Page 174 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                         IndoTelko, citing  a statement  from the  Ministry   the 2.1GHz band as it looks to push 5G deployments
                         of  Communication  and   Information  (MCI,  or  across  the  country.  In  an  interview with  the  Jakarta
                         KemKominfo), has  reported  that  Indosat  Ooredoo   Post, the head  of the  Indonesian  Telematics  Society
                         Hutchison (IOH) has walked away from the upcoming   (Mastel)  Sigit  Puspito Wigati  Jarot described  the
        Indonesia        auction of 2.1GHz spectrum which is due to begin on   2.1GHz  band as  the  “sweet  spot  spectrum” from  the
                         3  October.  In  an  official  notice  dated  30  September,   previous generation, as it could be used by operators
                         KemKominfo  confirmed  that  three  companies  –  IOH,   to boost  their  capacity  in  the  face of escalating  data
                         Telkomsel  (Telekomunikasi  Selular)  and  XL Axiata   demand. While  Sigit  acknowledged  that  the  total
                         –  requested  selection  documents  and  submitted   holding  was  fairly  small  at  just  10MHz,  the  fact that
                         applications  by  27  September  2022.  However, having   it  comprises  blocks in  the  1975MHz-1980MHz  and
                         carried out an examination  of the  trio’s  applications   2165MHz-2170MHz  frequency meant  that  “it  is  very
                         per the  Administrative Evaluation Stage  (28  and  29   likely  that  cellular  operators  will  fight  tooth  and  nail
                         September), it  declared  that  whilst Telkomsel  and  XL   to win this part of the spectrum.” Arif Angga, chair of
                         Axiata were declared ‘complete’, IOH had resigned from   Indonesian Internet Providers Association (APJII), noted
                         the process (through Letter Number 462/NOO/REL/22   that the technology has previously been used for mobile
                         dated  27  September  2022  regarding  Notice  of  Not   broadband  but  has  now been  designated  a  neutral
                         Continuing Participation in the Selection of Users of the   frequency by the  MCI, meaning  that  operators can
                         2.1GHz Radio Frequency Band for the Purpose of the   use it to offer 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G services. XL Axiata has
                         Implementation of the 2022 Mobile Cellular Network).   already confirmed that it plans to bid for the spectrum,
                         (September 30, 2022)       while Smartfren and Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison have
                                                                        indicated  that  they  may  also  attempt  to  procure  the
                         The Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI)   holding to gain a competitive advantage.
                         plans to sell off a spare 2×5MHz block of spectrum in   (September 11, 2022)

                         The  Department  of Environment,  Climate  and   public  BCPs  had  been  installed  on  the  NBI  network
                         Communications (DECC) has  published  an update   and  were  ready  for connection. Meanwhile,  BCPs  at
                         regarding  the  delivery of the  country’s  National   470  schools within  the  ‘Intervention  Area’  were also
                         Broadband  Plan  (NBP).  In  doing  so,  the  government   reported  to have been  installed  and were ‘ready for
        Ireland          body  said  that  National  Broadband  Ireland  (NBI),  the   connection to the NBI network, (subject to connection
                                                                        by the Department of Education)’. (October 19, 2022)
                         company rolling out the new high speed fiber broadband
                         network  under  the  NBP,  remains  on  track  to  pass  ‘in
                         excess  of 100,000  premises  by the  end  of its  third
                         contract  year  (end  of  January  2023),  having  passed   Ireland’s Commission for Communications Regulation
                         more than 85,000 premises at the end of September’.   (ComReg) has published its response to a consultation
                         Also  notable,  the  DECC  confirmed  that  more  than   on its  plans  for  a short-term licensing  framework
                         20,000 premises had been connected to a high speed   relating  to spectrum  rights  in  the  700MHz  and
                         broadband service under the NBP as of 30 September   2100MHz bands, while also setting out its final decision
                         2022. A raft of detailed statistics regarding NBI’s rollout   and  draft  regulations.  Last  month  ComReg began
                         and  uptake  were  offered  up  by  the  DECC,  confirming   consulting  on proposals  to issue  short-term licenses
                         that  by  the  end  of September 2022  NBI  had,  among   for spectrum in the aforementioned bands with a view
                         other  things,  installed  14.4km  of  fiber  cable  across   to  avoiding  ‘significant  consumer  disruption’.  With
                         the  country.  Meanwhile,  with  the  company  confirmed   existing  concessions  in  these  bands  scheduled  to
                         to have  passed  85,411  premises  across  25  counties   expire in October 2022, the regulator had hoped to have
                         with  its  infrastructure  as  of 30  September  2022,  the   concluded a  planned  multi-band  spectrum auction  of
                         number of premises  available  for order or pre-order   700MHz, 2100MHz, 2300MHz and 2.6GHz frequencies
                         of a service stood at  94,539  at  that  same date.  With   prior to that  date.  However,  in  July  this  year  Ireland’s
                         regards  to  uptake,  meanwhile,  NBI  was  confirmed  to   High Court issued a stay order preventing the auction
                         have completed 20,512 connections to its network as of   from proceeding,  following  an  appeal  against  the
                         the end of 3Q22. Broadband Connection Points (BCPs)   regulator’s plans for the sale process by Three Ireland.
                         are  also  being  used  to provide  wireless  connectivity   Having now received feedback on its  plans  from  the
                         as  part  of the  NBP, to support  remote working and   nation’s incumbent mobile network operators (MNOs) –
                         connected communities by providing  public access   eir, Three Ireland, Vodafone Ireland – the regulator said
                         to free high speed broadband in advance of the main   the trio supported its proposals ‘in the main’. However,
                         fiber deployment under the NBP. In this area the DECC   ComReg did note there was some disagreement with
                         confirmed  that  as  of  30  September  2022  almost  280   the proposed spectrum fees which the cellcos were said

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