Page 143 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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ICT environment through the implementa- regulator. According to Statista Research cent of Haiti's population, and under 20 per
tion of intelligent, harmonized regulation to Department, as of January 2021, the Dutch cent of St Martin's, were using the Internet.
promote the development of ICT services territory of Aruba had the highest internet Also during this time, Chile had the highest
in the region. The joint declaration there- penetration rate in the Caribbean, with over social media reach within Latin America
fore provides an additional layer of collab- 97 per cent of its population online. As of and the Caribbean. Jamaica's Internet pen-
oration between regulatory bodies from that point in time, the sovereign state in the etration rate stood at 68.2 per cent of the
the partner organizations and will support region with the highest percentage of citi- total population at the start of 2022.
the Caricom Heads of Government recent zens online was The Bahamas, with a rate
mandate to establish a Caricom single ICT of 85 per cent. Meanwhile, around 37 per
ITU and UAE Sign Host Country Agreement for 2023 World Radiocommuni-
cation Conference in Dubai
The International Telecommunication Union services," said ITU Secretary-General hope that all the desired results of this
(ITU) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Houlin Zhao. “I would like to sincerely thank conference will be achieved, on the way
have signed an agreement for the hosting the United Arab Emirates and the city of to promoting digital transformation and
of the next World Radiocommunication Dubai for agreeing to host the next World increasing communication between parts
Conference (WRC-23) to be held at the Radiocommunication Conference." WRC-23 of the world in a way that contributes
Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai between will bring national government authorities to achieving sustainable development."
20 November and 15 December 2023. and telecommunication regulatory International cooperation throughout the
The WRC-23 host country agreement agencies together with representatives four-year conference cycle supports the
was signed in Bucharest, Romania, at the of key radiocommunications users and availability of radiocommunication services
ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22). providers to consider crucial policy and that are free of harmful interference,
Held every four years for a period of four technical regulatory discussions at the as well as future investment in these
weeks, the World Radiocommunication global level. H.E Engineer Majed Sultan essential resources. “WRC-23 will provide
Conference (WRC) is mandated to Al Mesmar, Director General of the ITU Member States the opportunity to
update the Radio Regulations, the sole UAE Telecommunications and Digital update the Radio Regulations which play a
international treaty governing the use of Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), key role in shaping the future of technical
the radio frequency spectrum and the said: “We are eager to host the WRC-23 and and regulatory frameworks necessary to
geostationary and non-geostationary we are determined to make it a success provide a solid foundation for the further
satellite orbits. “As the world works towards story to be added to the many milestones advancement of innovative and affordable
achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable in our fruitful relationship with the ITU. By technologies that define how we work,
Development, collaboration, cooperation, hosting WRC-23, the UAE would be the only do business, communicate, acquire
and consensus building are more critical country that has chaired and hosted all the knowledge, access vital services and much
than ever to enable all countries and their ITU-affiliated conferences. We welcome all more," said Mario Maniewicz, Director of
citizens to have access to affordable the participating countries, and we wish the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau.
and sustainable digital technologies and them a pleasant stay in the UAE, and we