Page 171 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                         license holders will have three years to deploy 5G with   16  blocks  of spectrum to the  two existing  mobile
                         minimum download speeds of 100Mbps to 60% of the   operators in the TRNC, KKTC Telsim and KKTCell. The
                         population  (95%  within  five  years  of  license  award).   4G authorizations will have an 18-year validity and will
                         (October 7, 2022)          require successful bidders  to deploy 4G  technology
                                                                        with  minimum  downlink  of 30Mbps  ten  months  after
                         Turkcell has revealed that its wholly-owned subsidiary   license award. Regarding 5G, the authorizations in the
                         Kuzey  Kibris  Turkcell  (KKTCell),  which  operates  in   700MHz and 3.6GHz bands will be valid for 15 years;
                         the  Turkish  Republic  of Northern  Cyprus (TRNC),  is   license holders will have three years to deploy 5G with
                         planning  to participate  in  the  forthcoming 4G/5G   minimum download speeds of 100Mbps to 60% of the
                         spectrum tender. The TRNC’s Information Technologies   population  (95%  within  five  years  of  license  award).
                         and  Communication  Authority (Bilgi  Teknolojileri  ve   (September 30, 2022)
                         Haberlesme  Kurumu,  BTHK)  is  planning  to award

                         The   Agency   for  Regulation  &  Control  of  Movistar (similarly  registered as  Otecel)  reportedly
                         Telecommunications (Agencia de Regulacion y Control   entered  negotiations  with  the  regulator over the  new
                         de  las  Telecomunicaciones, ARCOTEL)  has  approved   concessions in August last year.
                         the framework for negotiating the renewal of Claro and   (September 27, 2022)
        Ecuador          Movistar’s  mobile  concessions  which expire  in  2023.
                         The  new  model establishes  guidelines  concerning a   The  President  Guillermo Lasso  has  announced his
                         range  of technical  and commercial issues,  including   government plans to invest USD48 million by 2025 to
                         the fee for the new  spectrum licenses, the operators’   expand  telecoms  connectivity throughout  the  country
                         initial  infrastructure  deployment  obligations,  and  the   and  reduce the  digital  divide.  During  the  opening  of
                         regulation  of interconnection  and  network access.   a  new  Wi-Fi  access  point  in  Samborondon,  Lasso
                         ‘The negotiation of the concession contracts will be an   revealed that 4G LTE coverage had been extended to 53
                         important  milestone  for the  government  of  President   rural parishes in 17 provinces during the first 15 months
                         Guillermo Lasso,  which  will  guarantee  the  continuity   of his administration, thanks to investment of USD9.8
                         of mobile services while  ensuring  digital  inclusion,   million. In addition, there are now 6,000 free Wi-Fi points
                         connectivity, innovation, technological development and   throughout the country – 886 deployed during Lasso’s
                         the provision of high quality services for the benefit of   tenure  –  potentially  providing  internet  access,  online
                         citizens’, highlighted ARCOTEL. Claro (registered under   courses, ICT training  and  other services to 600,000
                         its former brand name Conecel) and Telefonica-owned   citizens. (September 7, 2022)

                         Estonia’s  three  incumbent mobile  network operators   Authority  (Tarbijakaitse  ja  Tehnilise  Jarelevalve  Amet,
                         (MNOs) have pre-qualified for the forthcoming auction   TTJA)  has  kicked  off its  latest  5G  spectrum auction,
                         of 5G-capable spectrum in  the  700MHz  band.  Telia,   offering six packets of frequencies in the 700MHz band
                         Elisa and Tele2 are in the running to expand their 5G   (694MHz-790MHz). Each license includes 2×5MHz of
        Estonia          frequency holdings  after  securing  3.5GHz  licenses   spectrum and  carries  a  reserve  price  of  EUR1  million
                         earlier this year. Six packets of 700MHz spectrum are on   (USD993,000).  A maximum  of two licenses  can be
                         offer, with each carrying a reserve price of EUR1 million   won per bidder. Applications for the auction are being
                         (USD972,000) and including 2×5MHz of spectrum. The   accepted until 10 October, with the regulator expecting
                         sale is due to begin on 8 November and a maximum of   to begin  the  auction  by  mid-November and  award
                         two licenses can be won per bidder.            licenses  by the  end  of the  year.  The  recent  sale  of
                         (October 17, 2022)         licenses in the 3.5GHz band saw successful bids from
                                                                        Estonia’s three incumbent cellcos, Telia, Elisa and Tele2.
                         The  Consumer Protection  and  Technical  Regulatory   (September 8, 2022)

                          The  Federal  Network Agency (FNA, known locally as   which  has  been  a  long-term  presence  in  the  MVNO
                          the Bundesnetzagentur) has set deadlines for MVNO-  market, acquired spectrum in the 2100MHz and 3.5GHz
                          turned-MNO  1&1  Mobilfunk  to end  its  dual  role  as  a   bands in 2019, and is on course to launch 5G services
                          service provider (i.e. MVNO) and network operator. The   before end-2022. The watchdog explains: ‘In principle,
        Germany           company is required to end its sales operations as a   it is not possible for a mobile network operator to also
                                                                        act as a service provider for another network operator.
                          service provider by the end of 2023 and all its business
                          activities as a service provider by the end of 2025. 1&1,   1&1  Mobilfunk was allowed to have a dual role for  a
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