per cent when compared   lion in July-August 2021-22. On MoM basis   (PTA). The local manufacturing plants have
        to $285.947 million during the same period   overall  telecom  imports  registered  49.54   manufactured/  assembled  0.86  million
        of the last year. Pakistan Bureau of Statis-  per cent growth and  remained $101.537   mobile phones handsets in July 2022. The
        tics (PBS)’s data shows that on a month-  million in August 2022 when compared to   manufactured/assembled  mobile  phones
        on-month (MoM) basis  mobile phone  im-  $67.901  million  during July  2022.  Other   handsets  by local manufacturing  plants
        ports registered 62.51 per cent growth and   apparatus  imports  remained  at  $67.574   during the calendar year 2021 stood at
        remained  $63.060  million  in  August  2022   million in July-August 2022 and registered   24.66 million compared to 13.05 million in
        when compared to $38.804 million in July   16.68 per cent negative growth when com-  2020, i.e., 88 per cent increase. The com-
        2022.  Mobile  phone  imports  registered   pared to $81.104 million during the same   mercial imports of mobile phones handsets
        62.16 per cent negative growth on a year-on-  period of last fiscal year. On a year-on-year   stood at 10.26 million in 2021 compared to
        year basis in August 2022 when compared   basis  other apparatus  remained  $38.477   24.51 million in 2020, revealed the official
        to $166.710 million during the same month   million in August 2022 and registered 8.06   data of the PTA. The locally-manufactured/
        of last  year.  The  overall  telecom imports   per cent negative growth when compared   assembled  14.94  million  mobile  phones
        into the country remained $169.438 million   to $41.848  million in  August 2021  and   handsets  include  8.6  million  2G  and  6.33
        during the first two months of the current   registered  32.24  per  cent  on  a  MoM ba-  million  smartphones. Further as per the
        fiscal  year  2022-23  and  registered  53.84   sis when compared to $29.0097 million in   PTA data, 54 per cent mobile devices are
        per cent negative growth when compared   July 2022 The local manufacturing plants   smartphones and 46 per cent 2G on Paki-
        to $367.051 million during the same period   have manufactured/ assembled 14.94 mil-  stan network.

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