Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 101


        UAE and UN Satellite Initiative to Help Bahrain and Nepal Gain Access to


        A  space  initiative  by  the  UAE and  UN  is   already look forward to seeing the results   sustainable,  peaceful  use  of  outer  space
        helping to give access to space to nations   of the  PHI  program boosting  the  space   and building national capacity in the space
        that are trying to develop their own space   industry in  Bahrain  and Nepal,” he  said.   field."  Bahrain  has  increased  investment
        programs. Bahrain and Nepal were recently   Bahrain’s  National  Space Science  Agency   in space over the past few years and is a
        selected  to add their  technologies  into a   (NSSA)  will  develop  the  Aman  payload,   signatory of the  US-led Artemis Accords,
        satellite called PHI-1. The modular satellite   which will  help  secure communication   an  international  agreement  that  outlines
        is  part  of the  Payload Hosting initiative   between  the  satellite  and ground station.   peaceful  space  exploration.  The  UAE
        by  the  UN  Office  for  Outer  Space  Affairs   Nepal’s  Antarikchya Pratisthan, a non-  and  Bahrain  have worked  together  on
        (Unoosa)  and  the  Mohammed bin  Rashid   profit  organization,  will  build  the  ‘Danfe   another  satellite  –  the  Light-1  Cubesat
        Space Centre. Private companies will help   Space Mission’ – technology that will study   –  which  was  launched  last  year  to  study
        build  the  satellite  for the  space  Centre,   operations  of drones  in  space. “Aman is   charged  particles  above  thunderstorms.
        with technologies from Bahrain and Nepal   considered  the  first  Bahraini  payload  fully   Bahrain  and  Nepal’s  selection  in  the  first
        to be added in. A launch date  has  not   designed, integrated and tested by NSSA,”   round  of  the  Payload  Hosting  Initiative
        been given. Unoosa Acting Director Niklas   said Mohamed Al Aseeri, chief executive of   will  help the  nations'  engineers  to build
        Hedman  said  that  the  program  is  helping   Bahrain’s space agency. “This  opportunity   skills  and gain experience  in  space
        emerging  space nations  build  capacities   is unprecedented in our quest to contribute   technologies.  Abhas  Maskey,  the  founder
        in  space  science  and  technology. "I   meaningfully  to the  global  effort  towards   of Antarikchya Pratisthan Nepal, said that
                                                                                 their involvement will help the organization
                                                                                 move  closer  to  Vision  2050  –  a  program
                                                                                 that aims to launch Nepal’s first astronaut
                                                                                 in space by 2050. “If Nepal is to progress
                                                                                 as a spacefaring nation, the country has to
                                                                                 take each and every opportunity available
                                                                                 to develop self-reliance,  perform  research
                                                                                 and  development  and  build  capacity  for
                                                                                 space,”  he  said.  Nepal  launched  its  first
                                                                                 satellite  NepaliSat-1  in  2019.  Since  then,
                                                                                 it has been trying to increase activities in
                                                                                 space, but its space program is struggling
                                                                                 to get a decent budget, according to local
                                                                                 reports. The National reported earlier that
                                                                                 the  Mohammed  bin  Rashid  Space  Centre
                                                                                 would try to develop at least two satellites
                                                                                 under  the  Payload  Hosting  Initiative  each
                                                                                 year to help  create  access  to space  for
                                                                                 developing nations.

        Bahrain ICT Investments Expected to Create Over 770 Jobs

        The Bahrain Economic Development Board   nomic Development  Board,  said:  “We  are   ue jobs, of which 59 per cent are held by
        (EDB) has attracted $98m (BHD37m) worth   pleased to see more and more ICT compa-  Bahraini nationals. According to statistics
        of direct investments from 14 international   nies calling Bahrain home for their region-  released by the Ministry of Finance and Na-
        companies in its Information and Commu-  al  operations.  Continuous  development  in   tional Economy, the ICT sector contributed
        nications  Technology (ICT)  sector in  the   the ICT sector is a strategic priority for the   6.8 per cent to Bahrain’s real GDP at the end
        first 3 quarters of 2022. Over 770 jobs are   kingdom.  The  kingdom’s  highly  qualified   of Q4 2021. Overall, Bahrain’s EDB attract-
        expected to be created as a result of these   local talent, best-value operating costs, as   ed $921m (BHD348m) in direct investment
        investments  in  order  to help  the  kingdom   well  as  its  strategic  location  and  connec-  from  66  companies  during  the  first  nine
        reach the objectives of its Economic Recov-  tivity to the entire region positions Bahrain   months of 2022. The  investments  are ex-
        ery  Plan  by  advancing  economic  growth.   as the destination of choice for global ICT   pected to generate over 4,700 jobs over the
        Commenting on the  investments,  Musab   companies.” Meanwhile,  the  ICT sector  is   next  three  years  in  key  sectors,  including
        Abdullah, executive director of Investment   a major pillar  in  Bahrain’s  economy.  The   financial  services,  ICT,  logistics,  manufac-
        Development  –  ICT  at  the  Bahrain  Eco-  sector generates large number of high-val-  turing and tourism.
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