Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 96


        UNICEF Holds Program on Online Safety of Children in Bangladesh

        “After  opening  the  Facebook account, I   Child  Protection  specialist,  presented   for safe  online  participation  of children.
        gave the password to a friend. He started   her paper on "Enhancing  Child  Online   Grameenphone  Head  of Communications
        spreading  various  information, pictures   Protection  and  Engaging  Adolescents  as   Khairul Bashar said that in addition to the
        from messenger  to  my relatives.  I  was   Agents of Change in Bangladesh". She said   awareness  program, online  safety  should
        humiliated  in  many ways by my family,   that  between 2018-2021,  trained social   be highlighted in textbooks. Unicef's Child
        relatives.  I  was  bullied  by  my  friends.   workers  of UNICEF  and  MOSW  received   Protection Section Manager Elisa Kalpana,
        After that,  I  was  forced  to change  my   4,90,217 calls at Child Helpline 1098 (CHL)   Grameenphone  Head  of Partnership  and
        Facebook account.” Sabina  was  sharing   from children  asking  for cyber  safety. In   Strategic  Project  Rasna  Hasan  and  Head
        her  experience  online  at  the  closing   addition,  during  the  Covid-19  pandemic,   of Social Impact Farhana Islam, among
        ceremony of the program, “Be Smart, Use   the  education  of children  and  teenagers   others, spoke on the occasion. According
        Heart”  on  the  theme  “Online  safety  of   was transferred to online  platforms in   to Unicef, more than 500,000 children and
        every child  in  Bangladesh”  at  Bangladesh   large numbers, so the  issue  of online   adolescents,  470,000  secondary school
        Shishu  Academy  in  Dhaka.  Kamrangichar   safety has become  essential.  Therefore,   students,  73,947  teachers  and  50,000
        resident  Masuma shared a similar    this  program is being  conducted with   parents have been trained under the online
        experience.  Due  to  lack  of  security,  this   the aim of creating a safe learning space   safety program.
        student  was  eventually  bound  to  change
        her SIM and mobile phone. In a study, “An
        Assessment  of Viewership  of the  Online
        Safety Intervention of Child Protection” by
        Unicef, a survey was conducted on internet
        users  aged  10-19  years  in  28  districts
        of Bangladesh  and  2.5%  of adolescents
        were found to have been victims of cyber
        bullying in the last six months. At the end
        of the  research  presentation,  Dr.  Suaib
        Mohammad of  Search  Limited  said  that
        although the percentage of bullying is low
        here, its impact is very high. Due to cyber-
        bullying,  victims  as  well  as  their  family
        members are  in  danger.  SM  Latif,  joint
        secretary, Ministry of Women and  Child
        Affairs, said:  "We are moving towards
        the  fourth  industrial  revolution  –  artificial
        intelligence. But unfortunately, the negative
        effects  of the  internet  on  us  increase
        further. About 70% of students now use the
        internet.  The  internet  is  an  addiction  like
        drugs. So, we need to know our limits while
        using it.” Monira Hasan, Unicef Bangladesh

        Ooredoo Finalizes Myanmar Exit Deal

        Qatar’s  Ooredoo Group has entered   provider  Ooredoo Myanmar and  Ooredoo   to divest from our Myanmar business is a
        into  a  definitive  agreement  to  sell  its   Myanmar Fintech Limited  (OMFL).  The   direct result of this review to reshape our
        Myanmar division  to Singapore-based   transaction is subject to customary closing   portfolio as a leading telecommunications
        Nine  Communications  for an  enterprise   conditions,  including  regulatory approvals   company. It was important for us to make
        value  of approximately  USD576  million   in  Myanmar. Regarding  the  sale, Ooredoo   this call at a time when Ooredoo Myanmar
        and  total  equity consideration  of USD162   Group CEO and MD Aziz Aluthman Fakhroo   is  performing at its  strongest  to ensure
        million. The sale comprises the transfer of   was quoted as saying: ‘Ooredoo Group has   the  business  continues  from strength  to
        the Qatari Group’s 100% stake in Ooredoo   gone through an extensive business review   strength. We will ensure a smooth transition
        Asian  Investments  (Singapore)  (OAI),   resulting  in  a reassessment  of its  overall   with the least possible disruption adhering
        the  holding  company  that  owns  mobile   strategic  direction.  The  difficult  decision   to all local requirements.’

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