Page 175 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                         to have called are ‘excessive’ and ‘punitive’. Despite this,   now seek consent from the communications minister to
                         the watchdog did not accept the MNOs’ view that short-  finalize the regulations as set out in the final draft form.
                         term licenses have a nominal or low value, and as such   Meanwhile,  it  has  said  that  considering  the  imminent
                         confirmed it plans to set the fee for a 2×5MHz block of   expiry of certain existing concessions, current licensees
                         700MHz spectrum at EUR410,000 (USD406,000) for a   can  now apply  for the  new  short-term  licenses,  and
                         three-month period, while the fee for 2×5MHz block in   the regulator will proceed to process any applications
                         the 2100MHz band will cost EUR212,000 for the same   once the minister consents to making the appropriate
                         duration.  In  terms  of next  steps,  ComReg said  it  will   regulations. (September 22, 2022)

                         Applications  from companies  interested  in  providing   application  process  for them  are  well-measured  as  a
                         5G services in Jersey have been invited by the Jersey   result.’ (September 23, 2022)
                         Competition  Regulatory  Authority  (JCRA).  Applicants
                         reportedly have until mid-November 2022 to submit their   An  update  regarding  proposed  modifications  to  the
        Jersey           tenders, with the watchdog noting that companies ‘will   Class  II licenses  assigned  to Clear  Mobitel  (Jersey),
                         need to demonstrate their ability to provider Islanders   Homenet, Jersey Airtel and Newtel has been published
                         with  advanced  services  associated  with  the  new   by  the  Jersey  Competition  Regulatory  Authority
                         technology’. According to the JCRA, once the tenders   (JCRA). Having previously issued a consultation on its
                         have been evaluated it will make recommendations for   proposed adoption of network sharing guidelines back
                         awarding licenses for up to three applicants. Meanwhile,   in  June  2022,  the  following  month  saw  the  regulator
                         the JCRA has also confirmed the remaining timeline for   issue an initial notice of its intention to modify the four
                         the licensing process, in which it envisages evaluating   aforementioned  operator’s  concessions  in  relation  to
                         tenders  and  determining  the  outcome by  the  end  of   those guidelines. As per a consultation on the matter,
                         2022. Subsequently it expects to announce the tender   the  JCRA said  it  had  determined  that  it  would be
                         outcome  and  make  recommendations  for spectrum   disproportionate to impose on these smaller operators
                         licenses to be issued by UK regulator Ofcom – which   a direct obligation to ensure that any network sharing
                         has responsibility for managing Jersey’s radio spectrum   arrangements  comply with  the  guidelines;  such  an
                         – between January and March 2023. Finally, the JCRA   obligation is, however, being imposed on JT Jersey and
                         anticipates  that  Ofcom will  issue  the  concessions  by   Sure  Jersey.  While  the  modification  to  the  four  Class
                         June 2023, while the Jersey regulator will itself complete   II  licenses  had  been  expected  to  take  effect  earlier
                         any necessary local telecoms licensing arrangements   this  month,  the  JCRA  has  now  confirmed  it  received
                         by that  date.  Commenting, JCRA  CEO  Tim Ringsdore   a  representation  from one  of  the  four companies
                         said: ‘Releasing the invitation to tender for 5G spectrum   regarding  the  matter  –  though  it  stopped  short  of
                         licenses marks a further important step in the process   identifying which one. As such, the regulator has said
                         of ensuring Islanders have access to the next generation   it will now consider the representation, while ‘notice of
                         of mobile and wireless services. As would be expected,   its determination and of the status of such proposed
                         we’ve considered the views and examined the concerns   modifications’ are expected to be issued ‘in due course’.
                         of a wide range of stakeholders to reach this point. I’m   (September 2, 2022)
                         confident that the packages being made available and

                         Following  the  conclusion  of Kenya’s  SIM registration   at 91%, while a statement added that Telkom’s case ‘is
                         program, the  Communications  Authority  (CA)  has   still  under review and  more  details  shall  be  provided
                         announced that mobile operators have been given an   upon conclusion of the review’.
                         additional  60  days to comply  with  the  regulations,  or   The  CA reiterates  that  the  additional  60  days  is  not
        Kenya            face penalties.  In  February the  regulator directed  the   an  extension,  but a  period for mobile operators to
                         country’s mobile operators to ensure that the personal   take certain  actions,  including  denial  of service of
                         details  of  their  subscribers  were  fully  updated  by  15   unregistered SIM cards, to prompt further compliance.
                         April 2022, in accordance with the Kenya Information   It will then undertake an audit to ascertain the level of
                         and  Communications  (Registration  of SIM  Cards)   compliance, and could then enforce penalties of up to
                         Regulations  2015.  However,  in  April  the  CA  decided   0.5% of an operator’s annual gross turnover. (October
                         to extend the deadline by a further six months, to 15   18, 2022)
                         October 2022, in order to give operators and subscribers
                         sufficient  time  to  register  their  details.  At  this  date,   The  government  regained  full control over  Telkom
                         the  regulator  claims that  market  leader  Safaricom’s   Kenya  after  forking  out  KES6.09  billion  (US$50.3m)
                         compliance rate reached 93% and Airtel Kenya’s stood   for the  60%  majority  stake  held  by British  investment

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