Page 177 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                         have  submitted  proposals  to the  Ministry of Finance   1500MHz (L-band), 3.3GHz and 3.5GHz. An auction has
                         and the legislature to analyze the situation of the high   not materialized however, with industry observers citing
                         cost of spectrum use in Mexico, which is up to 186%   the high price of spectrum as a major stumbling block.
                         higher  than  the  international  average.’ He suggested   In  Mexico, successful  bidders  pay  an  upfront  fee  as
                         that the high prices and delayed spectrum tenders have   well as an annual frequency usage fee for the duration
                         cost the government around MXN4.5 billion (USD224.9   of the concession; with licenses generally valid for 20
                         million) this year. In February 2022 the IFT approved its   years the prices of the licenses are far higher than the
                         ‘Annual Work Program 2022’, paving the way for a 5G   equivalent concessions in other markets.
                         spectrum auction to take place this year. The eventual   (October 18, 2022)
                         frequency sale will include the following bands: 600MHz,

                         Telecoms  watchdog the  Agency for Electronic   networks. Operators have until 28 November to submit
                         Communications  and  Postal  Services  (EKIP)  has   their  applications  to participate  in  the  auction, which
                         launched  the  procedure  for approving  companies   is  tentatively  scheduled  to begin  between  19  and  23
                         wishing to bid for spectrum in the 700MHz (694MHz-  December.  Issuance  of  final  approval  for  use  of  the
        Montenegro       790MHz),  3.6GHz  (3400MHz-3800MHz)  and  26GHz   frequencies  is  expected  in  February or March 2023.
                         (26.5GHz-27.5GHz)  bands  for use  by  public  mobile
                                                                        (October 31, 2022)

                         The National Frequency Agency (Agence Nationale des   January  2023  state-owned  national  PTO  Office  des
                         Frequences, ANFR)  has  announced that  the  700MHz   Postes et Telecommunications de Nouvelle-Caledonie
                         frequency band will be freed up for mobile services by   (OPT-NC) will be assigned 700MHz spectrum and will
                         the end of October. Main national network broadcaster   use the frequencies for the continued rollout of 4G LTE
        New              TDF  began  the  process  of releasing  the  spectrum   and LTE-A services.
                         earlier  this  month  and  the  process  is  expected  to
                                                                        (September 30, 2022)
        Caledonia        conclude  on 26  October, weather permitting.  On  1

                         Spark New Zealand  hammered  out a deal  with  the   on state roads. CEO Jolie Hodson stated the agreement
                         government for a direct allocation of 80MHz of 3.5GHz   gives Spark “the certainty we need to continue investing
                         spectrum in return for earmarking additional funds for   in the rollout of 5G” across the country, “while delivering
                         rural connectivity and agreeing to extend 5G services   further  connectivity  improvements”  in  rural  areas.
        New              to more provincial towns. In a statement, the operator   “We  look  forward  to working with  government  on  the
                                                                        finalization  of  the  binding  management  rights  deed,
                         explained  the  non-binding  agreement  gives  it  long-
        Zealand          term spectrum  rights  in  the  band  from 1  July  2023.   and  on  the  future  allocation  of  600MHz  and  mm-
                         Spark committed  to  raising  its  funding  to the  Rural   wave, which will be particularly important for rural 5G
                         Connectivity  Group by NZD24  million  ($13.6  million)   coverage.” In  May 2020,  the  government  allocated
                         between  2023  and  2025,  supporting  the  program’s   Spark and 2degrees 60MHz each in the 3.5GHz band,
                         objectives to improve mobile coverage in rural areas and   and 40MHz to Dense Air. (October 20, 2022)

                         The  Nigerian  Communications Commission  (NCC)   from  3400MHz-3500MHz  and  3600MHz-3700MHz.
                         has  published  a Draft  Information Memorandum for   Each lot has a reserve price of USD273.6 million, with
                         an auction of additional spectrum in the 3.5GHz band,   the  nationwide  spectrum  licenses  valid  for  ten  years.
        Nigeria          following the  successful sale  of 5G licenses  in  that   To qualify to bid in the auction, applicants will not have
                         range in December last year. Interested stakeholders are
                                                                        to be an existing licensed network operator in Nigeria,
                         invited to make written submissions by 11 November   although any successful bidder which does not already
                         and participate in a public consultation on the draft to   have a Unified Access Service License (UASL) will be
                         be  held  on  15  November,  with  the  spectrum auction   granted  one  upon  payment  of  the  specified  fee.  The
                         currently scheduled to take place on 19 December. The   NCC  has  placed  a  cap of 100MHz  as  the  maximum
                         regulator plans  to  auction  off the  remaining  two  lots   amount of spectrum that an operator can hold in the
                         of 100MHz TDD spectrum in the 3.5GHz band, ranging   3.5GHz  band.  Winning  bidders  will  be  required  to

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