Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 103


        Telecommunications Market Indicators & Projections for the Arab World

                                             of maturity across the telecoms value chain   •  Oman’s Telecommunications Market
                                             which in many countries has developed to   Indicators and Projections
                                             highly  vibrant  eco-systems.” Commented,   •  Palestine Telecommunications Market
                                             Fayez  Abu Awad, Chief  Advisor, Arab   Indicators and Projections
                                             Advisors Group.                     Arab Advisors Group will be releasing the
                                             The readily available reports are:  remaining  reports  throughout the  year
                                             •  Algeria’s Telecommunications Market   covering Qatar, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan,
                                               Indicators and Projections        Tunisia, the UAE, and Yemen. A list with all
                                             •  Bahrain’s Telecommunications Market   previous versions of these reports, alongside
        Arab Advisors Group announced the release   Indicators and Projections   our newly  and  previously  published
        of its 17th edition of telecommunications   •  Egypt’s Telecommunications Market   telecom and media research reports,  can
        market indicators and projections covering   Indicators and Projections  be  viewed  on our comprehensive  library.
        the Arab world. Through separate reports,   •  Iraq’s Telecommunications Market   Arab  Advisors Group’s  team  of analysts
        Arab  Advisors  Group provides  country-  Indicators and Projections     in the region produced over 5,600 reports
        based  key  indicators  pertaining  to  fixed   •  Jordan’s Telecommunications Market   on  the  Arab  World’s  communications,
        voice, cellular, and Internet  services   Indicators and Projections     media, and financial markets. We released
        across  18  Arab  countries.  Each report   •  Kuwait’s Telecommunications Market   our  first  telecommunications  market
        covers  historical data  back  to  2017  with   Indicators and Projections  indicators and projections reports in 2006,
        a  5-year  forecast  ending  2026.  “The   •  Mauritania’s Telecommunications   totaling 239 reports to date. To date, Arab
        telecommunication  market  of the  MENA   Market Indicators and Projections  Advisors Group serves over 945 global and
        region  remains  healthy  and  with  distinct   •  Lebanon’s Telecommunications Market   regional  companies  by  providing  reliable
        variations  among regions.  Understanding   Indicators and Projections   research analysis  and  forecasts  of Arab
        the  nuances  of  the  indicators  is  key  to   •  Morocco’s Telecommunications Market   communications  and  media markets  to
        unlocking  opportunities of different  levels   Indicators and Projections  these clients.

        Qatar to Host ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in 2026

        The   International  Telecommunication
        Union (ITU) will hold its next Plenipotentiary
        Conference, known as  PP-26,  in  Doha,
        Qatar, four years from now, delegates from
        governments  around the  world agreed
        today.  The  Plenipotentiary  Conference,
        where  delegates  representing  ITU's  193
        Member States set  the  organization's
        four-year strategic  plan  and  budget, is
        ITU's  highest  decision-making  body.  ITU
        is  the  United  Nations  specialized  agency
        for  information  and  communication
        technologies,  with  a mission  to help
        connect the world sustainably while leaving
        no one behind. The decision to host PP-26
        in Doha was adopted by consensus among
        the  Member State  delegations  present
        Tuesday  morning,  during  the  second
        week of ITU's  current  Plenipotentiary   in  Qatar, the  successful host  nation  of   end  of the  decade."  Zhao  recalled  Qatar's
        Conference, PP-22, in Bucharest, Romania.   previous important  ITU  events,"  said  ITU   hosting of ITU's World Telecommunication
        The  quadrennial gatherings  serve as   Secretary-General  Houlin  Zhao.  “PP-  Development  Conference  in  2006,  the
        milestones  on the  path  to global digital   26  –  marking  less  than  four  years  until   Connect  Arab Summit in  2012,  and  ITU
        transformation, which ITU aims to align with   2030  –  will  support  accelerated  digital   Telecom World  in  2014.  Qatar's  Minister
        United  Nations  sustainable  development   uptake,  which  is  crucial for achieving  the   of Communications  and  Information
        priorities.  “I  applaud  the  decision  to hold   UN Sustainable Development  Goals  and   Technology, H.E. Mohamed bin Ali Al Mannai,
        the  next  ITU Plenipotentiary Conference   ensuring that everyone is connected by the   attending today's session in person, called
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