Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        entities as a top priority and are consistent-  ers  in  particular  the  investors. In  keeping   ity to promote the adoption of policies and
        ly striving to deepen our understanding of   with  the pace of change, amidst  aspects   practices that aim to create stable and safe
        the inherent and emerging risks in the area   of increased  technological complexity, a   financial ecosystems that are responsive to
        of cybersecurity  to protect  our stakehold-  key emphasis is placed on our responsibil-  change.”

        Kuwait Ranks 2nd Among GCC in 5G Network Availability

        Kuwait  ranked  second  among  the  Gulf   rate, as the UAE scored 743.3 MB/s, Qatar   Saudi  Arabia  at  23.7  MB/s.  second, then
        Cooperation  Council  (GCC)  countries   713.4 MB/s, Kuwait 663.7 MB/s, followed   Bahrain  at  15.3  MB  /  sec,  and  finally  the
        in  terms  of  the  availability  of  the  5G   by  Saudi  Arabia  635.9  MB/s,  Sultanate   Sultanate of Oman at 13.5 MB / sec.
        telecommunications network, with  a rate   of Oman  503.5  MB/s,  and  Bahrain  469.4   The following are the specific speeds of the
        of 33.6%,  according  to a report  issued   MB/s second in that order. It is noteworthy   5G network services when used:
        by  Opensignal,  an  analytics  company   that  Saudi Arabia  and  the  Sultanate  of   1  –  Kuwait  ranks  first  in  5G  video  experi-
        measuring  mobile  network  experience.   Oman recorded a difference in the rate of   ence, at  75  points,  being  the  only market
        In  terms  of  download  speed  through  the   peak  speed  to normal times,  an  average   where users have an excellent experience
        5G  technology, the  UAE topped  the  GCC   of 2.7  times  in  favor  of peak  times.  The   (75 points or higher on a 100-point scale).
        countries  with  a  speed  of 316.8  MB/s,   results  of the  upload speed  through the   2 – The UAE ranked second at 72.4 points,
        with  Qatar  in  second place with  278.5   5G technology were much slower than the   then Bahrain at 71.5 points, Saudi Arabia at
        MB/s,  and  then  Kuwait with  263.4  MB/s.   download speed. Qatar topped the average   68.8 points, Qatar at 68.6 points, and then
        The same three countries also topped the   download speed in the region, then the UAE   the Sultanate of Oman with 67.9 points.
        list of download speeds in terms of peak   at  27.6  MB/s,  Kuwait  at  24.6  MB/s,  then   3  –  The  UAE  topped  the  GCC  countries
                                                                                 in gaming experience via 5G with a score
                                                                                 of 74  points,  followed  by  Qatar  at  69.6
                                                                                 points,  Bahrain  at  69.6  points,  Kuwait at
                                                                                 67.4 points, the Sultanate of Oman at 61.5
                                                                                 points, and Saudi Arabia at 59.7 points.
                                                                                 4 – In the experience of voice applications,
                                                                                 such as: WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook Mes-
                                                                                 senger, and FaceTime via 5G, Qatar topped
                                                                                 with  80.6  points,  followed by Kuwait with
                                                                                 79.6  points,  the UAE at  79.5  points,  Sau-
                                                                                 di  Arabia  at  78.1  points,  Bahrain  at  77.7
                                                                                 points, and the Sultanate of Oman at 77.4
                                                                                 5 – The fifth-generation technology contin-
                                                                                 ues to progress in the countries of the Co-
                                                                                 operation Council, so that users can enjoy
                                                                                 improved speeds, according to OpenSignal.

        Tunisie Telecom and Huawei to Launch Innovation Laboratory

        An innovation  laboratory aimed  at  stimu-  applications, Tunisie Telecom said, without   players in the ICT sector in Tunisia, stress-
        lating the growth of the 5G network in the   specifying the exact date of launching this   ing that "the success of Tunisie Telecom is
        coming years  will  be  created  in  Tunisia,   laboratory. The two parties agreed on the   based  on  solid  and  sustainable  strategic
        this is what has been agreed between the   creation of this laboratory during the annu-  partnership agreements. The General Man-
        national fixed and mobile operator Tunisie   al event "Tunisie Telecom & Huawei Strate-  ager of Huawei Tunisia, Lin Xingshuo said
        Telecom and the Chinese group providing   gy to execution Summit 2022" which was   that this cooperation with Tunisie Telecom
        solutions  in  the  information technology   held  recently  under the  theme  "Together,   will help Tunisia to better position itself in
        and communication  sector " Huawei. The   create the future", in Tunis, on the occasion   this new digital world and to accelerate its
        objectives of this innovation laboratory will   of the 20th anniversary of their partnership.   digitalization. On the sidelines of this meet-
        be  to  select  partners  in  the  technological   On this occasion, CEO of Tunisie Telecom,   ing, the two parties signed a memorandum
        ecosystem  and  develop  digital  solutions,   Lassâad Ben Dhiab reaffirmed the solidity   of understanding  to strengthen  coopera-
        test and validate them to make commercial   of the partnership between the two major   tion between them.
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