Page 178 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 178


                         launch commercial 5G services within twelve months   after each paying  USD273.6  million  for one  lot  of
                         of the effective date of the license, and coverage should   100MHz  TDD  spectrum. Following  the  conclusion of
                         reach at least two states in each of the country’s six   the assignment stage, MTN selected spectrum in the
                         geo-political zones within two years. MTN Nigeria and   3500MHz-3600MHz  band for  an additional  USD15.9
                         newcomer  Mfab Communications emerged  as  the   million, and the second lot (3700MHz-3800MHz) was
                         winners of last December’s 3.5GHz spectrum auction,   assigned to Mafab. (October 24, 2022)

                         The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal   too many who fall outside the digital community. It is
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom)  has  announced   an important national task to get everyone involved, and
                         that  93.6%  of  the  population  now have  access  to   both the industry and the authorities must take a step
                         broadband  at  speeds  of 100Mbps  or more,  up  from   forward in the next few years.’
        Norway           90.4%  a  year  earlier.  With  the  regulator publishing  a   (September 30, 2022)
                         data  update  showing  the  development  of broadband
                         coverage  in  the country, among the  other  highlights   The  regulator  Nkom  flagged  plans  to  allocate
                         was the fact that the availability of gigabit speeds had   frequencies in the 26GHz and 1500MHz bands for 5G
                         also  increased,  reaching  92.5%  of  the  population  at   services  in  2023,  although  it  noted  that  the  timing  of
                         mid-2022, compared to 86.5% a year earlier. Of further   the  award will  depend  on a number of factors. John-
                         note,  Nkom reported  that  as  of  30  June  2022  45.6%   Eivind Velure, a director in the spectrum management
                         of  the  population  had  access  to  downlink  speeds  of   department  at  Nkom,  indicated  there  was  sufficient
                         100Mbps or more via the 5G infrastructure rolled out   demand for the bands from several companies. Nkom
                         by one of the nation’s mobile operators, while access   plans  to publish a more  detailed  timetable  later  this
                         to speeds of at least 30Mbps via 5G stood at 65.7%.   year, once it  has  worked  out how the  allocations  will
                         What the watchdog referred to as ‘basic’ 5G coverage   be  organized  and  whether  or not  certain  coverage
                         was, meanwhile, up significantly year-on-year, reaching   obligations  should  be  attached  to  licenses.  The  two
                         81.5% at mid-2022, compared to 23.3% a year earlier.   bands were among a total of five under consideration
                         Despite the improvements in access to faster speeds,   for 5G  in  Norway.  Velure  noted  there  has  been  little
                         efforts will reportedly continue with a view to achieving   interest to date in the 738MHz to 758MHz and 40.5GHz
                         the  government’s  stated  aim  of having  100Mbps   to 43.5GHz  bands,  while  further  assessments  are
                         downlink speeds available to all Norwegians by 2025.   required for 2.3GHz. Norway allocated frequencies for
                         To that end, Nkom director Pal Wien Espen was cited   5G in the 703MHZ to 733MHz and 758MHz to 788MHz
                         as  saying:  ‘It  is  gratifying  that  more  households  have   bands in 2019, and the 3.6GHz band in 2021.
                         access  to  satisfactory  broadband,  but  there  are  still   (September 5, 2022)

                         The President has signed the Subscriber Identity Mobile   mandatory SIM registration was ratified by the House
                         (SIM) Card Registration Act into law, according to the   of Representatives  and  the  Senate  in  February  2022
                         Office of the Press Secretary. The new law requires all   but was vetoed by then-President  Rodrigo Duterte
                         public telecommunications entities (PTEs) to register all   in  April.  According  to  the  President’s  spokesperson,
        Philippines      SIM cards with a valid photo ID as a prerequisite to their   the  President  ‘wanted  to ensure  that  new  laws  are
                                                                        consistent with constitutional provisions guaranteeing
                         sale  and  activation.  It  also  directs  telcos  to  disclose
                         the information contained in the SIM card registration,   individual privacy and free speech.’
                         should a court ask for it. Previously, the introduction of   (October 11, 2022)

                         Polish  mobile  network operator (MNO)  Polkomtel,   on the price of 1800MHz spectrum acquired by rivals
                         which trades  under the  Plus  brand,  has  been  told it   Play (P4) and T-Mobile in 2013, adjusted for inflation.
                         must pay PLN847 million (USD174 million) to renew its   Plus holds the most spectrum of any Polish MNO, both
                         spectrum licenses in the 1800MHz band for a further   in  the  1800MHz  band  (39.8%  of the  total  available)
        Poland           15 years. The renewal covers three separate licenses,   and  across  all  bands  combined (36.4%  of the  total
                         which expire at the end of this year and together include   available). (October 24, 2022)
                         2×19.8MHz  of paired  frequencies.  The  operator uses
                         the spectrum for 2G and 4G services. According to a   Polish telecommunications regulator UKE has prepared
                         report, the Office of Electronic Communications (Urzad   a draft decision on the cost renewing licenses for the
                         Komunikacji Elektronicznej, UKE) based the renewal fee   2,100 MHz spectrum, reports According to the

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