Page 183 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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decide whether further action is required, which could said it wants to understand “whether any limitations on
include recommendations to the government to change their ability to interact with each other raises potential
policy, take competition enforcement action or refer concerns”. Devices including smart speakers and
the case to the Competition and Markets Authority. In connected TVs will also fall under Ofcom’s gaze as it
addition, the regulator aims to commence a broad probe seeks to judge whether the way the sector operates
into how services including WhatsApp, FaceTime and would require a more formal examination.
Zoom are affecting traditional calling and messaging. It (September 22, 2022)
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has Security Bureau has added equipment and services
announced that its Enforcement Bureau has reached a from two entities – Pacific Network Corp (and its wholly-
settlement with Truphone to resolve the Commission’s owned subsidiary ComNet USA) and China Unicom
Notice of Apparent Liability issued against the MVNO Americas – to its ‘Covered List’ of communications
United earlier this year for ‘failing to disclose accurate equipment/services providers that have been deemed
a threat to national security. FCC chairwoman Jessica
ownership stakes held by foreign entities and transferring
States control of FCC licenses and international section 214 Rosenworcel commented: ‘Today we take another
authorization without Commission approval to do so’. critical step to protect our communications networks
In addition to admitting the violations, the company will from foreign national security threats. Earlier this
pay a civil penalty of USD600,000 and enter into a robust year the FCC revoked China Unicom America’s and
compliance plan. The agreement requires any stake in PacNet/ComNet’s authorities to provide service in the
Truphone held by Alexander Abramov, Alexander Frolov, United States because of the national security risks
or Roman Abramovich to be divested. (Note: While they posed to communications in the United States.
Truphone is an MVNO, FCC documentation notes that Now, working with our national security partners, we
it indirectly holds a PCS license in Butte, Montana, are taking additional action to close the door to these
via iSmart Mobile, which is a subsidiary of SmartCall. companies by adding them to the FCC’s Covered List.’
Because the company is in possession of a common The so-called Covered List was first published in March
carrier radio license, the watchdog has been able to hit 2021 and includes companies whose activities pose
it with a substantial fine.) an unacceptable risk to national security of the US.
(October 24, 2022) PacNet, ComNet and China Unicom are all said to be
‘subject to the exploitation, influence and control of the
The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommu- Chinese government’.
nications and Information Administration (NTIA) has (September 21, 2022)
announced that it has awarded 23 grants as part of
the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP). The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has
These new grants – totaling more than USD601.6 mil- announced that it is ready to authorize USD791.604
lion – bring the total of the program to USD1.35 billion million via the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF).
awarded to 94 Tribal entities. The new grants are being The funding will be issued to six providers to bankroll
awarded in fifteen states: Alaska, Arizona, California, new broadband deployments to an estimated 350,000
Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, locations across 19 states. The top three states
Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington receiving funding are Illinois (USD212 million), Arizona
and Wisconsin. In total, the TBCP – which forms part (USD140 million) and Iowa (USD113 million). To date,
of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Internet for All Ini- the RDOF program has provided more than USD6 billion
tiative – will provide grants worth almost USD3 billion in broadband financing to 47 states. The RDOF Phase I
to Tribal entities. The funds are made available from auction (Auction 904) commenced on 29 October 2020,
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (USD980 having attracted a total of 386 qualified bidders. In the
million) and President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure event, the regulator awarded a total of USD9.2 billion in
Law (USD2 billion). Additional grants will be announced funding to 180 bidders. A total of 5.2 million unserved
on a rolling basis. homes and businesses – around 99% of the locations
(October 12, 2022) included in the auction – will gain access to high speed
broadband services as a result of the RDOF.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (September 1, 2022)
has announced that its Public Safety and Homeland